Search for "supercommandosunday"
39 results found
#1273: September 3, 2017
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: Topps "The Empire Strikes Back" 3D #BobaFett sketch card by Jon Morris (aka calamity_jon)
This card is owned and photographed by pileo64 on Instagram
#StarWars #DailyFett
#1266: August 27, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Rhode Island Comic Con and Schylling Toys have partnered together to create a Ralph McQuarrie concept #BobaFett wind-up toy, one of three #RICC2017 exclusive characters alongside #DarthVader and a #Stormtrooper.
#StarWars #DailyFett
#1259: August 20, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Popular custom toy maker Chad Herrington (aka hasnotalent on Instagram) has recently featured Prototype #BobaFett on several card backs.
You may recognize the key art, which comes from the 2013 Sideshow Collectibles Sixth Scale Prototype Fett figure's promotional photos.
#StarWars #DailyFett
#1252: August 13, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Photographer Chris Rose takes #BobaFett back to his Supertrooper roots in "The Prototype."
While this particular minifigure portrays Ralph McQuarrie concept armor, the title still works nicely from a Stormtrooper armor's point of view.
#StarWars #DailyFett
#1245: August 6, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: The instructions from Kenner's "#StarWars: Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Game" (1980) featured #BobaFett in what appears to be a white set of armor.
While the board game ultimately portrays him in Pre-Production #2 inspired armor, Fett's prominent inclusion in the game potentially served as a nod to the character's Hoth-based origins.
More info:
#DailyFett #BobaFettFanClub
#1238: July 30, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Tamashii Nations released the "Movie Realization" Ronin Prototype #BobaFett
While only sold at #SDCC (and now third-party sites for more), at some point it's still supposed to be sold on a "premium Bandai website," which we learned from a source to be
Photo: BFFC
#StarWars #SDCC2017 #DailyFett
#1210: July 2, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Possibly at #C3PO's expense, this "#BobaFett [Prototype Version]" illustration was done by Thom Chiaramonte for Third Rail Design Lab.
#StarWars #DailyFett #PhotoOfTheDay #PicOfTheDay
#1175: May 28, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook#SupercommandoSunday: Months before Tamashii Nations announced their "Movie Realization" Ronin Prototype #BobaFett figure, Dale Schenck (aka darth_shank on Instagram) painted and photographed this custom white bounty hunter.
#StarWars #DailyFett #PhotoOfTheDay #PicOfTheDay #Day1175
#1154: May 7, 2017
View on Instagram | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: While not yet in stores, the Walmart exclusive Black Series 3.75" Prototype #BobaFett has a Spring 2017 release date in its PR materials so we can expect to see it soon.
To check with a store about a more firm release date, the SKU number is 55187084 and UPC number is 630509576517.
#StarWars #DailyFett #PhotoOfTheDay #PicOfTheDay
#1105: March 19, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: "Where the Wookiee Things Are" #BobaFett handmade resin art toys by Cracked Hatchet comes in a prototype armor, Holiday Special, and Return of the Jedi color scheme.
See more from the artist here:
#DailyFett #PicOfTheDay #PhotoOfTheDay
#1098: March 12, 2017
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: Prototype #BobaFett with Darksaber by Rafael Robles
Interview and more photos:
#StarWars #DailyFett #PhotoOfTheDay #PicOfTheDay
#1077: February 19, 2017
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: #ToyFair2017 announcements included a Hasbro 3.75" Black Series Prototype #BobaFett figure coming soon -- although it's expected to be a re-pack of the 2011 "Vintage Collection" mail-away exclusive pictured here.
#BobaFettFanClub #StarWars #DailyFett
#1070: February 12, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Jar Jar Binks gets roasted during a Concept #BobaFett toy review by The Entertainment Nut (
Guest post by, who has been taking over our Sunday posts with all things concept/prototype for the Fettmeister.
#StarWars #FanArt
#1063: February 5, 2017
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: Concept #BobaFett by David Rabbitte made for #StarWars Celebration V (2010)
#WhiteBobaFett #DailyFett
#1056: January 29, 2017
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: McQuarrie Concept #BobaFett 3D rendering by Max Chan.
Watch a 360-degree turntable view of the model from 2007 here:
#StarWars #FanArt #DailyFett
#1049: January 22, 2017
View on Instagram | Facebook#SupercommandoSunday: Artist Travis Durden digitally combined a classic Greek sculpture with #BobaFett to create "Gladiator Boba."
This and his other #StarWars-inspired pieces can be found in the Contre Attaque (Counter Attack) exhibit at Galerie Sakura in Paris:
#1007: December 11, 2016
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: Custom #DisneyInfinity Prototype #BobaFett Vintage Card by #StarWars collector and customizer @n8products
#986: November 20, 2016
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: "#BobaFett Evolution" is an art print by Rob Taylor (aka Herofied) featuring the bounty hunter's McQuarrie concept, prototype, Holiday Special, and Empire Strikes Back helmets.
You can get it on Etsy:
#979: November 13, 2016
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: This incredibly detailed LEGO-based Prototype #BobaFett minifigure was a team effort: sculpted by Leonardo (aka arctrooper41st on Flickr), painted by Chris (aka McLovin1309 on Flickr), and the "Uzi blaster" made of parts from BrickArms, CombatBrick, and TinyTactical.
#StarWars #FanArt #DailyFett
#972: November 6, 2016
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: Stylized "Prototype" #BobaFett art by former LucasArts concept artist Dela Longfish as a tribute to #RalphMcQuarrie.
More from the artist:
(Guest post by BFFC's own Dan Lo, who also rocks
#StarWars #DailyFett #PhotoOfTheDay #PicOfTheDay
#958: October 23, 2016
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupertrooperSunday: The Ralph McQuarrie #BobaFett Statue by Sideshow Collectibles has started to ship. Who has one already?
More about it:
All the Sideshow Fett items to date:
#SupercommandoSunday #StarWars #BobaFettFanClub
#951: October 16, 2016
View on Instagram | FacebookThis half-and-half #BobaFett composition by artist Danny Haas ( incorporates the bounty hunter's prototype helmet. It was featured on a t-shirt as a convention exclusive at #StarWarsCelebration Europe 2016.
Helmet nod to _mango_fett_ (Instagram) for the heads up.
Guest post by
#supertroopersunday #supercommandosunday #starwarssunday #fanart #starwars #dailyfett #picoftheday #photooftheday
#937: October 2, 2016
View on Instagram | Facebook | TwitterWith the recent release of "#StarWars Art: #RalphMcQuarrie", we take a look back at the very first McQuarrie concept #BobaFett collectible ever produced.
Do you have one in your collection?
#SupertrooperSunday #SupercommandoSunday #StarWarsSunday
#909: September 4, 2016
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: Custom Disney Infinity Proto #BobaFett by Michael (aka Xero)
Here's an excerpt of an interview conducted by "First, I filled in the dent with modeling clay. I removed the range finder and replaced it with a piece from I then primed the whole figure in flat white. All the armor was painted in gloss white. The hoses on the arms were painted a gloss light ivory to give some separation from the rest of the arm. The EE-3 carbine rifle was painted flat black. I detailed the foot spikes, knee darts and grappling hook on the jet pack with chrome silver. The gauntlets got detailed with gloss black, gloss red, flat black, flat aluminum and copper metallic. The T visor was painted gloss black and, finally, the range finder was treated to flat aluminum and semi-gloss black. I then painted the base plate gloss grey and the bottom round piece gloss black, to technically there are 11 colors... but the grey is just on the baseplate."
Find more from the artist on Instagram and Flickr, both under username Xero_Fett.
#StarWars #PicOfTheDay #PhotoOfTheDay #Day909 #DailyFett
#902: August 28, 2016
View on Instagram | TwitterCan you identify the 9 #BobaFett variants shown on these sketch cards by Ben Abu Saada (aka KSGeekMan)?
Learn more in an interview with the artist:
Another guest #SupertrooperSunday / #SupercommandoSunday post by
#StarWars #PicOfTheDay #PictureOfTheDay #Day902 #DailyFett
#895: August 21, 2016
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupertrooperSunday: A white-armored prototype #BobaFett blends in with his snowy surroundings in this photo taken by #SDCC2016 #HasbroToyPic finalist David Valdez.
See our interview with David on BFFC at
Guest post by
#BobaFettFanClub #SupercommandoSunday #StarWars #PicOfTheDay #PhotoOfTheDay #Day895 #DailyFett
#881: August 7, 2016
View on Instagram | Twitter"#BobaFett - Concept to Realization" was a #StarWars Celebration VI (2012) exclusive limited edition print by Jeff Confer with a run of 250.
The artist was inspired by the "Four Seasons" lithograph series by Czech Art Noveau painter Alphonse Muchas.
Guest post by
#SupertrooperSunday #SupercommandoSunday
#874: July 31, 2016
View on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter#SupertrooperSunday: Geoff Dymond's #BobaFett prototype suit turned heads at #StarWarsCelebrationEurope, and he was kind enough to share some of his insights on how it all came together:
Guest post by
#SupercommandoSunday #BobaFettFanClub #StarWars #StarWarsCelebration
#867: July 24, 2016
View on InstagramThe #Hallmark #BobaFett Beginnings Ornament two-pack is based off Ralph McQuarrie's concept drawings: one of a full prototype costume and the other an early helmet design.
This exclusive set is available only at #SDCC2016, which ends today, and also at the New York Comic Con from October 6th to 9th.
(Guest post by our friends at
#SupercommandoSunday #StarWars
#860: July 17, 2016
View on InstagramNearly 40 years later, Ralph McQuarrie's original #BobaFett concept sketches finally come to life in the form of Imperial #Mandalorians in the upcoming third season of #StarWarsRebels, teased yesterday at #StarWarsCelebrationEurope.
#SupercommandoSunday guest post courtesy of our friends at
#SWCE #StarWarsCelebration #StarWars
#853: July 10, 2016
View on InstagramThe Hikari vinyl figure line from Funko boasts no less than seven versions of our favorite bounty hunter #BobaFett. Despite a couple of #SDCC exclusives in the lineup, it's the white prototype Fett that takes the honors for having the most limited run.
For more about it, see our Bounty database:
(Today's #SupercommandoSunday post is courtesy of our friends at
#StarWars #BobaFettFanClub
#846: July 3, 2016
View on Instagram#SupercommandoSunday: The 2010 San Diego Comic-Con and #StarWars Celebration V saw two lucky winners go home with a framed certificate featuring one white #LEGO #BobaFett along with gold and silver versions of the minifigure.
Only two of these framed sets were ever made, making this the most unique prototype Fett collectible to date.
(Photo by From Bricks To Bothans. Caption courtesy of
#SDCC #StarWarsCelebration
#839: June 26, 2016
View on Instagram"#BobaFett Artist Portfolio" features original drawings of Fett concepts circa March 1978 by Joe Johnston.
First released in 2010, and still available from Acme Archives, this set has 11 prints with a limited edition of 75:
#StarWars #SupercommandoSunday
#811: May 29, 2016
View on Instagram | Twitter#SupercommandoSunday: Ralph McQuarrie Concept #BobaFett by Matson23
We've featured him before, but check out this brand-new interview with him on courtesy of @whitebobafett:
#StarWars #FanArt #BobaFettFanClub