Boba Fett Gameplay Clues in Beta Release of "Star Wars Battlefront"
Thanks to some serious sleuthing by TheeUberMedic, who shared his findings on Reddit and whom we spoke with individually, the beta release of Battlefront is billed with some unencrypted clues in some of the 11gb game’s text files.
First and foremost, Boba Fett is not available in the beta release. The version that gets unlocked on October 8 is expected to just allow you to play as Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader. Nevertheless, many of the files in the download cite the bounty hunter.
Second, none of the following sound or art files mentioned appear to be unencrypted and/or available on the download. As a fair use ethic here at the Boba Fett Fan Club, we’re not going to crack open any files. Everything here is read by just opening “.SB” files in a text editor from a freely available download.
In a file called “Arctic,” there’s a reference to Boba Fett getting his own intro and outro music!
/music/hero/bobafett/sw01_music_hero_bobafett_outro /music/hero/bobafett/sw01_music_hero_bobafett_intro_01
In a file called “Characters,” we’ll hear a sound just as Boba Fett enters battle. That’s a nice touch!
In a file called “Globals,” there will be some art relating to a Slave I power up.
This file also mentions a bunch of modes, two of which haven’t yet been revealed by Electronic Arts in their massive media rollout for this game: “Cargo,” “Domination,” “Fighter Squadron,” “Supremacy,” “Dropzone,” “Walker Assault,” and “Team Blast.” There’s also a lot of references to something called “Hero Battle.”
In a file called “Volcanic,” there’s the same intro/outro music files mentioned, plus a shorter intro:
sound/music/hero/bobafett/sw01_music_hero_bobafett_intro_01 sound/music/hero/bobafett/sw01_music_hero_bobafett_introshort_01 sound/music/hero/bobafett/sw01_music_hero_bobafett_outro_01
There’s also a ton of sound effects having to do with spawning, attacking, and also killing characters like Luke and Han Solo! Perhaps Fett says something specific to each other character — and perhaps in this “Hero Battle” mode.
sound/vo/heroes/luke/sw01_vo_heroes_luke_auto_inworld_bobafettspawn sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_leiaspawn sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_primaryattack sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_lukespawn sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_hansolospawn sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_killsleia sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_forcepower2 sound/vo/soundpatches/sw01_vo_soundpatches_inworld_hero_bobafett_spc sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_heroemote2 sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_heroemote3 sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_hit sound/vo/heroes/luke/sw01_vo_heroes_luke_auto_inworld_killsbobafett sound/vo/heroes/luke/sw01_vo_heroes_luke_auto_inworld_attackingbobafett sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_lowhealth sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_forcepower1 sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_heroemote1 sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_killsluke sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_killshansolo sound/vo/heroes/hansolo/sw01_vo_heroes_hansolo_auto_inworld_bobafettpawn sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_enteringbattle sound/vo/heroes/bobafett/sw01_vo_heroes_bobafett_auto_inworld_enemyhit sound/vo/heroes/hansolo/sw01_vo_heroes_hansolo_auto_inworld_killsbobafett sound/vo/heroes/luke/sw01_vo_heroes_luke_auto_inworld_bobafettspawn
That’s the latest. As the game is officially open (and free!) to play tomorrow, here’s to hoping we find something more.
Update 10/8: The text references correspond to actual audio files. Here’s our video compilation plus the transcript of what’s been found:
About the Author, Aaron Proctor
Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.
BFFC Member #2