New Battlefront 2 Gameplay Reveals Boba Fett
In what appears to be leaked Star Wars Battlefront 2 gameplay footage uploaded to Vimeo this morning, we can clearly see Boba Fett make his return to the game.
Up until this point, he was rumored but not confirmed. The footage looks like the real deal but, since the gameplay is not officially supposed to be online yet, it’s just not “officially” official from EA yet.
We noticed his new abilities are a scan pulse and a barrage of wrist rockets. It also looks like he might have his jetpack missile but it wasn’t used. It’s replaced the flamethrower. He’s got the same “Return of the Jedi” colors as the prior game, Battlefront.
If you’re OK with more spoilers and want to seeing him in the game, jump to 3:38 in the video below:
Thanks to BFFC fans Gilberto Lopez and Zack Valentine for the heads up.
UPDATE: EA also officially released a gameplay trailer today, which shows and now “officially” officially confirms Boba Fett.
About the Author, Aaron Proctor
Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.
BFFC Member #2