What Temuera Morrison Actually Said at Fan Expo Chicago 2024
Temuera Morrison was just in Chicago this weekend for another convention stop, which included a headline panel, “From Clone Troopers to Bounty Hunter.” While some quotes went viral today, we wanted to verify their validity.
So we spoke with multiple Temuera Morrison panel attendees, caught one partial panel video, and saw others on social media (including our own channels) also clarify what really was said.
While we don’t have video/audio proof of the entire public panel, and attendee memory can be subjective, in an effort to combat misinformation, we’re trying to get to the bottom of it with better sources and more context to verify if Temuera actually said point blank that he’s not going to be in the upcoming “The Mandalorian and Grogu” film.
The bottom line is that multiple confirmed attendees of the actual panel said the viral quote was inaccurate. But let’s keep it positive and look at what he actually said, as we still try sourcing any further video of the panel for due dilligence.
It’s worth noting that Screen Rant initially attributed their quote to Temuera and they have since revised their article.
Context of “The Mandalorian and Grogu” Movie
The feature film slated for 2026 is expected to be in lieu of “The Mandalorian” Season 4. We spoke with Turoseeker — a long-time BFFC fan and expert Jango Fett cosplayer — who was at the panel and asked about the viral quote claim:
“He said he couldn’t say anything. Not exactly denied it. He did say he was going to be in Mando season 4. But said he doesn’t know what’s going in with that.”
Reddit’s “Star Wars Leaks” Thread Flagged The Source Article as “Misinformation”
Over on r/StarWarsLeaks, the viral article in question begins the thread but is called out by several users who mention they were actually at the panel.
“I was at the panel at FanExpo and unless I severely misheard, he was coy about an appearance in the movie and would neither confirmed or deny it.
He also said nothing about TBOBF damaging the character and he gets plenty enthusiasm from fans wanting a second season. Though any talks of season 2 are on the shelf, which is the phone call he is waiting for.”
“I was there too, you’re 100% right.
All he said was that there were plans for Boba to show up in Mando season 4, but that changed once the season 4 plans became the movie plans.
Nothing about BOBF’s reception or ratings were talked about, not from him, not from the Q&A, nothing.”
More Attendees Speak Up
On our Facebook page, along with a photo he took at the panel, Matthew Storino shared:
“I was there and I guarantee you that Screen Rant was spouting absolute bunk. Tem was having a blast up on stage.”
On Twitter, AceofSpace21 added this in a tweet:
“I was at the panel, when questioned about if he’d be in the movie, he closed his eyes and mouth and jokingly refused to say anything. he said he hasn’t gotten a call about tbobf season 2.”
Part of the Panel Was Filmed
The choice quotes are not in this 20-minute clip, but at the end an audience question about “The Book of Boba Fett” Season 2 is ignored.
Temuera Sang
For a fun clip from the same panel, Turoseeker was there with his girlfriend, who Tem sang to.
About the Author, Aaron Proctor
Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.
BFFC Member #2