Pre-Production Begins for Live-Action Series
UPDATED 7/8 11:45 EST – A group on facebook called “People who want Daniel LOGAN as young Boba Fett in Star Wars Live TV series” has been created by a French fan, and already boasts over 300 member including Daniel Logan himself! Join the group on facebook HERE.
News of the “Star Wars” live-action series began circulating again this past week. According to numerous sources, the first 100 episodes are currently being written, and casting has begun in Australia.
In the BFFC’s previous coverage of the series last year, we reported on producer Rick McCallum’s plan for the show, stating that:
“Boba Fett will be an instrumental part of the show.”
He continued on to say that the live show would not feature any main characters from the films, and would be set between Episodes III and IV.
As far as who will play the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy? According to IESB, McCallum told a French audience at “Star Wars Reunion 2”, the actor he’d like to see playing Boba has played him before! No, not Jeremy, Boba would be in his twenties remember? Although there has been no confirmation from Daniel Logan’s people, he sure does look right at home in this set of fan-made armor.

Actor Daniel Logan in a set of fan-made Boba Fett armor
The BFFC will be on top of this story as more information is made available. Until then, what are your thoughts on Logan reprising his bigger and more mature role as our Mandalore-in-training?
About the Author, The Real McCoy
The Real McCoy is the Mandalorian alias of photographer and Star Wars costumer James Clarke. James has been contributing content to the Boba Fett Fan Club since 2007 including features, artist spotlights, convention recaps, and interviews with celebrities and fans.
BFFC Member #34
I think he can pull it off. It will be great to see Boba’s armor in action again! Getting excited just thinking about it.
OOoooh.. I can’t wait to see this! Though if they’re in the writing and casting phase, it may still be awhile…
I definitely think Daniel Logan should come back for the series, if possible. It would really help keep a sense of continuity with the films, especially since I get the feeling most of the other characters are going to be people we’ve not seen, or seen much of, before.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Bail Organa and even Mon Mothma in the series
he could definitely do it.
I agree
can’t wait to see the famous boba fett maybe we could find out more about greedo to and the connections between the fett & jabba the hutt
Im sorry but I hope its not him. When I saw him at Disneys Star Wars Weekend he told a room full of fans that he did not like being known as the kid who played Boba Fett, he wanted more then that. I thought it was pretty rude of him seeing as the only reason he was there was because we was Boba Fett. Not to mention he showed in shorts and flip flops and gave a horrible interview. He may of pulled it off as a cute kid with almost no lines but I think he’d ruion the real deal.
Just my two credits.
DoseOrdo, that is a load. Daniel never said anything of the sort. Complete and utter fantasy! Don’t start rumors and lies! People can have opinions but don’t try to back them up with lies. Anyone who has ever met him can tell you he appreciates the fans and is proud to have been Boba Fett and would be honored to be asked to play the part again. I for one would be happy to see he back in the part. Would give us a connection to the films.
I was sitting there clear as day when he said it. He had a valid point for it, but still not something as a fanboy I wanted to hear. His comments where to the effect that the role was at such a young age and hes still trying to continue his career as an actor and didnt want to be the kid who played Fett the rest of his life. Whos in a fantasy world when your the one claiming things as facts for an event you where most likely not even at?
Im welcome to my opinions thanks
Well, in your original post you stated, and I quote: “he did not like being known as the kid who played Boba Fett” now you are saying, and I quote again: “to the effect that the role was at such a young age and hes still trying to continue his career as an actor and didnt want to be the kid who played Fett the rest of his life.” Big difference there! VERY BIG difference! As I stated in my original post, he never said he “did not like being Boba Fett.” If he said he wanted to be known for more than just that role, that is fine and completely understandable. But you made it sound like he said he did not like being known for Boba Fett, which is totally untrue. And do not assume I was not at the Disney Weekends. So once again, Daniel is very proud of his role and appreciates all the fans. I am not trying to pick on you, it is just that I have met Daniel on many occasions and know many other fans who have met him and he has always said how much he appreciates Star Wars and Boba Fett. By being on this site, I know you are a fan too, so please take my comments just that, comments not attacks.
This is now the most comments I have ever seen on a news post. /hi5
Just updated the story to include the Facebook group — 300 fans strong and counting — for a vote of confidence that Daniel Logan (Young Boba Fett, Star Wars Episode II) should be in this project.
I was fortunate enough to meet Daniel more than once and I think he’s a great guy and would love to see him play Fett!
I saw Star Wars in the movie theater when I was only 8 years old. And after Empire, I became a big Fett Fan! Now thirty something years later with my Mandalorian Tattoos I think I have the right to say, “Logan for Fett! ” he’s worth a lot to me….
I never said he didnt like Star Wars, Fett, or his fans. I simply said that he said he didnt want to be known as the kid who played young Fett.
And of all the sit downs hes done its highly unlikely we where at the same one but if you would like to continue to dance around the fact that you where not there we can talk dates and who was there.
Im gonna kinda back track on what I said. I dont like what he said, but I get where hes coming from. No actor wants to be stuck with their highlight when they where children. He may be a cool guy and I shouldnt jump to conclusions off one comment I didnt like. Maybe he will do just fine, he certainly still looks the part of a young Jango and i guess time will tell if his acting abillity is more then then minor part he played as a child. I hope he gets the roll and nails it for all our sake :)
Lucas your welcome for runniny up your comment count
Join the Daniel Logan support group on Facebook!
Thanks for spreading the info on your site!
600+ members and counting!
I look forward to this series if and when it comes out .I think for daniel logan i’m sure there other avenues that he could and maybe would like to take and i wouldn’t want this to be the only role that anyone ever sees him for ,but yes i do think he would be great for this role
over 900 members! WOW