Jeremy Bulloch Returns

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With the release of a photo on the Official Site for Episode III, the original actor behind Boba Fett is now confirmed for making an appearance, unmasked, in the new film. uncovered the report.

Though he spent most of his on-screen time behind a helmet in the original trilogy, the official site has a photo of Jeremy Bulloch from Episode III up right now, and for Hyperspace members, details of his short, but well deserved participation in the movie. Thanks to Ghostwriter for the tip.

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  1. ??? says:

    Sounds..pretty.. AWESOME!!!

  2. eric says:

    you know, i hate the little kid who is bobba fet, he was a little bitch, and knowing a little bitch grows into the coolest charaacter ever is gayyy

  3. john says:

    so…he was no more than 10 or 11 in “Clones”, and now he’s going to be 50+ in “revenge of the sith”? interesting mr. lucas, very interesting.

  4. danny says:

    Would like to point out to John here and anyone else that thinks it…

    There is no shown evidence that he is playing a Fett or a clone.

  5. Hibbs says:

    John – i think you are missing a small detail.

    GL has confirmed that Boba doesn’t appear in EPIII, therefore Jeremy is perhaps doing what he does very well – acting, and playing a part that isn’t Boba. We all know GL likes to have people in different roles and offers out roles to friends etc.

    Nice to see him on screen.

  6. Hen says:

    does anybody know what part his playing?

  7. Mandalorian Wrath says:

    He’s playing the pilot of the ship we all know as the Tantive IV. So he must be from Alderaan in the movie.

  8. Monke boy says:

    I Think it’s great that GL has included him in EPIII! And a nice personal touch to have him unmasked! And only the real fans will notice it! Good on Ya GL!

  9. danny says:

    And Mr. Bulloch did confirm his part on his website.

    “Yes, its true – I have filmed a small scene for Episode3 as an Alderaanian pilot, and thanks to all of you for your messages of congratulations. ”

    Check it out on his site, at .

  10. danny says:

    Dont forget Mr. Bulloch played an Imperial officer in ESB.

    Mr. Davis (Wicket) also played various rolls in TPM (3 total, I think).

    Mr. Daniels (C-3PO) also played a shady character in AotC called Lt. Dannl Faytonni.

    This is very easily just another cameo roll offered to one of the bigger actors either for “kicks”, or as an easter-egg.

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About the Author, Aaron Proctor

Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.

BFFC Member #2

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