Daniel Logan Official Chat
This Wednesday, Daniel Logan, who will soon be more involved with The Boba Fett Fan Club, will chat with Hyperspace members.
The chat will be held at the StarWars.com message boards and will be on December 8th, at 11:00 PST.
Unfortunately for some, they will not be allowed to attend the chat, as it is Hyperspace Members only. But for those with Hyperspace, I’m sure it will be a memorable event.
Prehaps we will finally learn the truth, spoken from the mouth of Boba himself! Will Boba be in ROTS? Will he kill Mace? The answers could be revealed next Wednesday…..
Click here for the StarWars.com article.
just wanted to add that jeremy bulloch is in the months star wars insider with pictures and interview and what not, he has a cameo as bail organa’s alderaan cruiser pilot…just wonderin why that’s not on the news lol
I was sad to read that article about George Lucas’ inspiration for bf. I’m not even sure I believe half of it, but the part about “The Fall Guy” made me kind of sad inside. I guess I grew up thinking there was a grand vision behind all of the sw story; I remember liking Fall Guy, too, but Fett is so much cooler–I almost don’t want to associate the two. Oh well, whatever; mtfwbya.
So how was the chat?
The chat was good, but not great. I only learned a few new things about him, the rest I already knew.