Boba Fett May Lose His Voice
The classic trilogy DVDs are rumored to come with a few changes, one being Boba Fett’s voice. And it’s not due to laryngitis.
The original cold and unmoving voice brilliantly done by Jason Wingreen will be lost in the cosmos as an updated New Zealander accented version will replace it to match Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett) and Daniel Logan (Young Boba Fett). This was previously circulated as rumors, much like the young Anakin revamp at the end of Return of the Jedi. However, all of this prequel material glossing over the original Star Wars films seems to be true. has reported the following information regarding the changes:
“We’re still hearing rumors and rumblings about changes to the Classic Trilogy movies when they arrive on DVD this September – but even official details about the new “extended versions” of the films have been tightly held. What would you think if we told you that in addition to other audio enhancements, Boba Fett has been altered to have a New Zealander’s accent? Wild, but true.”
George Lucas loves to update his films and make changes, do you think it’s a wise one to make? If so, how’d you address George Lucas regarding this:
A) “He’s no good to me… New Zealander.”
B) “As you wish, mate!”
I think that Temuera’s voice should be put into the classics, it would help a lot to tie them together. As for changes to tie every thing else with the pre’s to the classics, all for it. As long as you can still get the unchanged classic somewhere, go for it!
This is the most horrible this ever! They can not change the first voice of the great Boba Fett. THIS IS A STATMENT!!!!!!
So basically what George Lucas is trying to say here is “Hey look at me I’m an idiot.”
Boba Fett wouldn’t even still have an accent by that age. His dad is the only person around him with a New Zealand accent and, if I remember correctly, he died. And I don’t think he’s going to be spending the next 30 years growing up in New Zealand, so there’s no way he wouldn’t develop a different accent. Accents aren’t genetic George.
Not to mention his voice in the classic trilogy is a perfect amalgamation of what you would expect someone who hangs around space scum from all parts of the galaxy to sound like. It’s quite straight, but very unique.
what in gods name would ever possess lucas to ruin the great star wars films for the sake of tying them in to the crappily made pieces of garbage that were episode 1 and 2.
For the love of God, don’t change the voice!!! I grew up hearing that voice and it will stand for all time. Wouldn’t it be better to just think that his helmet filters out the accent or that he had his voicebox altered to cover his past. He is mysterious after all.
I think that is just crossing the line…
I don’t see a need to do it,I agree with Darth Isol that Fett spent so many years on his own all over the place that his accent would be almost gone by adulthood.
And I think he probably talks the way he does on purpose,he doesn’t even want to give the slightest hint where he originally came from.
Lose some of that galatic mystery that all the girls love about him?No way.
I hate Lucas…
I think those sort of changes are those little cool things that you’d like to see just out of curiosity and not because it will make the movie better. Lucas may think that this will bring the original trilogy closer in continuity but the more he changes the original trilogy the more its originality is lost. Plus, over the course of his life, Boba Fett may have lost his accent. You never know.
THIS IS ANOTHER STATMENT! THEY CAN NOT CHANGE The Great Boba Fett voice. He WILL LOSE HIS DIGNETY WITH THIS New Zealand voice. I want to remember him with that cold voice when he said,”Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold.” Not as “As you wish, mate
If they gave him the New Zealand accent, the character would not change. He would still be the infamous Boba Fett like he always would be. There probably won’t be even that big of a change. I do think it is a mistake on changing his voice, but I’m game for anything. I just want them to come out fast!
Wouldn’t the proper thing to have done would be have Temura speak without an accent when doing ep 2 if Lucas was so worried about continuity? Since when is the duty of making a crappy sequal make sense changing the original? My personal theory is that Lucas hates Boba Fett and while using him to make money (Because Boba sells more than any other character–they put him on stuff he isn’t even IN) while simultaneously destroying everything about him that is cool. I started suspecting this in the original re-edition with him sticking Boba everywhere poorly and then adding that girly scream in his death scene. Everything he’s done since then has just been confirmation of this. Grr. Hiss. Boo.
I’d have to agree with Gwen. It does seem that Boba Fett’s death scene was pretty short. The greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy gets pushed into a hole and that is how he dies. He didnt even kill anyone. So I dont think he cares about the character or the mystery behind him. So he doesnt care what happens to Boba Fett. Honestly I dont want Temura’s voice in the movie, but Lucas obviously doesn’t care about what happens to him. He is to worried about Luke, Han, and Lando to worry about a character who doesn’t have that many lines in the movie. So since he doesn’t have that many line he probably is hoping that not that many people will notice. Well, I would have noticed even if I had not read this sight.
Ah, I like Boba the way he already is. I dont want his voice to be changed.
GL sucks…
Hey without Lucas there wold not have been a Boba Fett and this site wouldn’t be here. It does suck that his voice is being changed. Why can’t he just leave it alone.
I know I know, GL is to thank for making Star Wars. But he needs to leave the original trilogy alone, and stop making changes.
Yeah, Lucas created SW and that’s great and all, but he could make SW better so easily, by not changing all the cool stuff … and making the prequels so damn boring.
When I first read rumors about some of the other changes, I was a bit bewildered, but soon accepted the rumored changes. This however would cross the line for me. If he does this, and it turns out horrid…it could honestly be enough for me to rid myself of my collection, 9 years in the making…many tens of thousands of dollars later….. and im only 19…already looking to get rid of it because he wants to trash it…I hope its not true, and atleast if it is, he does it well and in line with the coldness of the originals.
Let’s see if I understand this correctly. Lucas would actually consider changing Boba Fett’s accent, for the sole purpose of creating continuity with the shoddily done prequels?
I thought it was blindingly obvious that the new episodes were just about the most discontinuous stories to hit the Star Wars scene since the release of episode four. And now, we would further corrupt one of the best original characters for the sake of tying it all together. Not that Fett hasn’t been utterly destroyed by episodes one and two already – the whole Jango Fett and Boba-Fett-the-kid bit showed blatant disregard for previously established Fett history.
But I digress.
Suffice to say that changing Fett’s accent, of all things, would be adding insult to injury. All these discrepancies make me wonder if it wouldn’t be better to strike episodes one through three from the Star Wars canon.
Well, we already know GL doesn’t care about the EU…but if he would bother to read some of the books he okays, he would know that Boba Fett uses a VOICE SYNTHESIZER to help hide his identity. ‘Course, this is all according to the Young Jedi Knights series, and books bear absolutely no weight in GL’s mind.
Honestly, George, what are you thinking?
Instead of Lucas worrying so much about tying Boba Fett to the other movies, he shoud worry about changing the voices of the stormtroopers. That is what Lucas should do to try to make the stories connect, not change Boba Fett’s voice. It also would be that objectable because the stormtroopers are just extras not an actual character.
I think the change is great. I loved Boba’s original voice, and will be saddened when it’s gone, but Temeura’s voice is just so damn cool! Having him do Boba’s voice will be awsome if done right.
Nuuuuu! It’s bad enough they changed all of Boba Fett’s history with their crappy new movies but now they are trying to ruin the original trilogy that we all love so much. This bites!
i thought this would be horrible until i got a sneak peak and heard it. it really sounds good and keeps up continuity
This is the first time I have ever posted a comment… to anything. But, when I read that Boba may lose his voice in the attempt of tying the movies together… it was time for me to use my voice and say something. I mean first Mr. Lucas gave us Jar Jar, now this? I don’t know about the rest of you, but for Mr. Lucas to think that changing Boba’s voice is going to make ALL the Star Wars fans say… “Oooohhhh, now all the story lines make sense” is crazy. For most of us (including me) Boba Fett is arguably the best character in the SW Universe. We thank you George for giving us more of Boba’s background, that doesn’t mean you need to run it into the ground.
…and one more thing Mr. Lucas, “Look Mate, Droids.!?” -not so much.
I for one dont ever seem to recall Jango or the goddamn clones ever say “mate”.
If they do change his voice at least have the actor who played Jango do the voice. And If they don’t change his voice that would be fine to.
NO F'ING WAY! Boba has NO emotions! So his voice should reflect that! A cold monotone voice fits his personality better than a new zealand accent. Also, an accent would be part of his past and he's worked pretty hard to keep that a secret so wouldn't he have his voice altered so nobody would be hinted by it? DON'T change his voice and mess up the character!!! If you do this george i will forever hate you!
No, I think what George Lucas is saying is, “f*ck your childhood.”
First time I said anything so go easy on me please. This is ridiculous only people against the voice change are going to say anything. So why have this poll?
As someone said in the message boards, with Morrisons voice it’s like “Please don’t kill him. I’ll need him later!” But with th old voice it’s more like “He dies, you join him.” There is way too much emotion in the new version.
Overall I have no big concern about visual changes, some of them improve the overall look of the films. But as for changing characters around ie Vader, the Emperor and of course Boba with the characters in the new movies is just too far. Even more so to change what he says entirely
Hearing about this voice change has destroyed my love for all things fett. I have been fond of Boba Fett for over 20 years. GL might have once had the brilliance to come up with the original trilogy but all he has done of late is undo the magic he made by bringing out crap. I loved the fight scenes in the prequels but the rest is lame, making good actors look bad..He has now destroyed my favourite charcter. GL you suck as much as Jar Jar Binks you rich FOOL!
As I’m sure has been said, the original voice is chilling. I think it’s close enough for continuity. Otherwise, they might as well dub all the storm trooper lines with Temura as well!
It was a great move, the majority of the changes in the special editions made the movies better, the Prequels are amazingly awesome, and George Lucas is still one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. How crazy right? A Star Wars fan who loves George Lucas and Star Wars? But there you have it.
Maybe you guys should take up Trek or Doctor Who or something. Because most of you don't sound lik Star Wars fans to me at all, just whiners holding on to 1977 for dear life.