Fan Spotlight: SugarBot Cosplay as Mythos Boba Fett
This fan spotlight is part of a series focusing on cosplayers who exemplify qualities in creativity, community-building, and craftsmanship.
What is your name/alias and who are you cosplaying as?
SugarBot Cosplay is my alias and this build is based on the Mythos Boba Fett figure by Sideshow Collectibles.
Why Boba Fett and why the Mythos Boba Fett in particular?
I love his allure and the way other characters talk about him. In “The Bounty Hunter Code,” we learn a lot, how careful he is, how skilled he is and how much respect he’s earned from other hunters. Also, the design is simply fantastic. I wanted to stay true to the design and do very little in terms of converting it to a feminine aesthetic.
What’s your favorite part of the costume?
The painting. It’s my passion. I’m also an illustrator and refinish furniture so all those techniques and products were used on this build. It got super messy, but it was worth all the chemical exposure haha.
What has been one of your most memorable experiences (so far) as this character?
I felt a bit intimated by all the amazing kits out there, I thought it wouldn’t be well received. But, during my time at Calgary Expo, the Mandalorian Mercs pulled me into the fold and invited me to join a huge group shot with them! They were so warm and welcoming, it was wonderful!
You logged 330 hours in your Cosplanner app. Can you share with us some milestones from that effort and any benefits of organizing it out that way?
The Cosplanner app is super awesome! The more I used it the more it motivated me to keep going. I saw the percentage go up and more green than red! Go go go, gotta go fast!
With a build like this that has so many tiny details, it’s easy to get distracted when you’re under pressure. This worked really well for me.
Your helmet comes from NME Props. How was it working with their base “bucket” and going from there?
NME Props is probably the most helpful, informative and kind company I’ve bought from. I normally make all my own masks and such, but their helmet looked stunning. They are also the ONLY company I could find that sells different sizes for their mercenary bucket. Girls often have the issue of looking like a bobblehead using other helmets as they’re made for 6 foot men like Boba.
I’ve never even seen a prop this clean before, I didn’t have to do a single thing to it and no filler primer needed! I was scared to add the wear and damage with my Dremel, it was just so perfect! Painting it was my favorite part, once I got over the fear of messing it up — haha.
Sadly I couldn’t finish this in time for Calgary Expo and Northern Fancon. A jetpack would have been amazing. The massive Mythos gun too!
What were some of your challenges to get your costume just right?
My biggest challenge was the breast cups — haha. After creating my patterns, I traced them onto Worbla to get the proper curve over my mannequin chest. Then added Bondo, sanded til I couldn’t feel my fingers, coated with resin and finally wrapped it in craft foam, closing the cells with heat. I like the way damage looks on foam and having a heated blade with multiple tips helps.
Who’s behind some of your photos?
I’m trying to pull Christos Sagiorgis, the photographer, into the costume community because he’s such an insanely talented and passionate person.
He’s hooked, I’ll be helping him to make his own costume soon. I’m really pulling him from his comfort zone. He’s lit me in a ring of fire with flour thrown into it, he’s laid on all kinds of swampy floors, bruised his elbows. I’ve had rotten leaves and glass thrown at me for effect and several smoke grenades burning all our eyes haha. He’s very dedicated to what he does.
There’s a shot of you with a Play Arts Kai Boba Fett cosplayer. Who’s that?
The Play Arts Kai costumer is actually my hubby! We made our kits at the same time. His entire costume is hand crafted without a single template. We both got ours done in time for the con, outside of the jetpacks.
The smoke in the background is actually from a smoke grenade, that burned the eyes so bad haha! We both look pretty relaxed but internally we were screaming haha! His account is Adrian Dones.
What advice do you have for other cosplayers?
The Dented Helmet! They rock and have a ton of amazing resources! WizardOfLight for templates. Sadly I couldn’t use many of the templates as they weren’t scaled to my shape, but they gave me a really good visual of what I needed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The Mando Mercs and 501st are amazingly helpful and wonderful people.
Favorite Star Wars moment?
That’s difficult. I can’t really pin a moment, but the final part of Fives story in Clone Wars brought me to tears. It was a wonderful arc.
About the Author, Aaron Proctor
Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.
BFFC Member #2
Way to go cuz. You have always been very talented and it is wonderful to see you still so passionate after all these years. I remember you and Kaeli cosplaying when we were young teens and have enjoyed watching your progress!!
As Darth Vader said to Luke in ESB, IMPRESSIVE,MOST IMPRESSIVE. Your armor and entire kit is just totally badass. The photographs are super cool also. Definitely what a Mandalorion suit should look like.