Celebration Chicago: Day 2 Highlights
On day two of SWCC, we spoke with EFX president Bryan Ono about their brand-new 1:1 scale
Boba Fett helmet, revealed day one of the convention. He shares inside info on the details and process.
Daniel Logan had a fun photo shoot with Funko/Loungefly, featuring their Boba Fett exclusives.
Young Boba Fett himself @Daniel_Logan stopped by our booth at #StarWarsCelebration! #FunkoSWC pic.twitter.com/kOO85IiX57
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) April 12, 2019
At the Hasbro panel, they announced a “Kenner” Boba Fett for their Black Series line. It will be an SDCC exclusive later this year.
#SWCC: Hasbro Black Series “Kenner” #BobaFett announced
Will be an SDCC exclusive
Photos: @JediMoses pic.twitter.com/cQrga5G2mc
— Boba Fett Fan Club @ SWCC (@bobafettfanclub) April 12, 2019
Twitter user JediMoses, who shot great pics of the Hasbro panel, also found the newly unveiled display case featuring the “Kenner” Boba Fett on display:
?@yak_face? ?@JediDefender? More shots of SDCC Boba Kenner inspired TBS exclusive pic.twitter.com/7PXvVbKtoI
— JediMoses (@JediMoses) April 12, 2019
BFFC contributing editor James Clarke found an excellent Jango Fett cosplayer:
Awesome #JangoFett cosplay at Celebration Chicago!
Photo by @jfett85 for BFFC pic.twitter.com/IkKun99atQ
— Boba Fett Fan Club @ SWCC (@bobafettfanclub) April 12, 2019
“Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures” posters were being given out and BFFC contributing editor Dan Lo got one. You can see they include Boba Fett, so maybe he’ll be getting a cameo in the animated series.
#SWCC: Giveaway poster for #StarWars #GalaxyOfAdventures, given to some convention attendees
Nice to see an animated #BobaFett on this — his episode must be coming soon
?: @whitebobafett for BFFC pic.twitter.com/1Kzi5nGCVM
— Boba Fett Fan Club @ SWCC (@bobafettfanclub) April 13, 2019
Cosplayer craftsman Wasted Fett has been making “Femme Fett” armor and JillenniumFett (Instagram) wore it today:
#SWCC: So this happened today.
Cosplayer: JillenniumFett (Instagram) wearing custom “Femme Fett” armor made by @WastedFett, whom you can contact for custom orders
?: Wasted Fett pic.twitter.com/D6ch5MaX9o
— Boba Fett Fan Club @ SWCC (@bobafettfanclub) April 13, 2019
For other collectibles at the show, see our guide covering the whole event.
About the Author, Aaron Proctor
Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.
BFFC Member #2