New Vintage Action Figure

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As most of any Star Wars collector who has been paying attention to recent happenings, Hasbro has begun releasing characters of the original trilogy, marketing them as much as possible while getting ready for the eventual release of Episode III.

Among new arrivals is, of course, Boba Fett. However, this isn’t your ordinary figure, as others that have been getting released. Instead, you will find this new Fett figure sporting the back-card styled off of the original vintage one from the 80’s. Now for those of you that do not get the opportunity to have a look at what many collectors would call a piece of art, you soon will.

Aside from the card that this new figure will feature, it also features advanced articulation not normally found in past Fett figures. This figure will feature over 18-points of articulation, a moving antenna, snap on jet-pack, and a soft cape (unlike the older hard-plastic ones that were used). He will feature bendable knees (not a new concept), and all other joints (including neck) will be a ball pivot, allowing more posing possibilities. The hosing, such as the fuel line, connecting his gauntlets to his fuel supply have been made so that they may flex as well, so as to allow more flexibility within the figure. If you decide to take this figure our of the bubble-casing, you should be pleasantly surprised. But, Fett looks just as good, sealed away for protection so that it may be an idle to small eyes for generations to come.

Also be sure to catch the 11 other figures being released in these “new look with a vintage style”, spanning across all three movies of the original trilogy.


  1. durge says:

    i think this fig is gonna rock!

  2. The Mike says:

    any idea when this is supposed to hit the store shelves and the online retailers??

    this looks great!!!

  3. kamikaze says:

    this figure and the 300th fett willbe the best ones in their scale.I wonder when i will be able to buy it in Poland????

  4. bobaflip2000 says:

    so…when is this gonna hit stores????

  5. danny says:

    ETA: This September

  6. bobaflip2000 says:

    when u say this september…around when? exactly…cuz i wanna get to the stores and grab it before they run out…

  7. danny says:

    I myself havent yet seen an exact date, but perhaps the beginning or maybe the 21st. Seems that some merchandise, plus the DVD set and Battlefronts, will be coming out that day.

  8. bobaflip2000 says:

    i went to my local wal mart and didnt find the vigure, instead i found new hope action figures of princess leia, luke, kenobi, and solo. so disapointing. are they releasing figures in order of episodes or wat?

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