Guide to the Vectis Auctions "Museum Sale" for Boba Fett Fans
Starting at 10:30am in the U.K., Vectis Auctions is running their “Star Wars: The Museum Sale,” which features tons of rare Boba Fett items.
Here is a breakdown of what’s going down with 104 different lots.
Bidding starts at 10:30am (United Kingdom time). To bid on any of this while the auction is live, you need an Vectis.co.uk account and a card on file — login or register. Here’s a direct link to this day’s auction to use if you’re participating.
Rare Items
LOT 4026: Prototype Unpainted L-Slot Rocket-Firing Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage
Prototype unpainted L-slot Rocket-Firing Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure with authentic 4-sided missile, AFA authenticated and encased on 12/12/03, signed by Thomas H Derby IV, Chris Georgoulias, Chris Fawcett and Brian Semling.
Estimate: £15000 – £20000
SOLD: £15,000 (before fees)
LOT 4025: Meccano
Meccano (France) Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Fair (indented and split in two places- right hand upper and lower edge) bubble, upon Good Plus (central crease to rear and edge wear) square punched card back.
Estimate: £4000 – £5000
SOLD: £21,000 (before fees)
LOT 4103: Kenner Star Wars Droids Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure
Kenner Star Wars Droids Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent (yellowed) bubble, upon Good Plus to Excellent (creasing to bottom corners, wear to hanger, some creasing to back of card) punched card back.
Estimate: £3000 – £3600
LOT 4060: Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return Of The Jedi Tri-Logo
Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return of the Jedi Tri-logo Boba Fett vintage 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint, within Good (indented) bubble, upon Excellent (edge wear) punched 70B card back.
Estimate: £3000 – £4000
LOT 4059: Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return Of The Jedi Tri-Logo
Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return of the Jedi Tri-logo Boba Fett classic vintage 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint, within Good (indented) bubble, upon Excellent (small crease to left hand edge below logo, ding to bottom left corner, tiny surface tear to litho on rear of card to centre of hanger) punched 70B card back.
Estimate: £3000 – £4000
LOT 4005: Kenner (Canada) Star Wars Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure
Kenner (Canada) Star Wars Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, AFA Graded C85 B85 F85- 85NM+, upon punched 20 card back (NB Gun is loose inside bubble).
Estimate: £3000 – £4000
LOT 4009: Kenner Star Wars Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure
Kenner Star Wars Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Near Mint, within Excellent to Excellent Plus bubble, upon Good Plus to Excellent (some surface scuffs to litho on rear of card) 21B punched card back.
Estimate: £2000 – £3000
LOT 4115: Kenner Star Wars The Revenge Of The Jedi Boba Fett Un-Punched
Kenner Star Wars The Revenge of the Jedi Boba Fett un-punched proof card, Near Mint.
Estimate: £1500 – £2000
LOT 4323: Palitoy Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure,
Palitoy Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Near Excellent (some discolouration to limbs and sellotape holding weapon is loose to one end), within Fair bubble (crack to bottom of stem), upon Excellent Plus to Near Mint (slight discolouration and edge wear) un-punched 41B card back.
Estimate: £1000 – £1200
Uncommon Items
LOT 4015: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, AFA Graded C75 B85 F80- 75EX+/NM, upon 48C un-punched card back.
Estimate: £700 – £900
LOT 4013: Kenner
Kenner (Canada) Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, AFA Graded 70EX+ (not graded C, B and F), upon un-punched 21 card back.
Estimate: £700 – £900
LOT 4117: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 13″ Poseable
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 13″ poseable large sized vintage action figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Good Plus to Excellent sealed box.
Estimate: £600 – £800
LOT 4116: Star Wars Hungarian Bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure,
Star Wars Hungarian bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Excellent, within Good Plus to Excellent (bubble is stapled to the card, bubble has been distorted due to heat exposure) bubble, upon Good Plus to Excellent (creasing and edge wear) card back.
Estimate: £600 – £800
LOT 4021: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Jawa Vintage 3 3/4″
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Jawa vintage 3 3/4″ figure MISCARD upon Boba Fett card back, Mint, within Excellent bubble (scuff across base of stem and factory creasing to foot of bubble stem- occurred at the time of manufacture), upon Excellent (front of card has surface pulls to litho where price sticker has been removed, bottom left corner is dinged, light surface scratching and edge wear to bottom right, rear of card tiny surface tear to litho at hanger) 48C card back.
Estimate: £600 – £800
LOT 4251: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett Vintage 3
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett vintage 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus bubble (creasing to base of stem- occurred during factory manufacturing process), upon Fair Plus to Good (creased and edge wear) punched 41B card back.
Estimate: £500 – £600
LOT 4250: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett Vintage 3
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett vintage 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus bubble (creasing to base of stem- occurred during factory manufacturing process), upon Good to Good Plus (crease runs down centre of card, light edge wear, neat pencil notation to bar code) punched 48C card back.
Estimate: £500 – £600
LOT 4020: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure with unpainted right knee, Excellent (head is frosted), within Excellent bubble (stress mark to top and left hand side), upon Fair (surface scratches, pin holes and edge wear) un-punched 48C card back.
Estimate: £400 – £600
LOT 4040: Kenner Star Wars The Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage
Kenner Star Wars The Return of the Jedi Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent (yellowed) bubble, upon Good (creased and edges dinged) 77A un-punched card back.
Estimate: £400 – £600
LOT 4249: Kenner Star Wars The Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage
Kenner Star Wars The Return of the Jedi Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Good (indented and yellowed) bubble, upon Near Mint (very minor edge wear) un-punched 79A card back.
Estimate: £400 – £600
LOT 4030: Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett
Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return of the Jedi Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Excellent Plus, within Excellent (yellowed) bubble, upon Excellent Plus to Near Mint 45C punched card back. NB Potentially assembled using a loose figure, unused card back and bubble- IE NOT A FACTORY SEALED CARD.
Estimate: £150 – £200
LOT 4029: Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett
Palitoy/General Mills Star Wars The Return of the Jedi Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Excellent Plus, within Excellent (yellowed) bubble, upon Excellent Plus 45C punched card back. NB Potentially assembled using a loose figure, unused card back and bubble- IE NOT A FACTORY SEALED CARD.
Estimate: £150 – £200
LOT 4125: Meccano
Meccano (France) Star Wars The Return of the Jedi 3 3/4″ card backs x seven (DOES NOT INCLUDE FIGURES OR BUBBLES): (1) Boba Fett (65 back); (2) IG-88 (65 back); (3) Squid Head (65 back); (4) FX-7 (45 back); (5) Luc Jedi (65 back); (6) Bib Fortuna (65 back); (7) Yan Solo Bespin (65 back); (Good); (7).
Estimate: £100 – £150
Common Items
LOT 4392: Hasbro Star Wars The Clone Wars The Rise Of Boba Fett Ultimate
Hasbro Star Wars The Clone Wars The Rise of Boba Fett Ultimate Battle Packs, Mint within Good Plus to Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 4390: Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue 3 3/4″ Seven X Figure And Creature
Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue 3 3/4″ seven x figure and creature packs: (1) Jabba’s Palace Court Denizens; (2) C-3PO with Escape Pod; (3) Wampa with Hoth Cave; (4) Jabba the Hutt; (5) Jango Fett; (6) Ewok with Glider; (7) General Rieekan with Hoth Tactical Screen; Mint, within Excellent to Near Mint packaging; (7).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 4381: Hasbro Star Wars Saga 3 3/4″ Figures X Twenty-Eight Includes:
Hasbro Star Wars Saga 3 3/4″ figures x twenty-eight includes: Clone Trooper with hologram figure; 2; 5; 9; 6- Boba Fett, with no emblem on chest, no emblem on shoulder, Ultimate Galactic Hunt, with Exclusive hologram figure; 10; 13; 17 x 2; 19; 20; 25; 26; 30; 32; 34; 35; 36; 37; 40; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; Mint, within Good to Near Mint packaging; (28).
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4370: Hasbro Star Wars 3 3/4″ Figures: (1) &
Hasbro Star Wars 3 3/4″ figures: (1) & (20 Mos Eisley Cantina Scene 1 & 2; (3) Power of the Jedi Figuras de Coleccion; (4) & (5) Revenge of the Sith Separation of the Twins Leia and Luke; (6) – (10) Saga Blue- including Attack of the Clones Jango Fett with unpainted visor, etc; Mint, within Good Plus to Near Mint packaging; (10).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 4367: Hasbro Star Wars 3 3/4″ Figures X Eleven: (1) &
Hasbro Star Wars 3 3/4″ figures x eleven: (1) & (2) Legacy Collection Force Unleashed Commemorative Collection Darth Vader with Incineration Troopers and Emperor Palpatine with Shadow Stormtroopers; (3) Vader Carry Case Boba Fett with no emblem on shoulder; (4) 300th figure Boba Fett with no emblem on chest; (5) & (6) 300th figure Boba Fett; (7) Star Wars Reunion Paris 2005 Convention Exclusive figure Anakin Skywalker; (8) Stormtrooper Carry case figure; (9) Jedi-Con 2004 Convention Exclusive Clone Trooper and Super Battle Droid twin figure pack; (10) 2nd Holiday Edition Yoda; (11) 501st Stormtrooper; (12) Jedi-Con 2001 C-3PO; (13) Kenner POTF II Sneak Preview Mace Windu; Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (13).
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4365: Hasbro Star Wars Transformers X Five:
Hasbro Star Wars Transformers x five: (1) 30th Darth Vader/Death Star; (2) – (4) Darth Vader/TIE Advanced, Jango Fett/Slave I, Darth Maul/Sith Infiltrator; (5) Han Solo & Chewbacca/Millennium Falcon; Mint, within Good Plus to Near Mint packaging; (5).
Estimate: £30 – £50
LOT 4364: Hasbro Star Wars Trilogy And Saga Collection 3 3/4″ Figures X
Hasbro Star Wars Trilogy and Saga Collection 3 3/4″ figures x seventeen: Trilogy Collection (1) ESB Lando Calrissian; (2) ESB C-3PO; (3) ROTJ R2-D2; (4) ROTJ Boba Fett; (5) ESB Darth Vader; (6) ESB Yoda; (7) ROTJ Chewbacca; (8) SW Princess Leia; (9) SW Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi; (10) SW Han Solo; (11) SW Luke Skywalker; (12) ROTJ Stormtrooper; Saga Collection (13) SW Greedo; (14) ROTJ Han Solo Trench; (15) ROTJ Biker Scout; (16) SW Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot; (17) SW Sand People; Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (17).
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4356: Hasbro Star Wars Transformers X Ten:
Hasbro Star Wars Transformers x ten: (1) Darth Vader/Sith Starfighter; (2) Anakin Starfighter/Sith Starfighter; (3) Emperor Palpatine/Imperial Shuttle; (4) Saesee Tiin/Jedi Starfighter; (5) Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jedi Starfighter; (6) Boba Fett/Slave I; (7) Clone Pilot/ARC-170 Starfighter; (8) Clone Pilot/ARC-170 Starfighter; (9) Clone Pilot/Republic Gunship; (10) General Drievous/Wheel Bike; Mint, within Good Plus to Excellent Plus packaging; (10).
Estimate: £30 – £50
LOT 4351: Hasbro Star Wars 3 3/4″ Figure Packs: The Saga Collection
Hasbro Star Wars 3 3/4″ figure packs: The Saga Collection (1) – (3) PX Previews Hunt for the Millennium Falcon Bounty Hunter Pack, Expanded Universe Republic Commando Delta Squad, PX Previews Death Star Briefing; Evolutions (4) – (6) Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader, Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper, The Fett Legacy; (7) Lucas Collectors Set; 30th (8) – (10) Clones and Commanders; Republic Elite Forces Entertainment Earth Exclusives Mandalorians & Omega Squad and Mandalorians & Clone Troopers; Mint, within Excellent to Near Mint packaging; (10).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 4350: Hasbro Star Wars Pair: (1) Trilogy Collection Slave I;
Hasbro Star Wars pair: (1) Trilogy Collection Slave I; (2) Saga Blue Jango Fett’s Slave I; Mint, within Good Plus to Excellent packaging; (2).
Estimate: £40 – £60
LOT 4344: Hasbro Star Wars Trilogy Slave I
Hasbro Star Wars Trilogy Slave I, with variant 3 3/4″ Boba Fett, no emblem on chest, Mint, in Good Plus to Excellent sealed box.
Estimate: £30 – £50
LOT 4331: Attakus Collection Star Wars Boba Fett
Attakus Collection Star Wars Boba Fett, cold cast porcelain, LE 302/1500, with certificate, Mint, within Good box.
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4328: Attakus Collection Star Wars Jango Fett
Attakus Collection Star Wars Jango Fett, cold cast porcelain, LE 821/1500, with certificate, Mint, within Good box.
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4311: Kenner Star Wars Power Of The Force II Four X 3 3/4″ Boba Fett
Kenner Star Wars Power of the Force II four x 3 3/4″ Boba Fett figures and one Saga: (1) Orange card with Both Half Circles; (2) Orange tri-logo; (3) Green Card with Japanese sticker on the back; (4) Orange card with full circles on both hands but no chest emblem; (5) Saga Card; Excellent to Near Mint; (5).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 4310: Kenner Star Wars Power Of The Force II Three X 3 3/4″ Boba Fett
Kenner Star Wars Power of the Force II three x 3 3/4″ Boba Fett figures: (1) Green Card no hologram with no circle on right hand and full circle on left hand; (2) Orange Card with Full circle on right hand and no circle on left hand; (3) Orange Card with one circle on right hand and full circle on left hand; Excellent to Near Mint; (3).
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 4309: Kenner Star Wars Power Of The Force II Three X 3 3/4″ Boba Fett
Kenner Star Wars Power of the Force II three x 3 3/4″ Boba Fett figures: (1) Orange Italian card; (2) 300th Edition; (3) Tri logo Freeze Frame; Excellent to Near Mint; (3).
Estimate: £30 – £40
LOT 4308: Kenner Star Wars Power Of The Force II Green Hologram Boba Fett,
Kenner Star Wars Power of the Force II green hologram Boba Fett, with Sawed-Off Blaster Rifle and Jet Pack!, 1995, full circle on right hand with no circle on left hand; Good Plus- small tear to hanger.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 4306: Kenner/Hasbro Star Wars Power Of The Force II Four X Signed 3
Kenner/Hasbro Star Wars Power of the Force II four x signed 3 3/4″ figures, 1995, to include: (1) Dave Prowse signed Darth Vader Freeze Frame, Near Mint; (2) Jeremy Bulloch signed Boba Fett Toy Expo LE green Japanese card, Near Mint; (3) Michael Carter signed Bib Fortuna Toy Expo LE green card, Excellent; (4) Peter Mayhew signed Chewbacca green hologram, Excellent Plus; (4).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 4294: Kenner Star Wars Trio Of Vintage Spaceship And Two Vehicles:
Kenner Star Wars trio of vintage spaceship and two vehicles: (1) The Empire Strikes Back Slave I Boba Fett’s spaceship, complete with extra Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Fair Plus to Good, lacks instructions and inner packaging, Fair box; (2) Collector Series Landspeeder vehicle, Near Mint (transfers unapplied), within inner packaging, with Return of the Jedi Collections booklet, and We Really do Care leaflet, Fair Plus to Good box; (3) The Return of the Jedi Speeder Bike vehicle, Good, complete, with inner card packaging, instructions and Collections booklet, within Good box; (3).
Estimate: £80 – £120
LOT 4211: Palitoy Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 13″ Poseable
Palitoy Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett 13″ poseable large sized vintage action figure, Excellent Plus to Near Mint, within Fair Plus to Good box.
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4176: Star Wars Lili Ledy
Star Wars Lili Ledy (Mexico) Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, 1979, GMFGI NO COO, UKG Graded FIGURE 75% PAINT 85%- 80%.
Estimate: £80 – £100
LOT 4162: Star Wars Bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure, Good.
Star Wars bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Good.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 4161: Star Wars Bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure
Star Wars bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Fair to Good.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 4159: Star Wars Bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure, Near Mint.
Star Wars bootleg Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 4153: Star Wars Boba Fett Tri-Logo 3 3/4″ Vintage Loose Figure
Star Wars Boba Fett Tri-logo 3 3/4″ vintage loose figure, painted kneepad and painted wrist dart and dark brown belt, Near Mint.
Estimate: £50 – £70
LOT 4139: Star Wars Boba Fett Tri-Logo 3 3/4″ Vintage Loose Figure
Star Wars Boba Fett Tri-logo 3 3/4″ vintage loose figure, un-painted kneepad and unpainted wrist dart and dark brown belt, Near Mint.
Estimate: £50 – £70
LOT 4138: Star Wars Boba Fett Tri-Logo 3 3/4″ Vintage Loose Figure
Star Wars Boba Fett Tri-logo 3 3/4″ vintage loose figure, painted kneepad and unpainted wrist pad, Near Mint.
Estimate: £50 – £70
LOT 4137: Kenner Star Wars Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Vintage Figure
Kenner Star Wars Boba Fett 3 3/4″ vintage figure, Near Mint to Mint, sealed within Kenner MADE IN HONG KONG PLASTIC baggie.
Estimate: £80 – £120
LOT 4129: Ben Cooper Star Wars Boba Fett Vintage Costume And Mask
Ben Cooper Star Wars Boba Fett vintage costume and mask, Near Mint to Mint, within Good box.
Estimate: £30 – £40
LOT 4128: Ben Cooper Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett Vintage
Ben Cooper Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett vintage costume and mask, Near Mint to Mint (costume is still sealed within original factory plastic), within Good box.
Estimate: £30 – £40
Bidding starts at 10:30am (United Kingdom time). To bid on any of this while the auction is live, you need an Vectis.co.uk account and a card on file — login or register. Here’s a direct link to this day’s auction to use if you’re participating.
Common Items
LOT 5259: Gentle Giant Star Wars Trio Of Collectible Mini Busts:
Gentle Giant Star Wars trio of Collectible Mini Busts: (1) 30th Action Figure Express Exclusive Coruscant Clone Trooper, LE 2500; (2) Luke Skywalker in X-Wing Pilot Gear, LE 7500; (3) Boba Fett, LE 7500; Mint, with certificates, within Good Plus to Excellent packaging; (3).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 5256: Gentle Giant Star Wars 30Th Animated Boba Fett Maquette
Gentle Giant Star Wars 30th Animated Boba Fett maquette, LE 7000, Mint, within Good box.
Estimate: £50 – £70
LOT 5241: Kotobukiya Artfx Star Wars Pair: (1) Clone Trooper
Kotobukiya Artfx Star Wars pair: (1) Clone Trooper, Commander Bly, 1/7 scale, pre-painted soft vinyl model kit; (2) Classic Series Boba Fett, 1/7 scale, pre-painted soft vinyl model kit; Mint, within Excellent to Excellent Plus packaging; (2).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 5210: Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue Toys: (1) Electronic Reek;
Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue toys: (1) Electronic Reek; (2) Acklay; (3) Anakin Skywalker’s Swoop Bike; (4) Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Starfighter; (5) Darth Tyranus’s Geonosian Speeder Bike; (6) Zam Wesell’s Speeder; (7) Anakin Skywalker’s Speeder; (8) Jango Fett’s Slave I; Mint, in Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (8).
Estimate: £40 – £60
LOT 5191: Hasbro Star Wars Special Edition 300Th Figure Boba Fett
Hasbro Star Wars Special Edition 300th figure Boba Fett, Power of the Jedi and Star Tours 3 3/4″ figures x seventy-three, Excellent Plus to Near Mint; (73).
Estimate: £100 – £150
LOT 5174: Kenner/Palitoy Star Wars Large Vintage Action Figures X Four:
Kenner/Palitoy Star Wars large vintage action figures x four: (1) Darth Vader; (2) Boba Fett; (3) Han Solo; (4) Stormtrooper; with some accessories/weapons; Fair to Good; (4).
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 5170: Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett Large Size
Kenner Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett large size 13″ action figure, complete, Near Mint to Mint, within Fair (still sealed- but sellotape is loosely attached, cellophane window is detached along one edge) packaging.
Estimate: £100 – £200
LOT 5157: Star Wars Test Sample Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Star Wars Test Sample Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint to Mint, within “mock up” packaging. NB Rear of card has Hasbro Europe Proof Approval sticker.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5156: Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on chest, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5155: Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on shoulder and no yellow stamps, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5154: Red Mercury Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) 4″ Figure
Red Mercury Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) 4″ figure, Japan tour 2000, limited to 100, Near Mint to Mint, upon Near Mint card, signed “Jeremy Bulloch Boba Fett”.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5153: Red Mercury Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) 4″ Figure
Red Mercury Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) 4″ figure, Japan tour 2000, limited to 100, Near Mint to Mint, upon Near Mint card.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5152: Hasbro Star Wars Original Trilogy Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Hasbro Star Wars Original Trilogy Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on shoulder and yellow stamps, Near Mint to Mint, within Near Mint packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5151: Hasbro Star Wars Original Trilogy Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Hasbro Star Wars Original Trilogy Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on chest, Near Mint to Mint, within Near Mint packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5141: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Toy Expo limited edition, signed “Jeremy Bulloch Boba Fett”, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5140: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Super Dream Festival 8, 27 Feb 2000 limited edition, signed “Jeremy Bulloch Boba Fett”, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging; together with a colour photo of Jeremy Bulloch; (2).
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5139: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Toy Expo limited edition, signed “Jeremy Bulloch Boba Fett”, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5138: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no yellow stamps on helmet, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5137: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, silver circle on right hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5136: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on shoulder, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5135: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on left hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5134: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on shoulder, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5133: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on right hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5132: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, half circles, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5131: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure, No Cape
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no cape, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5130: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, half circles and no cape, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5129: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on left hand and no black paint, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5128: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on left hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5127: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure, No Cape
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no cape, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5126: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on left hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5125: Kenner Star Wars POTF II
Kenner Star Wars POTF II “Exclusively on Showtime” Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5124: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on chest, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5122: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Tri-Logo Deluxe Boba Fett
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Tri-logo Deluxe Boba Fett, no circle on right hand, signed “Jeremy Bullock Boba Fett”, AFA Graded C80 B70 F90- 70EX+.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5121: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on chest, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5120: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on shoulder, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5119: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no emblem on shoulder, no circle on left hand, no black paint on left arm, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5118: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on left hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5117: Kenner
Kenner (Mexico) Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, Edicion Especial, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5116: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ Figure
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett 3 3/4″ figure, no circle on right hand, Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus packaging.
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5115: Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue Pair Of 3 3/4″ Figures:
Hasbro Star Wars Saga Blue pair of 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Jango Fett, unpainted visor; (2) Boba Fett, unpainted visor; Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (2).
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5113: Kenner
Kenner (Canada) Star Wars POTF II Freeze Frame pair 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Boba Fett; (2) Weequay Skiff Guard; Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (2).
Estimate: £40 – £60
LOT 5111: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Freeze Frame Three X 3 3/4″ Figures:
Kenner Star Wars POTF II Freeze Frame three x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Boba Fett; (2) Sandtrooper; (3) AT-ST Driver; Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (3).
Estimate: £40 – £50
LOT 5110: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Ten Tri-Logo X 3 3/4″ Figures:
Kenner Star Wars POTF II ten Tri-logo x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Darth Vader, long saber; (2) Han Solo, open right hand; (3) Obi-Wan Kenobi; (4) R2-D2; (5) Luke Skywalker Dagobah; (6) Chewbacca; (7) Darth Vader; (8) Boba Fett; (9) Luke Skywalker; (10) Yoda; Near Mint to Mint within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (10).
Estimate: £30 – £40
LOT 5108: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Three X 3 3/4″ Figures:
Kenner Star Wars POTF II three x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Boba Fett, with THX leaflet; (2) Darth Vader, long saber; (3) Luke Skywalker X-Wing, long saber; Near Mint to Mint within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (3).
Estimate: £20 – £30
LOT 5107: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Five X 3 3/4″ Figures:
Kenner Star Wars POTF II five x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Boba Fett, no emblem on chest; (2) Tusken Raider, open left hand; (3) Tusken Raider; (4) Luke Skywalker, packaged up-side down; (5) Boba Fett, signed “Jeremy Bulloch, Boba Fett”, Near Mint to Mint within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (5).
Estimate: £30 – £40
LOT 5105: Kenner Star Wars POTF II Four X 3 3/4″ Figures:
Kenner Star Wars POTF II four x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Boba Fett, hologram; (2) Darth Vader, hologram; (3) Tusken Raider; (4) Boba Fett; Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (4).
Estimate: £30 – £40
LOT 5104: Kenner (Canada) Star Wars POTF II Six X 3 3/4″ Figures:
Kenner (Canada) Star Wars POTF II six x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Darth Vader, long saber; (2) Boba Fett, (Mexico stickers); (3) Boba Fett; (4) R2-D2; (5) Luke Skywalker; (6) C-3PO; Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (6).
Estimate: £30 – £40
LOT 5103: Kenner Gigi
Kenner GiGi (Italy) Star Wars POTF II eight x 3 3/4″ figures: (1) Obi-Wan Kenobi, blue/green lightsaber variant; (2) Darth Vader, short saber long tray; (3) Luke Dagobah; (4) C1-P8; (5) Assaltatore Imperiale; (6) Boba Fett; (7) Obi-Wan Kenobi; (8) Luke Skywalker; Near Mint to Mint, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint packaging; (8).
Estimate: £40 – £60
LOT 5102: Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett Prototype 3 3/4″ Figure
Star Wars POTF II Deluxe Boba Fett prototype 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint.
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 5096: Star Wars Boba Fett Prototype 3 3/4″ Figure, Near Mint.
Star Wars Boba Fett prototype 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint.
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 5095: Star Wars Boba Fett Prototype 3 3/4″ Figure, Near Mint.
Star Wars Boba Fett prototype 3 3/4″ figure, Near Mint.
Estimate: £60 – £80
LOT 5082: Lego Star Wars Pair: (1) Jango Fett #8011;
Lego Star Wars pair: (1) Jango Fett #8011; (2) TIE Fighter #7146; Mint, sealed, within Excellent Plus to Near Mint boxes; (2).
Estimate: £30 – £50
About the Author, Aaron Proctor
Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.
BFFC Member #2
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