's V-blog - Boba Fett Fan FilmsWeb series written and animated by TresobYr with voice-over by Beedo Sookcool. "Fierce. Determined. Relentless. These are the traits for which Boba Fett has made himself feared throughout the galaxy. But now, the most fearsome and mysterious of bounty ...

Boba's V-blog

Film by Tresob Yr


Web series written and animated by TresobYr with voice-over by Beedo Sookcool.

"Fierce. Determined. Relentless. These are the traits for which Boba Fett has made himself feared throughout the galaxy. But now, the most fearsome and mysterious of bounty hunters is ready to show the Internet community his more sensitive side on his very own video blog. (BFVB is is an unofficial, fan-made parody of characters owned by Lucasfilm.)"

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2,844 hitsAdded to BFFC on May 27, 2008