Fan Fiction Review


Avatar timho rated this and wrote this review on January 25, 2019:

A short paragraph written in Fett's perspective, displaying his thoughts on his bounties. Not really a story, you could say it's just giving the reader a clearer view on Boba Fett's thinking. Is his thinking really how Cramer displays it as? Perhaps. It is debatable - personally, I think Cramer is displaying Fett as a person who has no inner justice. One line in the paragraph says:

"I am emotionless, and care not for the beings I slaughter."

Is that true? Maybe - yet it's not that Fett doesn't care, it's just once a bounty has been placed on a person, Fett no longer sees him as a person. Just a bounty. Merchandise. However, Amy, do not mistake Fett for a cold-blooded killer. Fett is a clear representation of Justice.

Also, this piece of literature has lots of repetition in it. Amy says something once, then repeats it again, and again, and again, with different words. All you writers out there, don't try to extend a piece by putting trash in it. Length does not matter. Amy has made some excellent points in this story concerning Boba Fett's character, but get straight to those points.

Anyhow, Amy has composed a short, but sweet, and compulsively readable piece of literature. Take a look!