Here are major dates in Fett history in chronological order — excluding behind the scenes individuals' anniversaries (e.g. birthdate, passing). You can also view the same info below plus individual anniversaries on our this day in history page.
According to J. W. Rinzler's "Star Wars: The Blueprints," Boba Fett was named in George Lucas' second draft in April 1978. No clear copy of this is available.
Kenner does concept artwork for their large action figure line based on Joe Johnston's sketches of the white "supertrooper" character.
Boba Fett had some different lines in this version, two versions before the 5th "revised" draft which was final.
First television appearance of Boba Fett
Boba Fett still had some different lines in this version, which was "revised" once more after this.
The final dialogue in the film appears here, but not in the prior draft.
As seen on action figure cardbacks, before it was extended to March 31, 1980.
George Lucas, Ralph McQuarrie, and Joe Johnston named as inventors of Boba Fett
The promotion was originally set to end 10 months earlier.
First film appearance of Boba Fett
Boba Fett first published in a newspaper comic strip
The "toy space vehicle" names Nilo Rodis-Jamero as the inventor.
"Return of the Jedi" (originally named "Revenge of the Jedi") began production at Elstree Studios near London, England; Jeremy Bulloch's shots would be done a little later.
Jeremy Bulloch was on set as Boba Fett for filming part of the sequence.
Sarlacc stunts began to be filmed near Yuma, Arizona; Glenn Randall Jr. and Dickey Beer both wore the costume for stunts; later, for two separate pick-up stunt shots, Bob Yerkes and Louis Friedman wore the costume in presumably California locations.
George Lucas, Ralph McQuarrie, and Joe Johnston named as inventors of Boba Fett.
The "toy space vehicle" names Nilo Rodis-Jamero as the inventor.
Mark Austin wore the costume for a day to get the extra shots in the film, released in 1997
New shots of Boba Fett's Slave I added
K.W. Jeter's third novel in The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy is published
Episode II premieres in the United States. The film retcons Boba Fett's origin story to involve cloning and features an unmasked Young Boba Fett (played by Daniel Logan) with his father Jango Fett (played by Temuera Morrison).
Boba Fett's voice was re-dubbed from Jason Wingreen to Temuera Morrison starting with this release
Boba Fett (portrayed by Darren Wright, a member of the 501st Legion) was part of the "Forrest Moon of Endor" float.
Boba Fett captures the Simpson family in carbonite
Young Boba Fett debuts in Season 2 Episode 20 of the animated series
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