
The Clone Wars (Animated Series)

Anniversaries: 5 — see all

Set during the Clone Wars, Young Boba Fett appears in Seasons 2 and 4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The Mandalorian The Death Watch also appear throughout the series.

Boba Fett is voiced by Daniel Logan, who also played Young Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones.

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  • Young Boba Fett's Episodes

    Season 2 Episode 22 "Lethal Trackdown"

    Plot Breakdown

    • A restless Boba Fett leaves the cockpit of the Slave I and checks on the bound and gagged Republic hostages. He loosens the gag on Admiral Kilian and offers the older officer a drink of water. Kilian tries to appeal to Fett's sense of decency, which agitates the boy.
    • Anakin Skywalker suggests that Mace be proactive in tracking down Boba Fett, but Windu has no inclination to make a priority out of a personal vendetta.

    • Slave I touches down on Florrum, and Aurra Sing gets reacquainted with Hondo Ohnaka, someone she has dated in the past. Hondo is pleased to see her, and greets Boba, telling the boy that he knew his father as an honorable man.
    • Hondo leads Boba, Aurra and Castas to a bar, where Castas parts company to make a long-distance call on a public holo-transceiver. The Klatooinian calls Fong Do, a Nautolan, and reports that his working arrangement with Aurra Sing has gone sour. Aurra overhears this conversation and shoots Castas dead before her former partner is able to sell her out. Fett witness this with great misgivings.
    • Boba is eager to face Mace Windu, whom he assumes is aboard the shuttle.
    • Boba emerges from the shadows and holds a gun to Plo Koon's head. Plo hardly seems worried.
    • Boba fires at Ahsoka, forcing her to deflect the blast. That frees Aurra to fire off a pair of rocket darts from her boot, but Plo Koon slams the table up, blocking the projectiles. Aurra stands and draws both her blasters, unleashing a barrage on Ahsoka. Plo knocks aside Boba, and Force-pushes the table between Ahsoka and Aurra. Master Plo cuts apart Aurra Sing's weapons, and orders her to surrender. Boba Fett throws a bomb into the fray, letting Sing escape.
    • Sing runs away, and Boba tries to follow, but Plo Koon Force-pulls him back. To Fett's shock, Aurra keeps running, leaving him behind.
    • Plo tries to get Boba Fett to reveal the location of the hostages, but Fett refuses. Hondo Ohnaka advises Fett to do so, as it is what Jango would have wanted.
    • Boba Fett and Bossk are marched into a Republic prison on Coruscant. Fett is unrepentant. The shackled boy sees Mace Windu, and says he will never forgive the Jedi.
    • Wikipedia description: "While Anakin and Mace Windu recover from their injuries, Plo Kloon and Ahsoka chase Boba Fett from the underworld of Coruscant to the planet Florrum. Boba's revenge scheme finally leads to a climactic battle, and the life of a Republic admiral hangs in the balance."


    • Admiral Kilian: You don't have to do this, you're not like them. I can tell.
    • Boba Fett: What do you know, old man?
    • Admiral Kilian: I know a good soldier when I see one.
    • Boba Fett: I'm no soldier! I'm no clone! Not like those two.

    • Boba Fett: [pointing a blaster at the back of Plo Koon's head] I'm not a murderer, but I want justice!
    • Plo Koon: We are justice.

    • Hondo Ohnaka: Tell the Jedi what he wants to know, Boba.
    • Boba Fett: [shouting] Why should I help anybody, I've got no one.
    • Hondo Ohnaka: It is the honorable thing to do. It's what your father would have wanted.

    • Boba Fett: I see now I've done terrible things.
    • Boba Fett: [raises voice] But you started when you murdered my father! I'll never forgive you.
    • Mace Windu: Hm... Well, you're going to have to. Take him away.

    Season 2 Episode 21 "R2 Come Home"

    • Air Date: April 30, 2010
    • Reappearance of Jango Fett's helmet
    • Boba Fett, son of the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett, infiltrated a Jedi cruiser in an attempt to assassinate General Mace Windu, the man who killed his father.
    • Mace recognizes the helmet: it is that of Jango Fett, the man he killed on Geonosis. He realizes that Boba Fett was one of the clone cadets aboard the Endurance. He Force-pulls Anakin away from the booby-trapped helmet, just as it explodes, shattering the bridge.
    • Some distance away, this explosion is watched intently through a pair of electrobinoculars. Boba Fett sees his trap sprung.
    • Mace reflects upon the scorched remains of Jango Fett's helmet.
    • Wikipedia description: "Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu are trapped in the crumbling ruins of a crashed ship while searching for survivors, and only R2-D2 can get out a message to save them -- if he can elude vicious gundarks and, worse yet, a crew of determined bounty hunters led by Boba Fett and Aurra Sing. "


    • Castas: Ugh, this is no good. If we can barely survive in here, Windu must have been killed in the blast.
    • Boba Fett: I'm not quitting now. Not when I'm so close.

    Season 4 Episode 20 "Bounty"

    Season 4 Episode 15 "Deception"

    Season 2 Episode 20 "Death Trap"

    Boba Fett infiltrates a group of young clones with the intention of assassinating Mace Windu for killing his father Jango Fett. -- Wikipedia description

    Corridor Scene:

    • We're introduced to a Cloud Youth Brigade, in which Fett is one of the crowd and is called out as "the new guy"
    • Fett calls himself "Lucky" to his new friend, who stands up for him amid the other bully cadets
    • When Fett walks by other troopers, he's the only one to not look up in awe of the troopers like the other kids
    • The crowd is introduced by Mace Windu, in which Fett furrows his eyebrows (since his father, Jango Fett, was killed by Windu)

    Bridge Scene:

    • During a practice shooting practice, Fett is the third person to try and he hits the target right away, unlike the other kids
    • "I see why they call you Lucky," notes one of the troopers conducting the shooting practice

    Corridor Scenes:

    • Fett breaks away from his colleagues and radios Aurra Sing to get the location of Mace Windu's quarters
    • He's stopped by two troopers, who give him a hard time about being lost
    • Fett gets into his quarters and sets an explosive trap
    • Windu catches him but doesn't yet suspect a thing
    • Fett returns to the group and answers his instructor's trivia question without a hitch
    • Windu asks a trooper to enter his quarters instead of him, and the trooper is blown up
    • Fett hears the alarm and wonders if Windu has been killed
    • One trooper says aloud that Windu is alive, which bothers Fett that his effort failed
    • Fett breaks away from the crowd again, believing he must now blow up the reactor core to get the job done

    Reactor Core scene:

    • Fett shows some signs of guilt: he doesn't want to kill everyone, just Windu
    • One trooper finds him and conveniently, innocently gives him a blaster...
    • "You're not my brother," Fett tells the trooper, as he unmasks and shoots him
    • Fett then damages the reactor core, which causes the ship to blow out a whole side of the ship

    Corridor / Escape Pod Scenes:

    • The group of kids (including Fett) are led to escape pods
    • Their escape pod makes it out, but loses its navigation abilities
    • The escape pod is then picked up by Slave I!
    • We're introduced to Aurra Sing and Bossk: "you boys look lost"
    • Fett feels guilty that Sing wants to kill his colleagues, even though he just wanted Windu dead
    • His colleagues called him "traitor" as he skips over to Slave I, leaving the escape pod


    • Clone Cadet Jax: We're all in it together, right?
    • Boba Fett: Right.
    • Clone Cadet Jax: With the training we got, I feel ready for anything.

    • Clone Trooper 1477: We're brothers, don't shoot!
    • Boba Fett: You're not my brother.

    • Aurra Sing: I wasn't expecting you to bring friends along.
    • Boba Fett: I couldn't help it, Aurra. What are you gonna do with them?
    • Aurra Sing: What do you think?
    • Boba Fett: Let them go?
    • Aurra Sing: [sighs] They're living witnesses, honey.

    Mandalorian Episodes

    Note: this listing is incomplete.

    Season 2 Episode 14 "Duchess of Mandalore" (3 of 3)

    • The episode begins right away with a Mandalorian speaking with Count Dooku
    • The middle of the episode includes an assassination by one of the Death Watch, reminiscent of the Aurra Sing / Jango Fett scene in Attack of the Clones
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi fights a Mandalorian, who eventually jetpacks away to safety

    Season 2 Episode 13 "Voyage of Temptation" (2 of 3)

  • Satine, aka The Dutchess, is kidnapped and the perpetrator reports to one of the Mandalorians in the Death Watch
  • Season 2 Episode 12 "The Mandalore Plot" (1 of 3)

    • Jango Fett is mentioned by name by Obi-Wan Kenobi in regards to a bounty hunter in Mandalorian armor.
    • They actually had Mandalorian font in the background screen when Viszla was talking with Dooku.
    • When the one Death Watch, who jumped from the balcony, was dying, they actually had him speaking in Mando'a. He even uses the phrase "Darasuum Kote," which is Mando'a for "Eternal Glory," made popular in the song from the Republic Commando games.
    • Having a "Duchess of Mandalore" character is a surprise turn of events
    • Was the moon's name that the Death Watch was based on, "Concordia," supposed to be an homage to Concord Dawn? Jango Fett's homeworld and also located in the Mandalore system
    • Scenes with Mandalorians: the holocron scene with Dooku
    • Two Mandalorians kicking around Obi-Wan in an industrial building
    • Obi-Wan upside-down in a yellow container; rescue attempt by the Dutchess; two Mandalorians holding her arms; Obi-Wan breaking out and, again, kicking the Mandalorians...
    • Group of Mandalorians firing guns at Obi-Wan and company; three ordered to "stop him" use their jetpacks; one gets knocked off by a blaster
    • Governor Pre Vizsla walking up, says "failure," and shoots the injured Mandalorian; takes his helmet off, recognized as the governor: "For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against you Jedi. And now that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian. Defend her if you will. (Throws lightsaber.) This lightsaber [referencing a black lightsaber] was stolen from your Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic. Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them."
    • Fight, including a moment where Pre uses his jetpack. "Warriors, finish him." They fire three jetpack rockets, which all miss, but have some kind of tracking which corners Obi-Wan in the industrial building's basement.
    • "Should we go after him, sir?" said by a Mandalorian with a Jango-esque accent. "No. There's no time. Don't worry. We'll catch up with the Dutchess."


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  • Last updated

    December 22, 2022


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