Boba Fett Quotes

Quotes by, about, and to Boba Fett by source


A Guide to the Star Wars Universe 2nd Edition

"Boba Fett is an infamous bounty hunter whose exploits are known throughout the galaxy. He wears Mandalorian battle armor — the same used by a group of evil warriors who were defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars — but his connection to the Mandalore warriors remains a mystery."More Info
"Boba Fett ... an unscrupulous bounty hunter from the Mandalore system, his feats are renowned throughout the Empire. Fett was commissioned by Darth Vader to stalk the Millennium Falcon and her crew after the Empire's clash with the Rebels on the planet Hoth. Boba Fett's work dress was a weapon-covered, armored spacesuit of the kind favored by a group of evil warriors defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. His spacesuit's accoutrements included wrist lasers, flying backpack, rocket darts, grappling lanyard, and a miniature flame projector. Boba Fett 'retired' near the Great Pit of Carkoon."More Info

A Practical Man

"You can run," he said. "But you'll only die tired." — Boba FettMore Info

Boba Fett #1: The Fight to Survive

"I'm a bounty hunter's son."More Info

Boba Fett Twin Engines of Destruction

"I don't like taking Rebel bounties ... but a hunt's a hunt." — Jodo Kast06More Info
"I don't trust anyone. Keeps me alive." — Jodo Kast to Dengar09More Info
"I prob'ly saved your life, Fett. Again." — Dengar to Jodo Kast about thinking for a moment he was Boba Fett09More Info
"Bein' smart keeps you alive. And masqueradin' as Boba Fett ain't smart." — Dengar to Jodo Kast09More Info
"Your 'twin' was spotted again, on Fluwhaka. Time to dump the garbage. You owe me two." — Dengar to Boba Fett10More Info
"I'd consider giving some of these creds back to their orphanage, but I'm going to need to spend them on my next job." — Boba Fett13More Info
"Boba Fett isn't available." — Boba Fett about speaking to Cas Ennyl Yllek in disguise as Sava Brec Madak to buy a bounty on his 14More Info
"I know all about the art of the hunt." — Boba Fett15More Info
"This is my face." — Boba Fett to Dengar about being asked why he never takes off his helmet17More Info
"Sometimes it's better to think rather than speak." — Boba Fett to Dengar17More Info
"You know what I like best about you, Fett? You're such a sparklin' conversationalist." — Dengar to Boba Fett17More Info
"I've gotten more than a few jobs because I've got the same Mandalorian armor as Fett." — Jodo Kast19More Info
"So what if a few of them think I'm Fett? I'm better than that old fossil, anyhow." — Jodo Kast19More Info
"It's called a hologram. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead." — Boba Fett to Jodo Kast26More Info
"Fett! Can't we talk about this? You can't kill me. It's against the code." — Jodo Kast to Boba Fett27More Info
"I wasn't the first one to break the code." — Boba Fett to Jodo Kast27More Info
"You have a lot to learn. Unfortunately for you, your time for learning is over." — Boba Fett to Jodo Kast31More Info
"You're no one! Not Dala, not Shysa! Nobody!" — Boba Fett to Jodo Kast33More Info
"You didn't earn this armor! You didn't earn my reputation." — Boba Fett to Jodo Kast33More Info
"You'll never be me." — Boba Fett to Jodo Kast33More Info

Dark Empire #4

"Boba Fett! But you're dead!" — Han Solo to Boba FettMore Info
"The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible, Solo." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info

Disney Gallery The Mandalorian "Making of Season 2"

"Another thing about this character, Boba, you know, the actual fight, and the way he fights, I'm actually drawing a lot on my Maori traditional side. Thing called the Haka. 'Ha' is the breath. 'Ka' is fire. 'Fire breath.'" — Temuera MorrisonMore Info

From a Certain Point of View: Star Wars

"Mama Fett didn't raise any fools. Strictly speaking, my mama was a birthing pod, but you get the point." — Boba FettMore Info
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the whispers of surprise when I walked onto the scene. That's right, boys. Fett's here." — Boba FettMore Info

Hasbro Boba Fett Electronic Helmet

"There's a bounty on your head and I'm here to collect it." — Boba FettMore Info
"This battle is not over." — Boba FettMore Info
"There's no escape from my sensors." — Boba FettMore Info
"Surrender. I have you in my sights." — Boba FettMore Info
"You're mine." — Boba FettMore Info
"I never miss." — Boba FettMore Info
"I'm Boba Fett. You may have heard of me." — Boba FettMore Info

Kinect Star Wars

"Not so fast. You gotta show me it's worthwhile first." — Boba FettMore Info

Return of the Jedi Radio Drama

"I've beaten you Solo." — Boba FettMore Info
"Tomorrow I'll collect another bounty and you'll be dead." — Boba FettMore Info
"Watch your mouth, Solo. I risked my tail to get you here." — Boba FettMore Info
"I'm going to enjoy watching you die." — Boba FettMore Info

Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode I

"Hey, Mr. Solo. Solo on the rocks. You can't beat me. I'm Boba Fett, I'm the greatest bounty hunter ever. Oh, don't don't don't, yeah." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"What's that, Solo? All blasters aren't fair? OK, dig it. No blasters." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Oh, didn't see that one coming, did you? So slow. I bet you thought I was over there, but guess what? I'm over here." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Huh? What's that? You want a face-to-face?" — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"How about rope-a-dope, huh? Rope-a-dope. Left, right, left right. Oooh, down goes Solo." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Let me take this little bad boy off." Fett unmasks himself. "Oh, he's even better looking without the helmet. Surprise ending. Huh, wha, you want me to come closer? Oh you don't want to fight anymore. Your hands are up there almost like you're begging. Begging for a little piece of Boba." Fett locks hands with Solo. "You like that, don't you? You like it cause you're bad. You dirty little smuggler." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info

Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode II

"Back from the dead, assholes!" — Boba Fett to Ewoks00:17More Info
"Oh ho ho. Boba's got himself a lightsaber now. Ho ho ho, make it two. Red and blue. Put 'em together, what does it make? Purple rain!" — Boba Fett to Ewoks00:27More Info
"Oh, no, he's getting away! What's this button here? This long range missile couldn't possibly, could it?" — Boba Fett to Ewoks00:39More Info
"And the quarterback is toast!" — Boba Fett to Ewoks00:48More Info
"Hey, hey, he got the girl. What's with all the clothing, why don't you -- that's more comfortable. Right on, oh, careful of the antenna, baby." — Boba Fett to Princess Leia00:53More Info
"Aaaaah! Hello! Meant to do it." — Boba Fett about falling intentionally into the Sarlacc18:40More Info
"What? fell in? Haha! Volunteered, more like it. You should've seen it. You would have dug it the most. I was flying around with my jetpack, just smoking Rebels. My laser, ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom. Han Solo was all like, 'hey, wait.' And I'm like, "oh I've been waiting a long time for this Solo." Ba-bang the big bad Wookiee be growling in hell now. I even put one between Skywalker's eyes. Right between those pretty baby blues, but then Jabba the Hutt was all like, "oh, no, this guy's too badass, man." So then 80 Jedi showed up. I took out like 67 of them, but then 20 dudes finally flanked me and I was like, 'you know what, kids? It's been real, daddy-o, but I'm not given you the pleasure.' So I jumped into the pit myself. On the way down, I was like, I was thinking, maybe I should have left 'em a party favor. Oh, I did -- a thermo detonator right up their ass. Ba-boom!" — Boba Fett about how he really ended up in the Sarlacc Pit18:49More Info

Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode III

"Throw it back, Dad! ... Dad?" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett07:23More Info
"The guy who sold it to me, he was like, 'well, it flies like this,' and I was like, 'that doesn't seem exactly right, but you know what? Pretty damn comfortable.'" — Boba Fett to Zuckuss about the way Slave I flies23:24More Info
"Don't skimp on my umbrella! You know what they say... Let a smile be your umbrellas. Well my face is a big letter 'T.' I forgot the point, I forgot the point. You got anymore umbrellas --ellas -- ellas? Whoops. I got it, hey, trust me Isaac, I drunk better when I drive! Whoa, leave no child behind. On Dancer, on Jabba, and Blitzen." — Boba Fett23:39More Info
"Whoa, oh. Party foul. You made me drink my spill. I mean, you made me me drink my... I'm gonna shoot you. [Luke chops his blaster in two.] Hey! You sir, are an asshole. [Laughs.] I called Jodie Foster an asshole. Whoa! And now, a sweet treat that's hard to beat, and I don't mean my teeth meat." — Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker26:16More Info
"Why do I have a T-shirt cannon?" — Boba Fett26:40More Info
"Back from the dead, assholes!" — Boba Fett29:25More Info
"I know, I know. I shouldn't wear fur. But I saw it, and I just had to have it. Do you hate me?" — Boba Fett to Han Solo about wearing Chewbacca as a fur coat29:49More Info
"Yo, Jazz stereotype! How about tossing down a rope?!" — Boba Fett to Max Rebo about having Max help him get out of the Sarlacc31:50More Info

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

"I am the best. Always was." — Jango Fett to MontrossMore Info

Star Wars: Empire at War

"Moving!" — Boba FettMore Info
"Coordinates confirmed." — Boba FettMore Info
"In progress." — Boba FettMore Info
"Engaging!" — Boba FettMore Info
"Here's a little surprise." — Boba FettMore Info
"No problem." — Boba FettMore Info

Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones

"We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. My client is getting impatient. Take these. Be careful. They're very poisonous. Zam, there can be no mistakes this time." — Jango Fett to Zam Wesell00:10:35More Info
"Yep." — Boba Fett to Taun We about his father being at their apartment00:50:45More Info
"Sure." — Boba Fett to Taun We about whether or not Taun and Obi-Wan can see Jango right now00:50:50More Info
"Dad! Taun We's here!" — Boba Fett00:50:54More Info
"Fairly." — Jango Fett to Taun We about how productive his trip was00:51:14More Info
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi00:51:27More Info
"Once or twice." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi about about having ever made his way into Coruscant00:51:34More Info
"Possibly." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi about Obi-Wan's insistence on recency of the visit00:51:38More Info
"Uh, Boba, rood eht so-heeck." — Jango Fett to Boba Fett00:51:47More Info
"Master who?" — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi about whether Jango knows Master Sifo-Dyas00:51:51More Info
"Never heard of him." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi about Master Sifo-Dyas having hired Jango00:52:01More Info
"I was recruited by a man called Tyranus on one of the moons of Bogden." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi00:52:07More Info
"Do you like your army?" — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi00:52:18More Info
"They'll do their job well. I'll guarantee that." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi about Jango's clone army in action00:52:24More Info
"Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi." — Jango Fett to Obi-Wan Kenobi00:52:32More Info
"What is it, Dad?" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett00:52:52More Info
"Pack your things. We're leaving." — Jango Fett to Boba Fett00:52:56More Info
"Dad, look!" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett about Obi-Wan Kenobi running towards them01:00:55More Info
"Boba, get on board!" — Jango Fett to Boba Fett about getting on Slave I01:00:57More Info
"Dad! I think we're being tracked!" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett about Obi-Wan Kenobi in his ship suddenly being on their trail01:06:48More Info
"He must have put a homing device on our hull. Hang on, son. We'll move into the asteroid field, and we'll have a couple of surprises for him." — Jango Fett to Boba Fett01:06:51More Info
"He doesn't seem to take a hint, this guy." — Jango Fett to Boba Fett about Obi-Wan Kenobi still following Slave I despite their seismic charges01:07:39More Info
"Watch out!" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett01:08:01More Info
"Get him, Dad! Get him! Fire!" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett01:08:21More Info
"We got him!" — Boba Fett to Jango Fett01:08:49More Info
"We'll just have to finish him." — Jango Fett to Boba Fett01:08:50More Info
"Well, we won't be seeing him again." — Jango Fett to Boba Fett01:09:40More Info
"Don't move, Jedi! Take him away." — Jango Fett to Anakin Skywalker01:42:39More Info

Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

"As you wish." — Boba Fett to Darth Vader01:05:16 - 01:05:57More Info
"He's no good to me dead." — Boba Fett to Darth Vader about Han Solo01:29:41 - 01:30:28More Info
"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me." — Boba Fett to Darth Vader about Han Solo01:33:34 - 01:36:58More Info
"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." — Boba Fett01:41:45 - 01:41:57More Info

Star Wars Holiday Special "The Story of the Faithful Wookiee"

"You are alone. Maybe I can help you. I am Boba Fett." — Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker03:25More Info
"The ship you seek is nearby." — Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker03:33More Info
"They are here, friend. And growing more powerful." — Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker about The Empire03:37More Info
"Settle down! All they do is eat." — Boba Fett about Ichthyodont (Panna Dragon)03:42More Info
"You are foolish to waste your kindness on this dumb creature. No lower life form is worth going hungry for, friend." — Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker03:49More Info
"I take it you have no love of the Empire." — Boba Fett03:57More Info
"Well neither do I." — Boba Fett04:02More Info
"It will be easy to find the ship you seek. Follow me, friend." — Boba Fett04:04More Info
"What did he do to Luke?" — Boba Fett to C-3PO04:52More Info
"I know this sleeping virus the Empire uses on its enemies. They have a remedy for it in the city. I could get some for you." — Boba Fett05:13More Info
"You'll only get in the way! But if you must, come on." — Boba Fett to Chewbacca05:25More Info
"You will stay here... while I get the serum." — Boba Fett to Chewbacca05:54More Info
"I said stay, friend. Luke trusted me and I'm your only chance of getting out of here alive. Do you understand me?" — Boba Fett06:00More Info
"I have made contact with the Rebels and all is proceeding as you wished, Darth Vader." — Boba Fett to Darth Vader06:36More Info
"This time we'll get them all." — Boba Fett to Darth Vader06:59More Info
"I see why they call you the best bounty hunter in the galaxy." — Darth Vader with Boba Fett07:00More Info
"I have the serum. We must leave quickly, friend." — Boba Fett to Chewbacca07:14More Info
"Are you all right?" — Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker07:44More Info
"We'll meet again, friend." — Boba Fett08:26More Info

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

"This doesn't concern you, Jedi. Just walk away." — Boba FettMore Info

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force Bloodlines

"Aliit ori'shya tal'din. Family is more than bloodline. – Mandalorian proverb"More Info
"Fett, I have a beautiful daughter... He shouldn't have said that. Now I'm angry, and I don't often get angry. Never use your kids, scumbag. Never."More Info
"You should learn to shoot first, Solo." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
He was gray and scarred and hard. It was the first time Han had ever seen his enemy’s face. It was far less than he had imagined and all the more shocking for that. It was a face that was as unfeeling as a slab of rock. They said your life was etched in your face over time, and Fett’s life must have been utterly cold, brutal, and alone. about Boba FettMore Info
"I've recently made a few adjustments. The only original part of the ship is the chair I'm sitting in." — Boba Fett about Slave IMore Info

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force Sacrifice

"Here's the deal. You break her heart, I break your legs." — Boba Fett to Ghes Orade about Mirta Gev (Fett's granddaughter)More Info

Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi

"I love this." — Jodo KastMore Info
"I'm the best." — Jodo KastMore Info
"I'm better than the rest." — Jodo KastMore Info

Star Wars Tales #11

"What's the matter? Surprised to see a lowly bounty hunter wielding such a fine and noble weapon? You're not the only one who's killed Jedi!" — Boba FettMore Info

Tales of the Bounty Hunters

"I bow to no one and I give service only for cause." — Jaster MereelMore Info
"One tale tells of Fett being a failed stormtrooper who killed his commanding officer. ... A third account tells of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn named Jaster Mereel who adopted the mask and guise when he was convicted of treason."More Info
"Reality doesn't care if you believe it." — Boba FettMore Info
"Everyone dies.

It's the final and only lasting Justice. Evil exists; it is intelligence in the service of entropy. When the side of a mountain slides down to kill a village, it is not evil, for evil requires intent. Should a sentient being cause that landslide, there is evil; and requires Justice as a consequence, so that civilization can exist.

There is no greater good than Justice; and only if law serves Justice is it a good law. It is said correctly that law exists not for the Just but for the unjust, for the Just carry the law in their hearts, and do not need to call it from afar.

I bow to no one and I give service only for cause." — Jaster Mereel
p. 277More Info
Creel: "Do you understand the seriousness of this, boy? You killed a man."
Jaster Mereel: "He had it coming." — Jaster Mereel with Creel
p. 278More Info
"I am sorry.... sorry I didn't kill him a year ago. The galaxy's a better place without him." — Jaster Mereelp. 279More Info
"I'll enjoy collecting him." — Boba Fett about Han Solop. 293More Info
"Sex between those not married is immoral." — Boba Fett to Princess Leiap. 295More Info
"That Jedi superstition? Gentlelady Organa, if the Force exists I have seen no proof of it, and I doubt it does." — Boba Fett with Princess Leiap. 297More Info
"Those worlds rose in rebellion against the authority legally in place over them. The Emperor was within his rights to destroy them; they threatened the system of social justice that permits civilization to exist. I am sorry for the deaths of the innocent. But that happens in a war, Leia Organa. The innocent die in wars, and your side should not have started this one." — Boba Fett with Princess Leia about the Rebellionp. 297More Info
"I am nothing like Solo and don't you compare me to him." — Boba Fettp. 297More Info
"Do you know what that man had done in his life? Never mind the loyal citizens of the Empire that he, and you, have killed during your Rebellion; war is war and perhaps you, at least, think you are fighting for Justice. But Solo? He's a brave man, yes; he's also a mercenary who's never done a decent thing in his life..." — Boba Fett about Han Solop. 297More Info
"Spice is illegal! It's euphoric, it alters moods, and the use of it leads to the use of worse substances, and a man who will run spice will run anything!" — Boba Fett with Princess Leia about Han Solop. 298More Info
"Everyone dies... but since no one has paid me to kill you... sleep well." — Boba Fett with Princess Leiap. 299More Info
"Devaronians are tough; I know that about you. You do not go into shock and you do not die easily. You'll walk--or I'll burn off your arms and your legs to make you lighter, and then I'll drag you where we are going...your choice." — Boba Fett with Butcher of Montellianp. 313More Info
"Listen. I am Boba Fett. And you are Kadue'sai'Malloc, the Butcher of Montellian Serat, and you're worth five million credits. Alive. And nothing dead, so you will not annoy me into killing you." — Boba Fett with Butcher of Montellianp. 314More Info

Tatooine Manhunt

"You'll live. Only the best die." — Jodo KastMore Info
"Watching prey squirm gives me the feeling of absolute power." — Jodo KastMore Info

The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 1 ("Stranger In A Strange Land")

"Rodian. Do you want me to cut your bonds?" — Boba Fett to Rodian09:19More Info
"Quiet. Quiet." — Boba Fett09:27More Info
"The dreams are back." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand12:38More Info
"Did you catch any of that?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:44More Info
"We really need a protocol droid." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:50More Info
"That's weird. I used to work for him." — Boba Fett with 8D8 to Fennec Shand about Dokk Strassi14:01More Info
"It's an honor to be welcomed to Mos Espa by you, Dokk Strassi." — Boba Fett to Dokk Strassi14:12More Info
"Even when a Trandoshan pays you a compliment, it sounds like a threat." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Dokk Strassi14:28More Info
"Very well. Extend my greetings and appreciation for the Mayor's tribute." — Boba Fett with Fennec Shand to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo about Mayor not attending personally14:54More Info
"Tell the Mayor I'm here now." — Boba Fett with Fennec Shand to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo15:38More Info
"Perhaps another time. Next." — Boba Fett with Fennec Shand to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo15:47More Info
"What is it?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo about one other matter15:54More Info
"I'm confused." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo about Mayor's own tribute request15:58More Info
"What? I'm the crime lord. He's supposed to pay me." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Mayor's Majordomo16:05More Info
"He works for the Mayor." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Mayor's Majordomo16:14More Info
"That's a no." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about having Fennec kill the Mayor's Majordomo16:19More Info
"Keep an eye on that one." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Mayor's Majordomo16:54More Info
"I do not torture." — Boba Fett to 8D8 about captured Gameorrean Guards17:18More Info
"You were loyal to both your bosses." — Boba Fett to Gamorrean Guards17:35More Info
"Would you be loyal to me if I were to spare you?" — Boba Fett to Gamorrean Guards17:40More Info
"I'm not being carried around the streets like a useless noble." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about being carried in the streets on a litter18:18More Info
"Looks like business is good." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:10More Info
"Sure. Here, take both of ours." — Boba Fett with Fennec Shand to Sanctuary attendants about cleaning their helmets19:21More Info
"Things will go a lot smoother if you accept their ways." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about mirroring Fennec's own suggestion back to her19:29More Info
"Maybe another time. I'm here to talk business." — Boba Fett to Garsa Fwip about turning down her sundry offerings19:42More Info
"No, no, no, it's fine. This won't take long. We can do it right here. This is Master Assassin Fennec Shand. I'm Boba Fett. I have replaced Bib Fortuna." — Boba Fett to Garsa Fwip about turning down the cleaning/feeding of the Gameorrean Guards, to talk business instead19:51More Info
"I wasn't carried on a litter. I walk on my own two feet." — Boba Fett to Garsa Fwip about missing Lord Fett's litter20:05More Info
"I'm just here to introduce myself and assure you that your business will continue to thrive under my watchful eye." — Boba Fett to Garsa Fwip20:12More Info
"Jabba had many vassals. We've got a lot of ground to cover if we are to keep his empire intact." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand20:56More Info
"Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand21:07More Info
"Speak freely." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec asking "if I may" before offering a suggestion21:17More Info
"Fennec! Alive." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about capturing one of the assassins who attacked them23:25More Info
"Get me to the bacta pod." — Boba Fett to Gamorrean Guards about the aftermath of being attacked by assassins23:31More Info
"What?" — Boba Fett to Tusken child about not understanding what they want him to do27:56More Info
"Uh, what do you want me to do?" — Boba Fett to Tusken child about not understanding again the demand28:02More Info
"Dig?" — Boba Fett to Tusken child28:06More Info
"Dig for that? Oh, you want me to dig for that." — Boba Fett to Tusken child about understanding after seeing the shell/egg28:13More Info
"Water. You want me to dig for water." — Boba Fett to Tusken child about understanding after seeing the child drink from the shell/egg28:20More Info
"No hard feelings, mate." — Boba Fett to Tusken massiff28:48More Info
"Easy, youngling. I need some water." — Boba Fett to Tusken child29:25More Info
"I would like a drink." — Boba Fett to Tusken child about handing over the water shell/egg29:39More Info
"We could have both escaped if you didn't sound the alarm. If you kept your snout closed, if we can get to Anchorhead, I can get us off world. I could also strangle you with this ankle chain and feed your leg to the watchdog." — Boba Fett to Rodian30:16More Info
"Oh, that you understand, huh?" — Boba Fett to Rodian30:38More Info
"Keep it down." — Boba Fett to Rodian30:42More Info
"Quiet." — Boba Fett to Rodian30:45More Info
"What?" — Boba Fett31:19More Info

The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 2 ("The Tribes of Tatooine")

"Who sent you?" — Boba Fett02:13More Info
"What were your orders?" — Boba Fett02:18More Info
"Speak, prisoner." — Boba Fett02:22More Info
"Well, if he's not gonna speak, he no longer needs his head." — Boba Fett02:25More Info
"We spared your life after you tried to take mine. And you curse me? What do we even know of this prisoner?" — Boba Fett02:38More Info
"Assassin for hire." — Boba Fett02:52More Info
"I know of their reputation. They're just people... in hoods." — Boba Fett03:02More Info
"I am Boba Fett. I'm here to see the Mayor." — Boba Fett to Mayor's clerk05:14More Info
"I found one of his stray pets. I'm here to return it to its master." — Boba Fett to Mayor's clerk05:27More Info
"You know damn well who." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz06:18More Info
"If you do not know who I am, then why did you send this man to assassinate me" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz06:25More Info
"Ah! Then you admit it." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz06:36More Info
"I am not a bounty hunter." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz07:03More Info
"Bib Fortuna was not my employer." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz07:14More Info
"Yes. And now it is mine. And I will take this payment as what you should have brought me as tribute." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz07:20More Info
"You should remember, you seve as long as the Daimyo of Tatooine deem it so." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz07:35More Info
"I am not a fool, Mok Shaiz. And those who thought otherwise no longer draw breath." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz07:57More Info
"Is that it?" — Boba Fett08:15More Info
"What's going on here?" — Boba Fett09:10More Info
"Mayor Mok Shaiz sent me here as thought there's something I should know. Now you're sweating like a gumpta on Mustafar." — Boba Fett09:14More Info
"Heard what?" — Boba Fett09:25More Info
"The Twins are preoccupied with the debauchery of Hutta to bother with any ambitions on Tatooine." — Boba Fett09:32More Info
"Watch my back." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand10:13More Info
"This is my territory." (In Huttese) — Boba Fett11:00More Info
"I don't care what your tablet says. This is Mos Espa and I am Daimyo here." — Boba Fett11:11More Info
"You can bring as many gladiators as you wish but these are not the death pits of Duur and I am not a sleeping Trandoshan guard." — Boba Fett11:41More Info
"This territory is mine. Go back to Nal Hutta." — Boba Fett11:53More Info
"Your cousin Jabba is dead. His cowardly Majordomo usurped his territory and then I killed him. All that is his belongs to me now. Your sister is right. If you want it, you'll have to kill me for it." — Boba Fett12:20More Info
"Maybe it's settled." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:49More Info
"No." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about if he really thinks it's settled with the Hutts13:55More Info
"I am holding it the same." — Boba Fett to Tusken Warrior14:56More Info
"Show me." — Boba Fett to Tusken Warrior15:27More Info
"Come on. Come on. Come on, let's move it. Move. Get down there. Get down." — Boba Fett17:18More Info
"I will stop the train." — Boba Fett19:21More Info
"I will stop them. I will take rifle and stick. Be back by morning." — Boba Fett19:27More Info
"A gift for you." — Boba Fett24:04More Info
"Huh! Whoa, stop, stop, no! No! Stop! Whoa! These are mine! These are mine, stop! These are mine. I will teach you how to ride. I will teach you. This is how we will stop the train." — Boba Fett24:10More Info
"Okay, this makes it go. This makes it stop. Go. Stop. Like a bantha. Yes? Maybe not. Okay, who wants to go first? Sit. Okay, go, stop." — Boba Fett24:48More Info
"Jump to me. Jump!" — Boba Fett25:51More Info
"Come, come. When train comes, need you to help signal with this." — Boba Fett26:00More Info
"The train goes faster than this. You want to see how fast the train goes?" — Boba Fett26:22More Info
"Riders to the bikes! Warn the others!" — Boba Fett28:06More Info
"Riders, ready? To the train!" — Boba Fett28:30More Info
"Get down!" — Boba Fett31:06More Info
"Watch out!" — Boba Fett32:28More Info
"Stop the train!" — Boba Fett33:30More Info
"Who's the leader?" — Boba Fett35:00More Info
"That depends on how you answer what I'm about to ask. Are you carrying spice?" — Boba Fett35:27More Info
"Sansanna spice from the slave mines on Kessel." — Boba Fett35:44More Info
"Like that. — Boba Fett35:44More Info
"Like that. This is not looking good for you." — Boba Fett35:53More Info
"These sands are no longer free for you to pass. These people lay ancestral claim to the Dune Sea, and if you are to pass, a toll is to be paid to them. Any death dealt from the passing freighters will be returned ten-fold. Now go back to your syndicate and present these terms. Your lives are a gesture of our civility. Now walk. Single file, in the direction of the high sun. It will lead you to Anchorhead by sunset if you leave now." — Boba Fett36:12More Info
"You now travel under the protection of the Tuskens. No harm will come of you." — Boba Fett36:58More Info
"We will give you each a black melon. You will survive on its milk as these people do. Now go." — Boba Fett37:07More Info
"You shouldn't have to hide. You are warriors." — Boba Fett38:12More Info
"You have machines now too. And you know every grain of sand in the Dune Sea." — Boba Fett38:27More Info
"A gift? Why?" — Boba Fett38:41More Info
"A lizard? Thank you. I will let it guide me." (Coughs.) "I'm sorry. I think I swallowed it. It's a tricky little bugger." — Boba Fett39:00More Info
"I thought he was part of the dream." — Boba Fett42:42More Info

The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 3 ("The Streets of Mos Espa")

"You can say 'Jabba.'" — Boba Fett to 8D801:59More Info
"He's dead. He can't hurt you." — Boba Fett to 8D802:04More Info
"Why would I feel insulted?" — Boba Fett to 8D802:10More Info
"Well, now I am insulted." — Boba Fett to 8D802:15More Info
"Where does that leave us now?" — Boba Fett to 8D803:05More Info
"And the assassins?" — Boba Fett to 8D803:13More Info
"The Hutts." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:20More Info
"Would they know if you did?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:25More Info
"We should wait." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:29More Info
"That's fine. Send them in." — Boba Fett to 8D8 about a vassal seeking an audience with Boba, but not having an appointment03:40More Info
"Perhaps we'll learn what's really going on in this murky fen." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:46More Info
"Let him speak." — Boba Fett to 8D8 about Lortha Peel saying nobody respects Boba Fett04:19More Info
"Well, this is the first I'm hearing of it." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Lortha Peel saying the streets of Mos Espa have turned to chaos04:28More Info
"What?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel04:43More Info
"Go on." — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel about continuing with his petition04:54More Info
"And your inventory is water?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel about insolent youths stealing from him, which he claims didn't happen with the other Daimyo05:07More Info
"I grew up surrounded by water." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Lortha Peel discussing his water business05:16More Info
"And what is this gang?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel05:24More Info
"Where'd you get that water?" — Boba Fett to Drash06:28More Info
"That's a crime." — Boba Fett06:36More Info
"Then farm your own water." — Boba Fett06:40More Info
"My name is Boba Fett." — Boba Fett to Drash06:47More Info
"Watch your tongue. I'm the Daimyo of this district and I will bring order." — Boba Fett to Drash about hearing her say he should go back to his palace06:57More Info
"You live in the Worker's District. You all should be working." — Boba Fett to Drash07:16More Info
"Then you will work for me. You got guts, I'll give you that. You better fight as good as you talk dank." — Boba Fett to Drash about hearing nobody is hiring workers07:45More Info
"What do they owe you?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel08:06More Info
"For water?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel about hearing the gang owes 1,300 credits08:11More Info
"Give him five hundred." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about countering Lortha Peel's request for 1,300 credits08:14More Info
"I heard you the first time. Take the 500 and consider it resolved, if you want to continue to do business in my territory. If you don't like it, you can move to Mos Eisley." — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel08:17More Info
"And cut your prices. The rest of you, gather up your gak, follow me." — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel08:38More Info
"Hey. Where do the Pykes do their business in Mos Eisley?" — Boba Fett to Jawas10:58More Info
"I have business with the Pyke Syndicate." — Boba Fett to Pyke Guards11:42More Info
"You received my message?" — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:00More Info
"Very well, I'll take payment. Be on my way." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:09More Info
"We are one party. I'm collecting on behalf of the Tuskens of the Dune Sea." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:20More Info
"You don't have to pay that speeder bike gang. We far outnumber them. The sands have belonged to the Tuskens since the oceans dried." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss about the Kintan Striders getting paid for protecting the Pykes already12:35More Info
"I will resolve this. You will not hear from the Nikto sand riders again." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:57More Info
"Get him to my bacta tank." — Boba Fett about aiding the injured Gamorrean guard18:46More Info
"Enough food. Go help with the patrol." — Boba Fett19:20More Info
"I need to respond. Everyone is watching. Waiting for me to make the next move." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:34More Info
"I have to send a message." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:48More Info
"These are Hutts. Waiting will only give them another opportunity to strike again." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand20:02More Info
"What is it?" — Boba Fett to 8D8 about being interrupted by the droid coming into the room20:10More Info
"Go on." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)20:38More Info
"Clear off Tatooine and I will consider a truce." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:23More Info
"Say your piece." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:35More Info
"Promised by who?" — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:47More Info
"And what of the Hutts?" — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:53More Info
"Here is your prisoner. I offer him back if you renounce all claims to Jabba's legacy on Tatooine." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)22:05More Info
"Release him." — Boba Fett to Gamorrean Guard about giving up Black Krrsantan instead of selling him to gladiators22:41More Info
"No hard feelings. It's just business. Take it from an ex-bounty hunter, don't work for scugholes. It's not worth it." — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan22:48More Info
"Either that or kill him." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand23:16More Info
"I have no reason to believe them. They would benefit from their enemies fighting one another." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand23:19More Info
"Why does it just lie there?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper23:47More Info
"This beast can feel such things?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper about being depressed23:56More Info
"Why does it wear blinders?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper24:05More Info
"Can I?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper about approach the rancor24:24More Info
"Whoa, easy. Easy, boy. That's it. I think it likes this." — Boba Fett24:35More Info
"I will spend more time with it." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper24:48More Info
"I thought they were bred just to fight." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper24:55More Info
"I want to learn to ride this one." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper25:13More Info
"I want to ride it. I've ridden beasts ten times its size. Teach me." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper25:17More Info
"We begin today. Here you go. What are we gonna call you? Yes." — Boba Fett to his rancor25:28More Info
"Easy, boy. Easy. Is this the spot? Oh, yes. You like this." — Boba Fett to his rancor26:30More Info
"Not now. I'm busy." — Boba Fett to 8D826:50More Info
"Feed the rancor, a full ronto carcass from the larder. I think it's hungry." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper26:59More Info
"Tell Fennec to suit up. We're not waiting for an appointment." — Boba Fett to 8D827:07More Info
"We're here to see the Mayor. We have a few questions for him." — Boba Fett27:47More Info
"That was a bit heavy-handed, don't you think?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand28:36More Info
"Did he just lock the door?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand28:44More Info
"Where is he?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo32:06More Info
"Is he?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo32:15More Info
"How many?" — Boba Fett to Skad33:25More Info
"Good work. Keep an eye on them. Sorry, it's an expression." — Boba Fett to Skad33:31More Info
"Then we will be ready." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand33:53More Info

The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 4 ("The Gathering Storm")

"Not today, old girl. Still too many guards. Let's get something to eat." — Boba Fett to his bantha03:41More Info
"Here you go. Enjoy." — Boba Fett to his bantha04:19More Info
"She needs modification." — Boba Fett to Modifier07:30More Info
"This woman is about to die." — Boba Fett to Modifier07:41More Info
"Aren't you gonna close her up?" — Boba Fett to Modifier09:03More Info
"Drink." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand09:36More Info
"You were dying of a gut shot. I saved your life." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand09:36More Info
"I brought you to a mod-parlor on the outskirts of Mos Eisley. It was the best I could do under the circumstances." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand09:36More Info
"Take the black melon. It will help you recover. It takes some getting used to. With time you start to crave it." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand10:21More Info
"You are Master Assassin Fennec Shand of the Mid Rim." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand10:46More Info
"You are." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about being worth more alive than dead10:58More Info
"I don't want money." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand11:04More Info
"I am Boba Fett." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand11:16More Info
"I was... left for dead on the sands of Tatooine. Like you. I was rescued by the Sand People. They took me in, treated me as one of their own. I tried to help them. Instead I got them massacred by Nikto speed bikers." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about being considered dead11:25More Info
"I want you to help me. Help me recover my Firespray gunship." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand12:03More Info
"Jabba the Hutt's palace." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand12:17More Info
"Because I might not like the answer. Without my armor, I'm less pursuasive." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about simply asking Bib Fortuna for his ship back12:34More Info
"If that is what you wish." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about trading Fennec's help for her debt being paid12:51More Info
"I can't tell. The gate opens, some come out, some go in." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about knowing how many guards are outside Jabba's Palace13:31More Info
"It's time. It's time to say farewell, my friend. You served me well. Yes, I know. I know I'm gonna miss you, too, old girl. Now go. Find other banthas. Make baby banthas. Go! You're free to roam the Dune Sea." — Boba Fett to his bantha14:54More Info
"Why? Either I get it or I die. Soon you'll be free, too." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec's concern over letting his bantha go before getting his ship back15:33More Info
"I'm gonna find my armor. Then I'm gonna kill that bloated pig who double crossed me. Take his throne." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about what's next for him15:48More Info
"Why not?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about being asked if he wants to head a Gotra16:01More Info
"I'm tired of working for idiots who are gonna get me killed. The Tuskens took me in. Made me part of their tribe. I was ready to leave hunting behind." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand16:06More Info
"There she is." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Boba seeing his ship inside Jabba's palace in Fennec's map16:51More Info
"There are too many guards." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand17:09More Info
"No one sounded the alarm." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:21More Info
"We'll slip past the guards." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:24More Info
"Where'd you go? Got ya." — Boba Fett to LEP droid20:10More Info
"Do you know who I am? I am Boba Fett." — Boba Fett to LEP droid20:22More Info
"Quick little bugger." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about the LEP droid20:37More Info
"Let's go." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand20:43More Info
"Good work." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand21:42More Info
"Damn it." — Boba Fett about an alarm beeping on his ship23:28More Info
"We need to get the gate open but I can't see a thing!" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand23:35More Info
"Guns are jammed. I can't get a shot." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand24:06More Info
"I hope you know what you're doing." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand24:17More Info
"Next time?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec's request to stick to the plan next time25:01More Info
"She's in good shape. Just a little rusty." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about the condition of Boba's ship25:07More Info
"I'll do the maintenance myself. There's an advantage to people thinking you're dead. Now your debt is paid. Where would you like to be dropped?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand25:15More Info
"I have a few scores to settle." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand25:32More Info
"Hang on." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about maneuvering his ship above the Sarlacc pit27:09More Info
"The Sarlacc Pit. That's where I was trapped all those years ago. That's where I'll find my armor." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand27:24More Info
"Not beskar." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec's concern his armor would be dissolved in the Sarlacc27:35More Info
"Damn it. I can't see a thing." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand28:01More Info
"Come on." — Boba Fett about his ship versus the Sarlacc28:54More Info
"Next time don't touch my buttons." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand30:15More Info
"Nothing. All junk." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about taking a closer look in the now-dead Sarlacc30:30More Info
"Yeah. My armor's not down there." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec's comment it's not safe in the acid-burning Sarlacc30:37More Info
"Scurrier?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about offering Fennec a bite to eat31:01More Info
"How many times have you been hired to do a job that was avoidable? If they only took the time to think. How much money could have been made? How many lives could have been saved?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand31:25More Info
"I'm tired of our kind dying because of the idiocy of others. We're smarter than them. It's time we took our shot." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand31:42More Info
"Yes. If I'm gonna start a house, I need brains and muscle. You have both." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec noticing Boba said "we"31:55More Info
"I can offer you something no client ever has." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand32:16More Info
"Loyalty. I will cut you in on the success and pledge my life to protect yours." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand32:23More Info
"No. It's made me strong. You can only get so far without a tribe." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about respond to Fennec thinking Tusken life has made Boba soft32:42More Info
"Those take longer. Anything from the Mayor's Majordomo? Is he cooperating?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about the remaining emotional scars on the inside, despite his bacta healing being complete33:51More Info
"My armor, quickly." — Boba Fett to his dressing droid34:03More Info
"I should still show my face in town." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand34:11More Info
"Power hates a vacuum." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand34:17More Info
"It was worth a shot." — Boba Fett to Garsa Fwip38:00More Info
"Hey, mate. Looks like you could use a job." — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan38:15More Info
"I may sit on that throne. But I have no designs on any of your territories. I ask for no tribute or quarter, and I expect to give none either. I'm here to make a proposal that's mutually beneficial. As I'm sure you all know, the Pyke Syndicate are mustering troops in Mos Espa. They have slowly absorbed our planet as part of their spice trade. They have bribed the Mayor and are draining Tatooine of its wealth." — Boba Fett39:33More Info
"Easy, boy. Easy. Think he's a little hungry. Please. Sit." — Boba Fett40:35More Info
"Why speak of conflict when cooperation can make us all rich?" — Boba Fett40:59More Info
"I am proposing that all the families of Mos Espa join in a defensive alliance until the Pyke Syndicate is vanquished." — Boba Fett about a question from Master Garfalaquox, an Aqualish at the table41:11More Info
"Then I will fight these battles alone. I will vanquish these interlopers who threaten our planet. I will make the streets safe again. So all in this room can prosper. All I ask in return is that you remain neutral if the Pyke Syndicate approaches you to betray me." — Boba Fett41:34More Info
"I trust them to work in their own self-interest. My deal is a lot better than what the Syndicate would offer. They may be stubborn, but they are not foolish enough to see that the Pykes would eventually take over the whole planet. Either way, we must prepare for war." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about trusting the other Mos Espa families43:01More Info
"I have plenty of credits. What I'm short on is muscle." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand43:30More Info

The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 5 ("Return of The Mandalorian")

"Boba Fett." — Din Djarin to Fennec Shand46:42More Info

The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 7 ("In The Name of Honor")

"We are at war." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand02:04More Info
"Even if we win, there might not be anything left of this city." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand02:11More Info
"Free?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's update that Cobb Vanth will help for free02:36More Info
"I agree to their terms." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Freetown wanting the spice trade to stop in turn for helping to fight02:49More Info
"In the long run, it is better for us as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo..." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec's concern that the spice trade makes a lot of money02:54More Info
"Let the people of Freetown know they have my word." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin03:08More Info
"You are confident he will come?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's claim that Cobb Vanth will be coming with reinforcements03:15More Info
"Well, if he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin03:21More Info
"Is that so?" — Boba Fett to Skad about locking down the palace being a bad idea03:35More Info
"And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?" — Boba Fett to Skad03:38More Info
"Here? In these ruins? Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection." — Boba Fett to Skad03:44More Info
"We'll stay." — Boba Fett to Drash04:12More Info
"For now?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about next steps after planning how to deal with an attack from the Pykes10:53More Info
"I thought you said nobody could sneak up on us." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand11:04More Info
"I thought I smelled something. If you're looking for a job, you're late." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane11:30More Info
"I don't negotiate with gutless murderers." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane11:48More Info
"Clear out. And tell your bosses we know they're outnumbered." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane11:59More Info
"No." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane about Cad Bane's request for spice to move freely through Mos Espa12:53More Info
"I will only negotiate with the head of the Pyke Syndicate." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane13:00More Info
"He killed Vanth. The reinforcements aren't coming." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:46More Info
"I can take him." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:54More Info
"I can take him." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about his same idea after Fennec thinks he's being emotional13:57More Info
"Tell your client negotiations are terminated." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane14:16More Info
"We all do." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane about Cad's comment that he's going soft in his old age14:27More Info
"I wonder how much he would pay for the Twi'lek." — Boba Fett14:53More Info
"Have the Pykes arrived?" — Boba Fett to Drash15:03More Info
"So did I." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about thinking they had a treaty with the other families in Mos Espa15:23More Info
"Santo! Santo, come in!" — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan15:31More Info
"It's a coordinated attack. We'll have to gather our people." — Boba Fett16:35More Info
"Does the Pyke Syndicate still operate out of Mos Eisley?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo16:42More Info
"Can you do that? Can you get there in time?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec going to the Desert Survey Office where the Pyke Syndicate is headquartered16:55More Info
"It was just a matter of time. Is Cad Bane with them?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin19:05More Info
"Would be a miracle if any survived. All three gotras of Mos Espa turned on us." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin19:16More Info
"It was. I suppose you'll be heading out." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about being a smart move19:27More Info
"You should." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying he's not heading out19:35More Info
"You really buy into that bantha fodder?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's belief in the Creed19:46More Info
"Good." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's confirming his beliefs19:52More Info
"Or?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about hearing Din's second idea20:07More Info
"I can't abandon Mos Espa. These people are counting on me." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin20:13More Info
"You sure you wanna stay?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying they'll both die in the name of honor20:25More Info
"Get to it." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo20:58More Info
"Very well. Give me your tablet. I will write out my statement and what I am willing to pay." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo about hearing the Majordomo's long-winded idea to be the emissary21:34More Info
"Now go before I change my mind." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo21:56More Info
"They just keep coming." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin24:55More Info
"The people of Freetown." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin25:26More Info
"You all right?" — Boba Fett to Drash26:54More Info
"Save it for the Pykes." — Boba Fett to a Freetown fighter about her gripe that they're just helping some city rats27:02More Info
"Cover me!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin27:39More Info
"Welcome back, Santo. I have to confess I thought you were gone. I owe you a nice long soak in the bacta tank when this is done." — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan27:56More Info
"Run! We'll distract them." — Boba Fett to the Mos Espa fighters29:43More Info
"These two will destroy the whole city!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:45More Info
"Move!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:50More Info
"Can you protect the others?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:52More Info
"Watch out!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:56More Info
"We need reinforcements." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:59More Info
"Protect the others." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin31:02More Info
"Do it." — Boba Fett to his rancor38:55More Info
"Clear out and take your hoodlum gang with you." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane43:46More Info
"This is my city. These are my people. I will not abandon them." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane44:05More Info
"Don't toy with me. I'm not a little boy any longer, and you are an old man." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane44:15More Info
"That may be, but I have armor." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane about Cad saying he's faster than Boba44:26More Info
"This is my city!" — Boba Fett to Cad Bane44:53More Info
"Why does it have to be the right arm?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about soreness from the fight with Cad Bane and company53:02More Info
"It's being used." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about her suggestion to soak in the bacta tank53:02More Info
"Why must everyone bow at me?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand53:13More Info
"Are those my only two choices?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about people either bowing or shooting at them53:13More Info
"Thank you." — Boba Fett to Mos Espa locals about being offered Meiloorun53:22More Info
"We are not suited for this." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand53:28More Info

The Bounty Hunter Wars #1 The Mandalorian Armor

"I'm not restricted by the authority of your so-called Bounty Hunter's Guild. I answer to a higher law." — Boba Fettp. 47More Info
"The Hutts and all my other clients - they pay me the kind of bounties they do because of one thing. I deliver. Once I've caught my prey, nothing stops me from bringing it in. Nothing. If I take on a job, I complete it. And everyone in the galaxy knows that." — Boba Fettp. 53More Info
"Other bounty hunters may conduct their business as they please. They have their standards ... and I have mine. And I've got the merchandise, and they don't. There's a connection." — Boba Fettp. 53More Info

The Bounty Hunter Wars #2 Slave Ship

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu." (The gauntlet of Mandalore strikes without mercy. We are the rage of The Warriors of the Shadow.)More Info

The Bounty Hunter Wars #3 Hard Merchandise

"It's not a matter of luck. Not for me." — Boba Fett with NeelahMore Info
"Creatures who depend upon luck," replied Boba Fett, "don't survive."More Info

The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 21 ("R2 Come Home")

"Bossk, fire up Slave I." — Aurra Sing to BosskMore Info

The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 22 ("Lethal Trackdown")

"Move Slave I to the outskirts and get the hostages ready." — Aurra SingMore Info

The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 15 ("Deception")

"Hey, Hardeen. You owe me something." — Boba Fett to Hardeen15:48More Info
"You don't even remember me? That's very insulting." — Boba Fett to Hardeen15:56More Info
"You stole a bounty from me, and I want an apology!" — Boba Fett to Hardeen16:04More Info
"Oh, yes, I do." — Boba Fett to Hardeen about wanting to cause a scene since Cad Bane has his back16:17More Info
"You got a problem with Boba, you got a problem with me." — Bossk to Hardeen16:36More Info

The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 20 ("Bounty")

"You got a problem with that? My name's Boba, and this is Highsinger. I see you've already met Bossk and Latts. What's your name?" — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"So it's gonna be like that, huh?" — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Fine. Let's get going." — Boba Fett to Latts RazziMore Info
"What? You don't trust us? When the job's done, you'll get your cut, just like the rest of us." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Why do we have to travel by subtram? Wouldn't it be easier just to land at our destination?" — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"Subtram it is, then." — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"So why hire six expensive bounty hunters to move cargo?" — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"You make the rules. I follow them." — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"Latts, you and Highsinger stay there. I'll be in the engine room with Bossk. I sent the new girl and Dengar to the back." — Boba Fett to Latts RazziMore Info
"Latts, Highsinger, get ready." — Boba FettMore Info
"I'll check the cargo. Stay here." — Boba Fett to BosskMore Info
"Hold your position. Bossk, get to the back and help the rookie." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"What? Don't worry. I'll protect you." — Boba Fett to Pluma SodiMore Info
"Hey!" — Boba Fett to Pluma Sodi about getting slapped by herMore Info
"Ah, oh... That girl's crazy. We're protecting her?" — Boba Fett to Asajj Ventress about regrouping after getting knocked out by KrismoMore Info
"It doesn't matter. Tie them down, and let's finish this job." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Hey, rookie! I need you in the back." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"We're almost to the drop-off point. Soon I'll be delivering that brat to the warlord and collecting a handsome bounty that you will get your share of." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Half? Please. You just got to the game." — Boba Fett to Asajj Ventress about her demand for half of the bounty instead of just a portionMore Info
"Boy? You have no idea who you're talking to. I have been in charge of this whole operation -- " — Boba Fett to Asajj Ventress about her insult that he's just a mere boy of no importanceMore Info

The Empire Strikes Back Novelization

"A human bounty hunter, Fett was known for his extremely ruthless methods. He was dressed in a weapon-covered, armored spacesuit, the kind worn by a group of evil warriors defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. A few braided scalps completed his unsavory image."More Info

The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama

"It shall be as you command, Lord Vader." — Boba Fett to Darth VaderMore Info
"Hello Solo. Jabba the Hutt sends his warmest regards. He looks forward to seeing you." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Joke while you can, Solo. " — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Lord Vader is ... chastising him, Calrissian." — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"Then why don't you complain to Vader? I would enjoy seeing the Dark Lord lose his patience with you." — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"Don't push me." — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"And what will happen then, Calrissian?" — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"Lord Vader, with all respect, I was the one to find the Falcon for you. You made certain promises. Jabba wants to make an example of Solo. He's no good to me dead." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"As you wish, Lord Vader." — Boba Fett to Darth VaderMore Info
"Lord Vader, what if Solo doesn't survive the freezing process? He's worth a lot of money to me." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Yes, Lord Vader." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"My thanks, my Lord. My starship is docked in the East Landing Platform." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info

The Frozen World of Ota

"Don't puff yourself, space bum! You're just side money for me, this trip!" — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info

The Han Solo Trilogy Rebel Dawn

The being who has once been Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel, and was now Boba Fett, the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter, had watched the reaction of the citizens around him for years, as he hunted bounties of one sort or another.p. 190More Info
"The bounty on her is one hundred thousand." — Boba Fettp. 218More Info
"Oh, great! Now Fett will just kill us all!" — Han Solo about Boba Fettp. 352More Info

The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 6 ("The Tragedy")

"I've been tracking you, Mandalorian." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin08:47More Info
"I'm here for the armor." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:20More Info
"I don't want your armor. I want my armor that you got from Cobb Vanth back on Tatooine. It belongs to me." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:28More Info
"I'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:41More Info
"I give my allegiance to no one." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din asking about Boba Fett taking the Mandalorian creed09:49More Info
"The armor was my father's. Now it's mine." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:57More Info
"Because I have a sharpshooter up on that ridge with a locked scope that will unload by the time my body hits the ground." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Fennec Shand, because Din asked why he wouldn't just shoot Boba Fett10:04More Info
"I didn't mean she was going to shoot you. My friend's locked onto that little companion of yours up on the henge." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Fennec Shand and Grogu (The Child)10:17More Info
"Let's all put down our weapons, have a chat. There's no need for bloodshed." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin10:42More Info
"After you put down the jetpack." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin10:49More Info
"Stand down." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand10:55More Info
"She was left for dead on the sands of Tatooine, as was I. But fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Fennec Shand11:22More Info
"In my case, Boba Fett was that fate. And I am now in his service." — Fennec Shand to Din Djarin about Boba Fett11:30More Info
"I want my armor back." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin11:40More Info
"The armor was given to my father, Jango, by your forebears. In exchange, I guarantee the safety of the Child, as well as your own." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin11:44More Info
"I'd say we're offering a fair deal under the circumstances." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin12:00More Info
"I was aiming for the other one." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin19:55More Info
"Affirmative." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:02More Info
"I have a lock." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:04More Info
"Copy. I'll do a loose follow, see where they're headed." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:13More Info
"They're back." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about The Empire22:38More Info
"The Empire. They're back." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:40More Info
"This isn't a spice dream. I can see the Imperial cruiser with my own eyes." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about The Empire22:47More Info
"Heading down." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about The Empire22:54More Info
"Beskar." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin24:17More Info
"I want you to take a look at something. My chain code has been encoded in this armor for 25 years. You see, this is me. Boba Fett. This is my father, Jango Fett." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin24:20More Info
"Yes. He even fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying Boba's father was a foundling24:39More Info
"I appreciate its return." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying the armor belongs to Boba Fett24:48More Info
"Not quite." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying that the deal with Boba Fett is complete24:54More Info
"We agreed in exchange for the return of my armor, we will ensure the safety of the Child." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din confused that the deal with Boba Fett is not yet complete24:56More Info
"Until he is returned to you safely, we are in your debt." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din thinking the Child is gone for good25:05More Info

The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 7 ("The Believer")

"You know, for a second, I thought you were this other guy." — Migs Mayfeld with Cara Dune to Boba Fett about Din Djarin03:24More Info
"Fett, punch in the coordinates to Morak." — Din Djarin to Boba Fett05:35More Info
"Copy that." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin05:38More Info
"I did an initial scan of the planet. This is what you're talking about, right?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Morak05:44 - 05:49More Info
"Looks like rhydonium. Highly volatile and explosive." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand05:54 - 05:59More Info
"Yeah, kinda like this one, huh." — Migs Mayfeld to Boba Fett05:59 - 06:03More Info
"They have anti-aircraft cannons protecting it." — Boba Fett about Morak06:06 - 06:08More Info
"You get to the roof. I'll drop in and pull you out." — Boba Fett to Migs Mayfeld06:37 - 06:39More Info
"Fett?" — Din Djarin to Boba Fett about tripping the alarm on Morak07:09 - 07:10More Info
"Let's just say they might recognize my face." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin07:11 - 07:13More Info
"We're on. Start your run." — Fennec Shand to Boba Fett28:47 - 28:49More Info
"On my way." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand28:50 - 28:51More Info
"We got company." — Boba Fett about TIE fighters pursuing Slave I30:36 - 30:37More Info
"Hang on." — Boba Fett30:38 - 30:39More Info

The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8 ("The Rescue")

"Lower your shields, disengage all transponders, prepare for boarding." — Boba Fett02:19 - 02:24More Info
"Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose." — Bo-Katan Kryze with Koska Reeves to Din Djarin about his presence with Boba Fett05:38 - 05:45More Info
"We don't need these two. Let's get outta here." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Bo-Katan and Koska05:57 - 06:00More Info
"You are not a Mandalorian." — Bo-Katan Kryze to Boba Fett06:03 - 06:04More Info
"Never said I was." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze about her claim that he's not a Mandalorian06:05 - 06:06More Info
"I didn't know sidekicks were allowed to talk." — Koska Reeves to Boba Fett06:08 - 06:09More Info
"Well, if that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy." — Boba Fett to Koska Reeves about her sidekicks-not-allowed-to-talk insult06:12 - 06:15More Info
"Easy there, little one." — Boba Fett to Koska Reeves06:17 - 06:18More Info
"You gotta be kidding me. Mandalore? The Empire turned that planet to glass." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about offering to help Bo-Katan regain Mandalore06:37 - 06:42More Info
"You are a disgrace to your armor." — Bo-Katan Kryze to Boba Fett06:44 - 06:46More Info
"This armor belonged to my father." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze06:47 - 06:49More Info
"Don't you mean your donor?" — Bo-Katan Kryze to Boba Fett about Jango Fett06:50 - 06:51More Info
"Careful, princess." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze06:52 - 06:54More Info
"You are a clone. I've heard your voice thousands of times." — Bo-Katan Kryze to Boba Fett06:55 - 07:00More Info
"Mine might be the last one you hear." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze about hearing Boba's "clone" voice thousands of times07:01 - 07:03More Info
"Prepare to exit jump space." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze10:46 - 10:47More Info
"Copy that. Get the hell out of there as soon as they clear us to dock. And your shots have to look convincing." — Bo-Katan Kryze to Boba Fett10:47 - 10:52More Info
"Power up those shields, princess. I'll put on a good show." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze10:53 - 10:56More Info
"Don't worry about me. Just be careful in there." — Boba Fett to Bo-Katan Kryze about watching out for deck canons on Moff's ship10:58 - 11:01More Info
"Boba. I thought you were dead. I'm so glad to see you. I had heard many rumors." (In Huttese) — Bib Fortuna to Boba Fett42:57 - 43:08More Info

The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 ("The Mines of Mandalore")

"Are you takin' out Boba Fett?" — Peli Motto to Din Djarin about Din returning unannounced to Tatooine3:57More Info

Zen Studios Ltd. Star Wars Pinball

"I deliver. Once I caught my prey, nothing stops me from bringing it in. Nothing." — Boba FettMore Info
"If I take on the job, I complete it -- and everyone in the galaxy knows that." — Boba FettMore Info
"We'll meet again, friends." — Boba FettMore Info

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