
Jabba the Hutt


Vile, disgusting, slug-like alien who ruled a vast criminal empire that spread throughout much of the Galaxy

It was Jabba who took in Boba Fett when he was still a young man looking to follow in his father Jango's bounty hunting footsteps.

Jabba remained the main employer of Boba throughout the majority of Boba's bounty hunting career and it was through Jabba that Boba was able to get one of his biggest pay-days when he tracked down Han Solo to Cloud City.

Unfortunately for Boba, his many years of employment with Jabba would end abruptly after the Hutt was killed by Princess Leia onboard his sail barge while awaiting the punishment of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Last updated

December 22, 2022


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