
Grant McCune


Visual Effects Artist

Born: March 27, 1943
Died: December 27, 2010

According to his obituary in The Guardian, "McCune went on to design the helmet worn by the bounty hunter Boba Fett in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)." However, it's generally noted that Joe Johnston designed Boba Fett.

Grant McCune would often have social events with Joe Johnston and John Dykstra, among other ILM employees back in the day.

Grant McCune is also significant in the cosplay community, relating to a "GMH" casting of the Pre-Pro 2 helmet (albeit with bubbles, cracks, and a big molding scar on the back), which was then "cleaned up" and repaired by FettPride. Nevertheless, the "GMH" is one of two "sons" of the originals, according to the founder of the cosplay club The Dented Helmet who also owned it for a period of time (before selling it to Superjedi aka CounterFett Creations).

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Last updated

February 20, 2023


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