Behind the Mask Actors

Don Bies

Age: 63
Born: April 7, 1961
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Boba Fett in "Jedi: Special Edition" – Flirting Boba


Actor - Return of the Jedi: Special Edition (Boba Fett, in Jabba's Palace flirting with the dancers)

The model engineer, Episode I R2-D2 operator, and also Lucasfilm archivist, Don suited up for the additions of Boba Fett mingling with two of Jabba's dancers.


"George literally decided that day to include Boba -- he said it was his 'gift to the fans.' George directed me in the scene. I was supposed to stroke the cheek of one of the palace dancers, but the lady had a lot of grease paint on, so I came up with just chucking her under her chin." -- Don Bies for the Star Wars: Boba Fett magazine (1998)

Last updated

May 3, 2023


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