
Coruscant located at the center of the known Galaxy, has long been the home of galactic politics, first, for the Republic and then later to the Galactic Empire before finally returning back to the New Republic. Boba first came to Coruscant in his search for Count Dooku following his father Jango's death on Geonosis. However, this turned out to be a trap set-up by a couple of bounty hunters on the moon Bogg 4. Thanks to the intervention of the bounty huntress, Aurra Sing, Boba would be "rescued" only to be held hostage and made to fly to the waste dump planet of Raxus Prime where Dooku was awaiting his arrival.

Boba would later return to Coruscant when he planned on carrying out his plot of killing Jedi Master Mace Windu, who had many years earlier killed his father Jango. However, his plan was foiled and had it not been for the timely arrival of Chancellor Palpatine, Boba would have met his father sooner than he had planned.


  • "The Fight to Survive" by Terry Bisson
  • "Pursuit" by Elizabeth Hand

Last updated

July 11, 2023


2,208 hits

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