
Alan Harris

Born: May 28, 1938
Died: January 25, 2020

Prototype Boba (Photo Test)


Alan Harris was photographed in 1978 wearing the white Boba Fett prototype armor.

Harris was later cast as Bossk in The Empire Strikes Back, plus was also one of the Bespin guards (Bislav Merril) handling the frozen Han Solo in Carbonite. He also played other bit Star Wars characters.

Also, while Harrison Ford had his face cast as Han in Carbonite, it was actual Alan's cast for the rest of it.

Some believe Alan also played Bossk in Return of the Jedi, but in an 2012 interview with Trevor Butterfield, he says he played Bossk and Alan was a stand-in for Jeremy Bulloch. (We can't independently confirm that last statement, but are on the look out. Four others were stand-ins for Jeremy according to actual call sheets. See for who's who.)

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Last updated

May 27, 2024


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