
Feared for a nasty reputation of digesting its prey for up to one thousand years, this massively huge beast lay nestled deep in the sands of the desert world, Tatooine.

Jabba the Hutt used the Sarlacc that resided in the as both a form of entertainment and a way of executing his enemies.

The Sarlacc used by Jabba was thought to be one of the largest of its kind.

One of the Great Pit of Carkoon sarlacc's most well-known "victims" and also the only one to survive being swallowed by it was the bounty hunter Boba Fett.

Sarlacc's also seem to possess some form of telepathy as a video-recording discovered from Boba Fett's time in the beasts belly showed him reacting to things that weren't there.

Boba Fett: Dead Or Alive?

For a timeline of what's canon, what's expanded universe / legends, and how it's changed over time, see our Fett Fact Check called "Is Boba Fett Dead Or Alive?"

Variant/Typo Spelling

In the Dark Empire comic, they consistently spell it Sarlaac.

Last updated

December 22, 2022


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