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Star Wars: Legion Boba Fett Operative Expansion
From the press release:
Thus far, Star Wars: Legion has introduced a variety of commanders to the many unsung battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. From Darth Vader to Leia Organa, each of these commanders has their own methods for getting the most out of their troops. But some iconic characters work better on their own, as independent units capable of dominating sections of the battlefield without worrying about the troops fighting alongside them. Soon, Imperial generals will be able to add one such unit to their army. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Boba Fett Operative Expansion for Star Wars: Legion!
As evidenced when he tracked Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon to Bespin, Boba Fett is a cunning bounty hunter who considers all the angles. He's also a formidable warrior, with his intimidating Mandalorian armor concealing an assortment of deadly weaponry. Although he works on his own, Boba Fett is just as lethal as any squad of Stormtroopers.
As the game's first operative, the Boba Fett Operative Expansion includes everything you need to add the galaxy's best bounty hunter to your Imperial army. A single unpainted, easily-assembled miniature depicts Boba Fett taking flight in search of his next quarry. Meanwhile, three command cards let you tap into the many dirty tricks that Fett has hidden in his Mandalorian armor, and three upgrade cards give you even more tools to equip Boba Fett or another unit for battle.
The Boba Fett Operative Expansion is set to be released alongside the Scout Troopers Unit Expansion in the third quarter of 2018.
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