The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama


"It shall be as you command, Lord Vader." — Boba Fett to Darth VaderMore Info
"Hello Solo. Jabba the Hutt sends his warmest regards. He looks forward to seeing you." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Joke while you can, Solo. " — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Lord Vader is ... chastising him, Calrissian." — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"Then why don't you complain to Vader? I would enjoy seeing the Dark Lord lose his patience with you." — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"Don't push me." — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"And what will happen then, Calrissian?" — Boba Fett to Lando CalrissianMore Info
"Lord Vader, with all respect, I was the one to find the Falcon for you. You made certain promises. Jabba wants to make an example of Solo. He's no good to me dead." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"As you wish, Lord Vader." — Boba Fett to Darth VaderMore Info
"Lord Vader, what if Solo doesn't survive the freezing process? He's worth a lot of money to me." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"Yes, Lord Vader." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info
"My thanks, my Lord. My starship is docked in the East Landing Platform." — Boba Fett to Han SoloMore Info

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