The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 6 ("The Tragedy")


"I've been tracking you, Mandalorian." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin08:47More Info
"I'm here for the armor." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:20More Info
"I don't want your armor. I want my armor that you got from Cobb Vanth back on Tatooine. It belongs to me." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:28More Info
"I'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:41More Info
"I give my allegiance to no one." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din asking about Boba Fett taking the Mandalorian creed09:49More Info
"The armor was my father's. Now it's mine." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin09:57More Info
"Because I have a sharpshooter up on that ridge with a locked scope that will unload by the time my body hits the ground." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Fennec Shand, because Din asked why he wouldn't just shoot Boba Fett10:04More Info
"I didn't mean she was going to shoot you. My friend's locked onto that little companion of yours up on the henge." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Fennec Shand and Grogu (The Child)10:17More Info
"Let's all put down our weapons, have a chat. There's no need for bloodshed." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin10:42More Info
"After you put down the jetpack." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin10:49More Info
"Stand down." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand10:55More Info
"She was left for dead on the sands of Tatooine, as was I. But fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Fennec Shand11:22More Info
"In my case, Boba Fett was that fate. And I am now in his service." — Fennec Shand to Din Djarin about Boba Fett11:30More Info
"I want my armor back." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin11:40More Info
"The armor was given to my father, Jango, by your forebears. In exchange, I guarantee the safety of the Child, as well as your own." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin11:44More Info
"I'd say we're offering a fair deal under the circumstances." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin12:00More Info
"I was aiming for the other one." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin19:55More Info
"Affirmative." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:02More Info
"I have a lock." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:04More Info
"Copy. I'll do a loose follow, see where they're headed." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:13More Info
"They're back." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about The Empire22:38More Info
"The Empire. They're back." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand22:40More Info
"This isn't a spice dream. I can see the Imperial cruiser with my own eyes." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about The Empire22:47More Info
"Heading down." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about The Empire22:54More Info
"Beskar." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin24:17More Info
"I want you to take a look at something. My chain code has been encoded in this armor for 25 years. You see, this is me. Boba Fett. This is my father, Jango Fett." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin24:20More Info
"Yes. He even fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying Boba's father was a foundling24:39More Info
"I appreciate its return." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying the armor belongs to Boba Fett24:48More Info
"Not quite." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying that the deal with Boba Fett is complete24:54More Info
"We agreed in exchange for the return of my armor, we will ensure the safety of the Child." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din confused that the deal with Boba Fett is not yet complete24:56More Info
"Until he is returned to you safely, we are in your debt." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din thinking the Child is gone for good25:05More Info

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