The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 20 ("Bounty")


"You got a problem with that? My name's Boba, and this is Highsinger. I see you've already met Bossk and Latts. What's your name?" — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"So it's gonna be like that, huh?" — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Fine. Let's get going." — Boba Fett to Latts RazziMore Info
"What? You don't trust us? When the job's done, you'll get your cut, just like the rest of us." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Why do we have to travel by subtram? Wouldn't it be easier just to land at our destination?" — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"Subtram it is, then." — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"So why hire six expensive bounty hunters to move cargo?" — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"You make the rules. I follow them." — Boba Fett to Major RigossoMore Info
"Latts, you and Highsinger stay there. I'll be in the engine room with Bossk. I sent the new girl and Dengar to the back." — Boba Fett to Latts RazziMore Info
"Latts, Highsinger, get ready." — Boba FettMore Info
"I'll check the cargo. Stay here." — Boba Fett to BosskMore Info
"Hold your position. Bossk, get to the back and help the rookie." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"What? Don't worry. I'll protect you." — Boba Fett to Pluma SodiMore Info
"Hey!" — Boba Fett to Pluma Sodi about getting slapped by herMore Info
"Ah, oh... That girl's crazy. We're protecting her?" — Boba Fett to Asajj Ventress about regrouping after getting knocked out by KrismoMore Info
"It doesn't matter. Tie them down, and let's finish this job." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Hey, rookie! I need you in the back." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"We're almost to the drop-off point. Soon I'll be delivering that brat to the warlord and collecting a handsome bounty that you will get your share of." — Boba Fett to Asajj VentressMore Info
"Half? Please. You just got to the game." — Boba Fett to Asajj Ventress about her demand for half of the bounty instead of just a portionMore Info
"Boy? You have no idea who you're talking to. I have been in charge of this whole operation -- " — Boba Fett to Asajj Ventress about her insult that he's just a mere boy of no importanceMore Info

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