The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 7 ("In The Name of Honor")


"We are at war." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand02:04More Info
"Even if we win, there might not be anything left of this city." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand02:11More Info
"Free?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's update that Cobb Vanth will help for free02:36More Info
"I agree to their terms." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Freetown wanting the spice trade to stop in turn for helping to fight02:49More Info
"In the long run, it is better for us as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo..." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec's concern that the spice trade makes a lot of money02:54More Info
"Let the people of Freetown know they have my word." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin03:08More Info
"You are confident he will come?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's claim that Cobb Vanth will be coming with reinforcements03:15More Info
"Well, if he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin03:21More Info
"Is that so?" — Boba Fett to Skad about locking down the palace being a bad idea03:35More Info
"And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?" — Boba Fett to Skad03:38More Info
"Here? In these ruins? Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection." — Boba Fett to Skad03:44More Info
"We'll stay." — Boba Fett to Drash04:12More Info
"For now?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about next steps after planning how to deal with an attack from the Pykes10:53More Info
"I thought you said nobody could sneak up on us." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand11:04More Info
"I thought I smelled something. If you're looking for a job, you're late." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane11:30More Info
"I don't negotiate with gutless murderers." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane11:48More Info
"Clear out. And tell your bosses we know they're outnumbered." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane11:59More Info
"No." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane about Cad Bane's request for spice to move freely through Mos Espa12:53More Info
"I will only negotiate with the head of the Pyke Syndicate." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane13:00More Info
"He killed Vanth. The reinforcements aren't coming." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:46More Info
"I can take him." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand13:54More Info
"I can take him." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about his same idea after Fennec thinks he's being emotional13:57More Info
"Tell your client negotiations are terminated." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane14:16More Info
"We all do." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane about Cad's comment that he's going soft in his old age14:27More Info
"I wonder how much he would pay for the Twi'lek." — Boba Fett14:53More Info
"Have the Pykes arrived?" — Boba Fett to Drash15:03More Info
"So did I." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about thinking they had a treaty with the other families in Mos Espa15:23More Info
"Santo! Santo, come in!" — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan15:31More Info
"It's a coordinated attack. We'll have to gather our people." — Boba Fett16:35More Info
"Does the Pyke Syndicate still operate out of Mos Eisley?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo16:42More Info
"Can you do that? Can you get there in time?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Fennec going to the Desert Survey Office where the Pyke Syndicate is headquartered16:55More Info
"It was just a matter of time. Is Cad Bane with them?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin19:05More Info
"Would be a miracle if any survived. All three gotras of Mos Espa turned on us." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin19:16More Info
"It was. I suppose you'll be heading out." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about being a smart move19:27More Info
"You should." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying he's not heading out19:35More Info
"You really buy into that bantha fodder?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's belief in the Creed19:46More Info
"Good." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din's confirming his beliefs19:52More Info
"Or?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about hearing Din's second idea20:07More Info
"I can't abandon Mos Espa. These people are counting on me." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin20:13More Info
"You sure you wanna stay?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin about Din saying they'll both die in the name of honor20:25More Info
"Get to it." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo20:58More Info
"Very well. Give me your tablet. I will write out my statement and what I am willing to pay." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo about hearing the Majordomo's long-winded idea to be the emissary21:34More Info
"Now go before I change my mind." — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo21:56More Info
"They just keep coming." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin24:55More Info
"The people of Freetown." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin25:26More Info
"You all right?" — Boba Fett to Drash26:54More Info
"Save it for the Pykes." — Boba Fett to a Freetown fighter about her gripe that they're just helping some city rats27:02More Info
"Cover me!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin27:39More Info
"Welcome back, Santo. I have to confess I thought you were gone. I owe you a nice long soak in the bacta tank when this is done." — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan27:56More Info
"Run! We'll distract them." — Boba Fett to the Mos Espa fighters29:43More Info
"These two will destroy the whole city!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:45More Info
"Move!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:50More Info
"Can you protect the others?" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:52More Info
"Watch out!" — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:56More Info
"We need reinforcements." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin30:59More Info
"Protect the others." — Boba Fett to Din Djarin31:02More Info
"Do it." — Boba Fett to his rancor38:55More Info
"Clear out and take your hoodlum gang with you." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane43:46More Info
"This is my city. These are my people. I will not abandon them." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane44:05More Info
"Don't toy with me. I'm not a little boy any longer, and you are an old man." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane44:15More Info
"That may be, but I have armor." — Boba Fett to Cad Bane about Cad saying he's faster than Boba44:26More Info
"This is my city!" — Boba Fett to Cad Bane44:53More Info
"Why does it have to be the right arm?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about soreness from the fight with Cad Bane and company53:02More Info
"It's being used." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about her suggestion to soak in the bacta tank53:02More Info
"Why must everyone bow at me?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand53:13More Info
"Are those my only two choices?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about people either bowing or shooting at them53:13More Info
"Thank you." — Boba Fett to Mos Espa locals about being offered Meiloorun53:22More Info
"We are not suited for this." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand53:28More Info

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