The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 3 ("The Streets of Mos Espa")


"You can say 'Jabba.'" — Boba Fett to 8D801:59More Info
"He's dead. He can't hurt you." — Boba Fett to 8D802:04More Info
"Why would I feel insulted?" — Boba Fett to 8D802:10More Info
"Well, now I am insulted." — Boba Fett to 8D802:15More Info
"Where does that leave us now?" — Boba Fett to 8D803:05More Info
"And the assassins?" — Boba Fett to 8D803:13More Info
"The Hutts." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:20More Info
"Would they know if you did?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:25More Info
"We should wait." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:29More Info
"That's fine. Send them in." — Boba Fett to 8D8 about a vassal seeking an audience with Boba, but not having an appointment03:40More Info
"Perhaps we'll learn what's really going on in this murky fen." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand03:46More Info
"Let him speak." — Boba Fett to 8D8 about Lortha Peel saying nobody respects Boba Fett04:19More Info
"Well, this is the first I'm hearing of it." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Lortha Peel saying the streets of Mos Espa have turned to chaos04:28More Info
"What?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel04:43More Info
"Go on." — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel about continuing with his petition04:54More Info
"And your inventory is water?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel about insolent youths stealing from him, which he claims didn't happen with the other Daimyo05:07More Info
"I grew up surrounded by water." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about Lortha Peel discussing his water business05:16More Info
"And what is this gang?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel05:24More Info
"Where'd you get that water?" — Boba Fett to Drash06:28More Info
"That's a crime." — Boba Fett06:36More Info
"Then farm your own water." — Boba Fett06:40More Info
"My name is Boba Fett." — Boba Fett to Drash06:47More Info
"Watch your tongue. I'm the Daimyo of this district and I will bring order." — Boba Fett to Drash about hearing her say he should go back to his palace06:57More Info
"You live in the Worker's District. You all should be working." — Boba Fett to Drash07:16More Info
"Then you will work for me. You got guts, I'll give you that. You better fight as good as you talk dank." — Boba Fett to Drash about hearing nobody is hiring workers07:45More Info
"What do they owe you?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel08:06More Info
"For water?" — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel about hearing the gang owes 1,300 credits08:11More Info
"Give him five hundred." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand about countering Lortha Peel's request for 1,300 credits08:14More Info
"I heard you the first time. Take the 500 and consider it resolved, if you want to continue to do business in my territory. If you don't like it, you can move to Mos Eisley." — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel08:17More Info
"And cut your prices. The rest of you, gather up your gak, follow me." — Boba Fett to Lortha Peel08:38More Info
"Hey. Where do the Pykes do their business in Mos Eisley?" — Boba Fett to Jawas10:58More Info
"I have business with the Pyke Syndicate." — Boba Fett to Pyke Guards11:42More Info
"You received my message?" — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:00More Info
"Very well, I'll take payment. Be on my way." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:09More Info
"We are one party. I'm collecting on behalf of the Tuskens of the Dune Sea." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:20More Info
"You don't have to pay that speeder bike gang. We far outnumber them. The sands have belonged to the Tuskens since the oceans dried." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss about the Kintan Striders getting paid for protecting the Pykes already12:35More Info
"I will resolve this. You will not hear from the Nikto sand riders again." — Boba Fett to Pyke Boss12:57More Info
"Get him to my bacta tank." — Boba Fett about aiding the injured Gamorrean guard18:46More Info
"Enough food. Go help with the patrol." — Boba Fett19:20More Info
"I need to respond. Everyone is watching. Waiting for me to make the next move." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:34More Info
"I have to send a message." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand19:48More Info
"These are Hutts. Waiting will only give them another opportunity to strike again." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand20:02More Info
"What is it?" — Boba Fett to 8D8 about being interrupted by the droid coming into the room20:10More Info
"Go on." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)20:38More Info
"Clear off Tatooine and I will consider a truce." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:23More Info
"Say your piece." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:35More Info
"Promised by who?" — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:47More Info
"And what of the Hutts?" — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)21:53More Info
"Here is your prisoner. I offer him back if you renounce all claims to Jabba's legacy on Tatooine." — Boba Fett to The Twins (Hutts)22:05More Info
"Release him." — Boba Fett to Gamorrean Guard about giving up Black Krrsantan instead of selling him to gladiators22:41More Info
"No hard feelings. It's just business. Take it from an ex-bounty hunter, don't work for scugholes. It's not worth it." — Boba Fett to Black Krrsantan22:48More Info
"Either that or kill him." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand23:16More Info
"I have no reason to believe them. They would benefit from their enemies fighting one another." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand23:19More Info
"Why does it just lie there?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper23:47More Info
"This beast can feel such things?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper about being depressed23:56More Info
"Why does it wear blinders?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper24:05More Info
"Can I?" — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper about approach the rancor24:24More Info
"Whoa, easy. Easy, boy. That's it. I think it likes this." — Boba Fett24:35More Info
"I will spend more time with it." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper24:48More Info
"I thought they were bred just to fight." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper24:55More Info
"I want to learn to ride this one." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper25:13More Info
"I want to ride it. I've ridden beasts ten times its size. Teach me." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper25:17More Info
"We begin today. Here you go. What are we gonna call you? Yes." — Boba Fett to his rancor25:28More Info
"Easy, boy. Easy. Is this the spot? Oh, yes. You like this." — Boba Fett to his rancor26:30More Info
"Not now. I'm busy." — Boba Fett to 8D826:50More Info
"Feed the rancor, a full ronto carcass from the larder. I think it's hungry." — Boba Fett to Rancor Keeper26:59More Info
"Tell Fennec to suit up. We're not waiting for an appointment." — Boba Fett to 8D827:07More Info
"We're here to see the Mayor. We have a few questions for him." — Boba Fett27:47More Info
"That was a bit heavy-handed, don't you think?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand28:36More Info
"Did he just lock the door?" — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand28:44More Info
"Where is he?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo32:06More Info
"Is he?" — Boba Fett to Mok Shaiz's Majordomo32:15More Info
"How many?" — Boba Fett to Skad33:25More Info
"Good work. Keep an eye on them. Sorry, it's an expression." — Boba Fett to Skad33:31More Info
"Then we will be ready." — Boba Fett to Fennec Shand33:53More Info

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