A Practical Man
Written by Karen Traviss.
Published August 8, 2006.
From Karen Traviss: "It's set just before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and answers a question that once troubled me: why did Fett side with the Vong, as he appears to do in the Star Wars Tales story Revenants, and then show up out of nowhere with a Mandalorian army in The Unifying Force and give the Vong a serious kicking? (And save Han Solo from them, too...)
This novella explains why. Because he is, after all, a practical man."
Originally only an ebook / e-novella.
At least one version of "Sacrifice" includes "A Practical Man" at the end.
From the publisher:
On the surface, it seems like just another routine contract for Boba Fett and his Mandalorian commandos, but the mystery client who hires them to start a small war is more dangerous than any of them can possibly imagine. When the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force sweeps into the galaxy, the Mandalorians find they're on the wrong side–fighting for an alien culture that will bring about the end of their own.
Now Fett has to choose between his honor and the survival of his people. Since he' s a practical man, he's determined help the resistance beat the Yuuzhan Vong—even if it means working with a Jedi agent. Trouble is, no one trusts a man with Fett' s reputation. So convincing the New Republic that they're fighting on the same side is a tall order. Denounced as traitors, Fett's Mandalorians need to stay one step ahead of their Yuuzhan Vong paymasters–and the Republic who sees them as collaborators with the most destructive enemy the galaxy has ever faced. . . .
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"You can run," he said. "But you'll only die tired." — Boba Fett |
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Bobafett2020 rated this and wrote this review on April 25, 2020:
Wonderful. Loved the book. Highly recommend.
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