Marvel Star Wars #81
"Jawas of Doom"
Boba Fett is picked out of the Sarlacc by Jawas!
Written by Jo Duffy. Illustrated by Ron Frenz, Thomas Palmer, and Tom Mandrake.
The issue began shipping November 22, 1983, and then appeared on sale starting December 13, 1983. The date on the cover says March 1984, which in that time was more of an expiration date for being on shelves.
Variant: the Canadian version shows $0.75 as the price.
Plot Summary (via TheForce.Net Comics with typos corrected):
On Tatooine, Jawas find Fett unconscious near the Great Pit of Carkoon while scavenging Jabba's sail barge. Thinking him a droid or cyborg, they take him to their sandcrawler... Inside the 'crawler, R2 is shocked to see Fett. Following tracks, Leia and Han open fire on the vehicle. As Jawas return fire, a droid prevents R2 from fleeing by activating his restraining bolt. Fett awakens with amnesia as bantha-riding Sandpeople join the fray. Thinking Leia fired, Han jumps to the vehicle, but Leia is shot down and Han is almost hit and falls inside. His 'speeder is stuck in the treads, rolling it toward the Sarlacc pit. Seeing Fett, he expects to die, then realizes Fett has amnesia. Fett helps Han and R2 out; Han considers leaving him to die, but decides to help him. Fett suddenly remembers him and tries to kill him, so Han jumps to safety as the Sarlacc swallows Fett and the 'crawler. As he and R2 rejoin Leia and begin walking back to Mos Eisley, Han is amazed that he tried to help his worst enemy.
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