Topic: Favorite Indiana Jones movie?
Hey, Its me, GLOPINO wanting to know, What your favorite Indiana Jones movie of alltime is?
My favorite is, The Temple of Doom.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → Favorite Indiana Jones movie?
Hey, Its me, GLOPINO wanting to know, What your favorite Indiana Jones movie of alltime is?
My favorite is, The Temple of Doom.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Tample of Doom
Probably the Last Crusade. Harrison Ford and Sean Connery play off each other really well.
OMG Draco you made a spelling mistake! The world as we know it shall explode
I'd say the Last Crusade. Mind you I really enjoyed Raiders "Asps, very dangerous. You go first..."
It be Witches!
Last Crusade is probably my second favorite.
In order...
Raiders, Last Crusade, Crystal Skull, Temple of Doom.
I really like Temple of Doom.... Last Crusade is great too....GAH i cant decide
(Well Draco we'll just have to get Rob Zombie to burn through those witches )
I can't really decide between those 2 either, I'd have to see them back-to-back.
Last Crusade is my favorite, but the scene from Raiders where he shoots the swordsman in the street is priceless.
In order...
Raiders, Last Crusade, Crystal Skull, Temple of Doom.
you stole my order!
I'm very surprised I didnt make this topic earlier...
Well, I must say, if i had to choose one, It would be Raiders. Its practically always been my number one, but every day Last Crusade draws closer to #1. Its just so awesome and epic. Finding the Holy Grail with your father and defeating Nazi's... now thats a bedtime story I'd like to wake up to*. But theres just something about Raiders that cant be beat.
The first Indy film I saw that immediatly sparked my obsession was Temple of Doom. It was completely random, my mother got it for me and my brother from a Mc Donalds when they used to sell random movies there. I remember being in the drive through and her handing back the VHS tape to me and I took it, looked at it, and thought "What the !@#% ?". Eventually I got bored one day and popped it into the VCR in my moms room. She was cooking dinner, my dad was at work, my brother was doing homework.... It was me, a tv, and the film that would change my life forever. I unsuspectantly pressed play and was blown away.
The film began differently from any other Indy film, since it was from McDonalds they placed an Ad for the young Indy Chronicles (playing on tv at the time) at the beginning. I remember sitting there when it blared into action. "My name is Indiana Jones." Said the voice of an old man "And i've been on the adventures of a lifetime." I was shocked. "I've fought in wars, visiting countless exotic places, met famous and infamous people all through out the world...all before the age of 21." I think this ad is what really caught my attention. It gave me a tiny idea of what i was getting into. The real film began, the gong was hit and Willie Scott sang 'Anything Goes' .(yes I was like "wtf?") The movie continued into the intense action and adventure that is Indiana Jones.
I had no idea what was going on, only that this...archaeologist... was kicking major @$$. Before the movie was even over I already had my first makeshift Indy costume, a wind breaker, a black cowboy hat, and my leather belt as the whip. I remember coordinating Indy's whips swings happening in the movie with my own swinging from the bed posts of my parent's bed.
The movie ended and I sat on the carpeted floor of my parents room, panting and sweating from all the intense whip swinging i had been doing. I watched through all the credits so I could hear all of John Willaims magnificent score.
Yeah so sorry about the history lesson....just felt like recounting the tale.
*Indy movie reference
I remember those days... The mcdonalds selling vhs that is, I actually have a few tapes with the commercials from when they had they Indiana Jones promotion. ( OK just dated myself there.) I got into Indiana Jones, back around the same time I did Star Wars because my dad loves the movies. It just happens that I like them too, just probably not as much as you Val.
oh yeah. i was introduced to star wars and indiana jones at the same time, and like immediately loved em both. but for the mainstream of my life, it was star wars, with indy behind. now after KCS coming out, it's sorta pushed star wars behind and taken the lead. besides, i haven't sat down to watch a whole star wars movie in almost a year.
I saw The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Sunday with my step-dad.
It kicked A$$!
I think Harrison Ford has more age and wisdom to him in that particular movie. He doesn't carry a revolver that time.....
We have this traditition ( very new , only happened twice now ) that we go to Burger King afterwards. It's Class!
I think Harrison Ford has more age and wisdom to him in that particular movie. He doesn't carry a revolver that time.....
Actually....he does. He just only pulls it out once.
The Last Crusade and The Temple of The Crystal Skull.
Actually -F3TT-, Its The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
UUUUUPS! I forgot. I'm back.
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