Topic: Yoda different for re-release
so yes we all know yoda has three different most the one we all know an dlove from episode 5 and 6. then their is the rocking kick@%$ one from 2 and 3...then their is the "MACE WINDU pass me my crack pipe you will" yoda from episode 1. now many of us have a problem with the sheer fact lucas changed voices on the special editions and it is said that when the rerelease of all 6 in a bundle pack yoda from episode 1 will be re-done to match 2 and 3...well i am warm and welcome to this change for the fact he does look like a major druggie...but also i think his voice is majorly different from epi. 1 and epi.2 and yes i take into consideration the 10 years difference but i think this change will be much better and more accepted in the SW community then the special edition voice changes and some add-on's. anyone else think this is way more for the better?
―Peter Griffin