Topic: My Star wars Legacy Theory
OK as a writer i think at a very complex level when it comes to reading books or watching movies or t.v. Well i have just come across quite the predicament and i would first like to apologize if this is already a topic elsewhere or if your theory is similar to mine with a few tweeks in between. Firstly, Jacen Solo as most of us know falls to the dark-side, secondly in Bloodlines Boba Fett is dying now here is my big kicker. I entered the Darth Who contest in an effort to get chosen and i chose to send in my name...Dageen, which is the characters name in the books i write...well here it goes...Through tragic irony we know that Fett was always after Han... he got him Carbon frozen, yadda yadda, well now that Jacen has fallen to the darkside what if by the end of the 9 book series we find Jacen killing Boba ( see the tragic irony their...not good) and thus the hunter became the worst off it that ever comes true is what if I win the contest! how horrible will my life be knowing that i named the man who killed my all time favorite character! not to mention that i will never like the name Dageen again. But it all seems very plausible and very forshadowing. anybody else see that?
―Peter Griffin