Wait, lies as in stories that aren't canon or lies as in wiki lies?
For wiki, it'd be that: Boba has five Slave Is? Since when? Wait a moment, Boba was born a year or two before Jango even meets Tyranus or goes to Kamino? How is that possible? And then something about a weapon I know he doesn't even own. And I can't remember what else, it was a very long time ago. They might have changed since then, but I don't know. And they sometimes speak of fake things as being real, like they had an entry for some ghost creature and gave all sorts of information on it and the stupid things don't exist. It said people can see them out of the corner of their eyes and then when they turn their heads the creatures are gone. But, obviously, when you see something out of the corner of your eye, it's probably just a stray strand of hair, I get it all the time. And some people just don't see well in the corners anyway so their vision is blurry and therefore sometimes looks like something's moving when it's not. No reason for them to create a bunch of lies. And their Mace entry boasted him as being the greatest, most powerful, most cool Jedi of all time, better than Yoda and Obi and Ani when he was a Jedi and Qui-Gon and, hell, best Jedi ever, no question, did we mention his absolute God-Power?
As for Tales, yeah, I think a lot of the newer ones are canon. But some of the older ones aren't. And then there's some that obviously aren't. (skippy the jedi droid, I think was one? One with Mace and Yoda eating at a fast food resteraunt and all this weird stuff happening, Vader vs Maul, and a few others)
And, I'm sorry if I seem mad or weird or anything, it's almost 90 degrees out, and I start feeling horrid after it hits 70. Even 60 is sometimes pushing it. So I get mad really easily during summer.
Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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