February 8, 2022 10:00 am # 
Quick links: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
In advance of the debut episode dropping in less than 14 hours, here is our spot to discuss spoilers and reactions. Nothing on the topic is off topic. Enjoy!
Just a short time ago, the official social channels dropped this finale poster. Note that it's missing the Pykes, Max Rebo, and Paz Vizsla, plus Slave I's wings are in the wrong position, but otherwise it's pretty much everyone and everything.

Jon Favreau is confirmed in the show's press release to be the sole writer of the season finale.
While the show is billed as an original series, it's unclear if it's a limited series, which generally means a finite amount of episodes even with an open ended conclusion. Officially, the powers that be have not mentioned a second season.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 8, 2022 11:57 pm # - 61 minutes (including the recap and long credits)
- Robert Rodriguez directed
- "In The Name Of Honor" is the episode name
- Blown up bar (The Sanctuary) is the new basecamp for fighting the “war”
- Din is convinced Cobb is coming with his fighters for free, in order to cut off the spice trade; Fennec balks but Fett says he’s done with Jabba’s profitable trade
- Grogu flew the X-wing … with R2’s help
- Pykes framed the speeder bike gang and killed the Tuskens themselves
- Cad reveals himself, cracks a joke, reveals Cobb isn’t coming; spills more info to Boba
- Lots of action in Mos Espa
- Coordinated attacks on all three fronts, double crossed by the locals: the mod crew, Black K., and the Gameorrean guards
- Fennec rescues the remaining mods with sniper shots
- Deep talk about the way between Din and Boba, holed up at the Sanctuary
- Mayor’s Majordomo interjects again, trying to impress his captor, Boba; he convinces Boba to write his offer / terms of surrender, to be his emissary; after fanfare, he offers “nothing”
- Fett comes out via jetpack and his blaster finally, and Din doing it too - good action including knee rockets and gauntlet rockets
- Fett and Din look stuck, then Freetown crew comes in a transport to fend off the Pykes
- After seeming to win, prequel style scorpion droids show up; Fett’s jetpack rocket doesn’t work on it; not the Darksaber
- Comedic relief from Peli
- Lots and lots of shooting at the scorpion droids with no positive results
- Fett on his rancor to save the day; flipping the scorpions weaken them; Darksaber gets him inside but Din needs help
- Grogu helps; scorpion down, Fett’s rancor finishes it off
- While mod girl tries a move, rancor comes in to take the next one; Rancor is getting hurt but finishes it off; Fett’s just holding on, doesn’t help much even with the shields down
- Rancor doesn’t like Cad using a flamethrower on it
- Cad Bane vs. Boba Fett finale: Cad acknowledge he knows Boba, asks what’s his angle, taunts him; Boba gets shot twice; gets his helmet pulled off by Cad
- Fett whips out his stick and kills Cad
- Unleashed rancor aka King Kong causing destruction in town, Din tries to ride it, rancor tries to eat Din
- Grogu confronts rancor, gets it to go to sleep
- Uh, where did Boba go?
- Pyke Boss, mayor, and traitors all chat; Fennec assassinates all of them
- Smiling Boba with a sore arm walks the town with Fennec
- Grogu goes off with Din; as expected, Grogu is in the dome part, likes to go fast
- Post-credit scene: Cobb Vanth in backa pos and mod parlor guy is up to something
Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 9, 2022 12:54 am # Might be harsh but I thought this was terrible. Nowhere near the vibes of the Mando-centric 5 & 6 episodes.
The only highlight was seeing Mando Bros. (aka Din and Boba) with their little amount of fight time together.
Everything else was underbaked and underwhelming. It baffles the mind.
February 9, 2022 12:55 am (Edited February 9, 2022 01:06 am) # I’m impressed as hell and can’t wait to see where this goes! Will Boba accompany Din??? Will Boba decide to stay in Mos Espa???? Also BANE GOT HIS KARMA!!!!!
February 9, 2022 1:14 am # Fennec Shand..."Master Assassin." :-)
I was kind of hoping the rancor would end up eating Cad Bane. It was still pretty cool to see what we all expected...Boba riding into town on a rancor and kicking the absolute crap out of the Pyke Syndicate soldiers. Surprised we didn't see Danny Trejo in the final fight scene with the rancor, though. Honestly, I was also surprised the people of Freetown didn't show up with Jawa's and the Tuskens that helped with the Krayt Dragon. Overall, not too bad, but still felt kind of rushed even for an hour long episode. The scenes with Fett and Djarin fighting side by side and back to back were, of course, the best. Some nice nods to other films. The train leaving in front of the Gamorreans with the bad guys behind it was very "Once Upon a Time in the West." Of course, the nod to King Kong was very obvious, but still fun. Glad to see Cad Bane finally get his comeuppance. It was cool to see Cobb Vanth didn't buy the farm, too. Obviously, setting up another cameo for Season 3 of Mandalorian.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
February 9, 2022 1:24 am # Now that it’s all wrapped up I can confidently say this show has been incredibly disappointing. After four meandering episodes of alluding to some big conflict and two Fett-less episodes of advertisement for mando season 3 we have a super cluttered finale that delivers on nothing but poorly shot choppily edited action mixed with baby yoda antics (remember to see the mandalorian season 3 coming soon!!)
Despite being treated as the main rival Cad Bane felt shoved in at the last moment and his entire emotional conflict with boba revolves around a scene from an unfinished episode of the clone wars shown once at a convention.
Mando being present at all is also so distracting for me, feels like that Queen movie where it was contractually obligated for every band member to have the same screen time, it’s like Fett can’t do anything without sharing it with his spiritual replacement.
I know I’m ranting here, but it’s because I feel like a lot was so promising. The concept art for the show demonstrates how great it could have been at least visually. Take the painting in this weeks episode of Bane standing amongst the flames in the standoff, the lighting is dynamic with dramatic contrast, but as Rodriguez shoots it he’s standing in a flatly lit empty cgi alleyway. To me that’s indicative of the show’s biggest shortcomings, not shiny speeders or whatever.
February 9, 2022 1:31 am # This was a bittersweet ending. Boba killing Cad Bane was big part of why I did like this episode. Now the anti-Fett circle-jerk can’t say it’s not Canon.
February 9, 2022 1:35 am # Finished with my second viewing,my only fear is that the YouTube Theory Bros will kill and potential about for a Season 2. Rancor was awesome and now I want a miniature of it to paint. Only complaint is Boba should have flew over to get the rancor to chill and Din seeing the Mythosaur skull on his epaulet as he does it. That is all. I had a blast. It’s a good time to be a Fett Fan :)
February 9, 2022 1:52 am # Best episode, 90% helmet on, but still don't understand the difference of the way Boba fought in the Tragedy to how he fought here, it felt like a completely difference Boba, he was slow and clumsy in this episode.
But at least he got to do some killing, and fire his blaster, and Of course he had to come out riding a Rancor as well, not sure on that bit!
Cad Bane was uber cool (I must build a full size Cad to add to my collection) but why did he have to chat? just kill! typical writing! Hope he is not dead but did notice the life support still working! fingers crossed.
I'm glad it didn't have all that Luke stuff, that was boring, slow and its about Boba Fett.
It sort of brought back Boba is cool, but no where near cool enough!
Overall disappointed in the show, really did not need to bother, glad its over so I can cancel my subscription. Really don't like Disney!
February 9, 2022 1:54 am (Edited February 9, 2022 01:55 am) # BroBa Fett wrote:This was a bittersweet ending. Boba killing Cad Bane was big part of why I did like this episode. Now the anti-Fett circle-jerk can’t say it’s not Canon.
That was my favorite scene too but I doubt he’s dead. His pacemaker or whatever starts beeping while the camera lingers on his body. I don’t think anybody is dead in this series anymore except Dooku. Not because Christopher Lee is literally dead, they’ve proven they’ll digitally resurrect people, but because his head literally got chopped off and rolled away. Star Wars characters have the mortality of horror movie killers.
February 9, 2022 2:13 am # Complete damp squib for me. Cad Bane added something to the series, just a shame he came in to late.
I know it was set up for Fett to ride the Rancor, but I really wanted him to turn up in Slave 1.
It's clear this whole series has just been the side salad to the Mandalorian main course. Boba Fett intrigued me as a child, I was one of those kids who wanted the Empire to win (probably says a lot about me) Fett from The Empire Strikes Back is what made me such a fan. I don't have that emotional investment in The Mandalorian, so it disappointed me that it took over so much of this series.
They were given a blank sheet to do what ever they wanted with Fett, and this was the best they could come up with?
Ranting aside, I think they should have done more with Cad Bane, there was a lot of potential there.
February 9, 2022 2:38 am # Pains me to say it, but I was bitterly disappointed by this finale. Boba's plan was terrible, he was lied to and fooled at every turn, he was passive or totally reactive, he was never in control and totally relied on other people turning up to save him.
Remember when he said he had credits, which can hire muscle? That sounded good, but then his whole "army" (which Din organised) came from Freetown, and they all worked for free! The rancor was going to be great, but then he and Boba were basically just a distraction, so Din and Grogu could take the droid out. And it was so annoying when they saw their blasters had no effect on the droid's energy shields, but they just kept firing anyway. And when they ran, they ran in straight lines down the street!
And Fennec taking out all the leaders? Just a bunch of mystery shots from the roof, then she teleported in behind the Pyke and we're all done. Just... like, nothing clever, just the most basic plan you could think of. And I love Cad Bane, but hated seeing Boba get repeatedly out drawn and shot. I really wish Boba had just come down with the rancor and eaten him. Indiana Jones duel style.
And I still don't understood the whole "crime lord" angle. He seemed totally out of his depth and had no idea what he was doing. It just didn't make any sense. He's such a great guy now, all the common people love him. Time to get back to my crime empire?
Anyway, I loved the Tusken stuff at the start, and there were some good moments throughout the series, but I'll never watch this again. We'll always have Tython, though. And at the end of the day, that's all I need. His finest hour.
February 9, 2022 3:44 am # I didn't mind Episode 7 at all. A bit clumsy at times but overall not bad. I guess that was Cobb Vanth in the tank and that person doesn't mean any harm. Vanth could be the leader on Tatooine as Boba told Fennec it's not their style to do this anymore. I hope for a possible Season 2 with Boba, Fennec, and Krrsantan doing some bounty hunting or something else that brings more badassery. Also, I think we can safely assume Boba and co. will join Mando in future episodes of The Mandalorian and who knows what else Favreau and Filoni have in mind.
February 9, 2022 4:07 am # Some more clumsy looking cgi and direction from Rodriguez and a few illogical story beats, but I liked the episode overall. Boba and Din fighting side by side with their arsenal of weapons and jet packs was great. Parts of the rancor fighting looked good when they didn’t show Boba looking so awkward on his back. Boba defeating Cad Bane with the gaffi stick while Vane talked too much was appropriate, but I doubt Bane is really dead. Definitely had the Mando season 2.5 vibes with Pelli Motto humor and grogu saving Din from the rancor at the end, but I didn’t mind that as much as the prior episodes since Boba was actually doing stuff in this one. Cobb Vanth is definitely coming back with prosthetic gun arm in season 3 of Mandalorian or his own show.
February 9, 2022 4:58 am # Boba and Din talking about creed was probably the best scene of the series. Visually the two of them together is incredible, even just talking. It’s amazing the visual power that bucket has.
Kinda annoyed they sang the credits song with boba Fett as the lyrics this time around.
February 9, 2022 5:32 am # So NOW Bane is finally dead. Still killed by Boba as originally planned but in a different setting.
I had mixed feelings about it. I kind of wish they kept Bane as an ongoing adversary for Fett but I think they have an overall plan where they want to take the series with new characters. Was glad to see him back for this.
February 9, 2022 8:50 am # Bad directing aside, I thought it was awesome. Plenty of Fett action.
February 9, 2022 9:14 am # Count me in as a fan of this episode, and maybe the whole series if I give it some time.
What I really wanted was to see Fett kick ass, and by God, he truly did. He rode a goddamn Rancor. Killed (?) Cad Bane.
Had a goofy 'let's-all-laugh-together' ending with his corny crew, what more can a fan want?
I really liked how Cad Bane was almost disappointed how "soft" Boba had gotten. It's like they anticipated fandom's reaction.
Remember, if we want a cold killer Boba, we have all those awesome Legends stories for that.
February 9, 2022 9:20 am (Edited February 9, 2022 09:21 am) # Personally thought it was a pretty good finale (though I went in with low expectations). Lots of moments where I was grinning and straight up laughing out loud because of how cheesy and gratuitous the action was (Boba and Mando repeatedly shooting the falling Pyke, Boba's pistol and raised knee combo etc.) Definitely had Rodriguez "playing with his action figures" vibes, but mostly in a good way.
Still, can't help but feel disappointed overall about this series. The structure was awful and I'm still bitter about how they squandered two episodes on plots completely irrelevant to Boba's story. While I'm glad Cad Bane is dead (we all know how Filoni loves keeping his characters around), I think he should've been introduced a lot earlier to bridge the pre-sarlacc and post-sarlacc Boba, so that Boba could struggle not reverting back to his old "cold-blooded" ways throughout the series. It's obvious that Boba feels almost remorseful for killing Bane in the finale, but instead of building on that scene, we get Baby Yoda shenanigans :/
A lot of people are saying that Boba and Mando's stories are clearly intertwined but I'm afraid they've deliberately written Boba out of the story by stranding him on Tatooine. Maybe Cobb can help run Mos Espa when Boba's off world helping reclaim Mandalore?
February 9, 2022 10:27 am # They clearly saved all the action for the last episode lol I enjoyed the madness.
Overall I'd give the series a 7/10 some great moments but some guff as well. Looking forward to seeing Boba pop up in more Star Wars shows and the Mando Verse in future
February 9, 2022 11:24 am # The finale was great – pure entertainment. I almost kind of felt some pity for Cad Bane in the end, he died trying to make a point, let his own ego get to him. It’s poetic justice with how Boba killed him with the Gaffi Stick. I knew the Syndicate killed the Tuskens all along, because they are too cheap to pay protection money, but it’s not like Boba knowing that truth earlier would have made a difference since he wasn’t ready for war then – and that speeder bike gang still deserved what they got, not too upset Boba was fooled into killing those bullies. The Rancor scenes were fun and epic looking, about what I expected minus the Rancor-Grogu moment. The Mando Tag Team action was also a lot of fun, and I liked that Boba showed Din respect for his strong beliefs in the creed. Santo fighting Trandoshans was interesting, though not having Bossk show up felt like a missed opportunity. The death of the 2 Gamorreans was heart breaking, I liked those two, and they were loyal since Episode 1 too. Fennec continued to shine as an assassin. Still not fond of the modders but they were more tolerable here than they were in episode 3 at least. Looked like Cobb Vanth was in the Polynesian Spa –err, Bacta Tank in the end, but who knows how his story will continue. Was a bit surprising that the Slave 1/Firespray was not a factor in the finale, but I guess that was what Chapter 4 of the series was for. The darksaber story kind of went nowhere unfortunately and Grogu’s armor didn’t live up to the hype of the mando-centric episodes, and mandalorian season 2’s cliffhanger has been resolved completely so not only does Book of Boba Fett feel resolved for now, so does The Mandalorian. Not exactly sure what the future holds for the two characters but maybe mixing them is going to be “the way”.
February 10, 2022 5:45 am (Edited February 10, 2022 05:45 am) # Well, that was an episode. For me, this one was definitely the highlight of the series. But it had it's shortcomings too.
The Good:
- The Mando and Boba team up. Amazing. The choreography was also much better. More please in Mando S3!
- The Rancor scenes.
- Boba V Cad finisher.
- The twist when the Majordomo guy is talking to the pikes which set up the Boba and Din fight. Hilarious.
- Grogu scenes were actually good. At first, I didn't want there to be ANY Grogu scenes in this episode due to the last one and I was fearing it would take Boba's screen time even more, but this was good.
The Bad:
- WAYY to many Mod lines/story/dialogue/everything. Nobody likes any of these characters. Should've died, or never existed.
- Also too much Peli Motto. Whenever she appears on screen in any show makes me roll my eyes and sigh. Makes the show too light-hearted.
- Didn't promote a second season in the post-credits scene!
The Should Have Done:
- Boba solo fight scene(s). I loved the Boba and Din team scene but it seems like Boba always needs help to fight. Some solo scenes would be nice.
- When Krrsantan was limping toward the group behind the speeder and he was getting shot at, he probably should have died. There was no weight to the episode. The Tusken deaths were faaar too predictable and thus carried no weight. Cad Bane was old, and his death was more like a good end to the character. No weight there. If Krrsantan had died (which I thought was happening in that scene), it would have been much better for the mood. Even if they can't do any more with the character, it would have helped the series.
- Killed the mods.
I liked this episode a lot, and I really hope they do a second season. I understand this was probably an experiment of sorts, but they know what the fans want now. Maybe they thought we would like Mando more and that's why they gave him 2 episodes. They were good but the general audience reaction was still "where's Boba?" indicating that he is still more popular, which is also probably why people are harsher on this series. Boba's an old character, the fans know who he is. Din is a new character, the fans don't know who he is yet. Anyway, please Disney make a second season. That's all for now.
February 11, 2022 1:04 am # The highlight for me of the whole series was Boba shooting his Knee rockets and Blaster at the same time.
Expect that to be the next Boba Fett toy no doubt
February 11, 2022 5:06 am # the book of boba fett episode 7 was the best *Boba fett* episode of the show. also YESSS we get to see boba ride the rancor!!
February 11, 2022 6:08 am # February 11, 2022 9:08 am # It had such a promising start in those Mando season 2 episodes, but they had to do this weird benevolent crime lord story and the spirit of Boba Fett got lost. A bit of it was brought back in the finale with him and Mando fighting together but not enough.
February 11, 2022 4:11 pm # Disney and Benevolent go hand in hand!!
February 13, 2022 8:56 pm # He took his helmet off...
February 14, 2022 1:11 pm # A lot of fans online doesn't like this show. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it all takes place on Tatooine. I mean everyone's favorite episode is chapter 5 where Mando travels to the halo ripoff ring city then the armorer talks to him about the war with the machines on Mandalore.
February 14, 2022 2:35 pm # ctxboy1981, there's a lot to like and from the point of view of running all BFFC social channels, extreme views either way can feel loud. People may not love all things, but there seems to be a moment or two for everyone to enjoy at the very least. That's different than not liking the show period. :-)
Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 14, 2022 6:39 pm (Edited February 14, 2022 06:40 pm) # So my overall feeling about the show is disappointment. That doesn’t mean there weren’t some great moments but it just didn’t feel like the Boba Fett I have loved since he first showed up on screen.
I feel they just didn’t due Boba Fett his due. I love TM but he is really too old to play the part and that is why I feel they gave most of the best scenes to Fennec and Mando.
Again I am not saying I hated the show I am just saying it was not the show I really wanted.
Who knows what happens next but I would prefer if there is a season 2 we get Boba the bounty hunter not Boba the protector.
February 15, 2022 3:59 am (Edited February 15, 2022 05:53 am) # Says a lot when for me the best bit in the whole series was when he used his knee rockets and blaster at the same time. Even this felt lethargic compared to the pace of the action in the Tragedy episode!
Edit: how do you post a picture on here ?
February 28, 2022 9:33 pm # ABNChemo wrote:So my overall feeling about the show is disappointment. That doesn’t mean there weren’t some great moments but it just didn’t feel like the Boba Fett I have loved since he first showed up on screen.
I feel they just didn’t due Boba Fett his due. I love TM but he is really too old to play the part and that is why I feel they gave most of the best scenes to Fennec and Mando.
Again I am not saying I hated the show I am just saying it was not the show I really wanted.
Who knows what happens next but I would prefer if there is a season 2 we get Boba the bounty hunter not Boba the protector.
I agree with this pretty much verbatim. The show was not a fateful continuation of the Boba Fett established in Canon, nor was it proper pay-off for 20 years of Fandom. I thought most of the show was atrocious and of low quality, with a few great parts here and there (I am a big fan of the Tusken arc and somewhat the final battle).
"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
March 17, 2022 10:44 pm # Founder/Editor, BFFC
This is the best episode I have ever watched. I like the scene with Boba Fett hiding in the cave wearing his armor and blaster. Boba Fett dodging while firing his blaster at the giant robot. Boba Fett riding the beast shooting at the giant robot while the beast is smashing the giant robot. 90 percent Boba Fett wearing holding his blaster.