Imagine if Jango had lived!He would have trained Boba and they would go to missions together.They would be the best team of bounty hunters in the universe!
Topic: Jango and Boba together
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Imagine if Jango had been captured and put in the Republic Prison....
We all know what happens in those prisons....
Although as long as Jango could get hold of a plastic dinner knife and an elastic band he could probably get out of it....
Jango did once break into and then break back out of a high security asteroid prison.
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Yeah I know, But I was saying he could do it with a plastic dinner knife and a paper napkin...
out of everybody in the whole starwars universe was to have a big war, who do u think will win?
Boba, Jango, and the RC Commandos would win!!!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
whoa! off subject, sorry i'm new, that was supposed to be seperate
its okay, I was like that once ;)
But I hope you become a great member!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Yes welcome, welcome...
We bring you great, warm, welcomes Marvin. :P
If Jango was still alive, Boba wouldn't be the same rugged, ruthless hunter he is today. He'd be more soft. But the Fett family would be almost unstoppable.
Jango and Boba would win against the commandos, HANDS DOWN!
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Uh TW his name's Not Marvin...
His profile says his name is Brandon...
Yeah, I know. It's just a nickname..........ya know like Marvin the martian. ;) Get it, Got it, Good.
{MW} TW :cool:
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The difference between Jango and Bobba is that Jango had different training.Boba sort of blasts anything in his way.I believe that in a stealth mission,Jango would be the winner,
Sorry, Boba!What a shame!
I would have really enjoyed seeing them go on some missions would have been AWESOME!!! And you're right about them being the team of Bounty Hunter to beat...a very rugged team that seems to me almost invincible. Just look at how good they worked together when Boba was a kid on Kamino.
{MW} MS9 :cool:
Yeah,Boba seemed that he would be the best bounty hunter from when he was boy.I will never forget the phrase:"Get him,dad!Fire!"or when Jango said"Let's finish him"the laugh of Boba!I love these two bounty hunters!
I found Boba obnoxious in the scenes in the Slave 1 from AOTC...
Well.I meant that we took the picture of Boba kid,so we can see little Boba and the adult,and see how he has changed...
Absolutly. But he was being obnoxious about Obi-Wan blowing up, so that could definatly be connected with the Fett we see today. In the Boba fett kids books, (I always find myself referring to those books! :/ ) He has learned much and drasticly changed. He starts to get much quiter after his father's death, and learns to trust no one.
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...I liked his cute little laugh. Maybe a bit too hoarse and forced, but otherwise cute.
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that laugh seemed evil to me...and he was kinda annoying...wait, i take that back this is boba fett im talking about
LOL,Boba is VERY cool,because he seems evil and that he cares only for himself,and then sometimes suddenly he does something good and confuses us.By the way,does anyone know what Boba did just after the death of Jango?He didn't have enough experience to survive in a harsh environment like that I believe.But if there is a story-explanation,I sure don't know it...
There is an in-galaxy, story explenation of what he did. You'll find it in the young Boba Fett series, starting with the book The Fight to Survive.
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I told you Im always reffering to these books! :D
He took his father and barried him, but he took the armor back to Slave1 and found the book Jango left for him to guide him.
P.S: In this book it says that Boba took his armor to some moon with Anikin and he PAINTED his armor green. I dont listen to that. I like to still think Jango left Jaster's armor for him.
{MW} W
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I had thought Boba hid Jango's armor in a cave near the body but took Jango's helmet?
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Well, its been a long time.........but it was something like that. :/
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That sound cool!I haven't really read the comics though...
Its not a comic, its a kid's novel collection. You could probably find it at your local bookstore.
Easy to read, to the point, and very clear. I liked it.
Arent we off subject?
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oh those books are good too!
I'm looking forward reading these!Any other suggestion on reading?Also on which site can you find the cheaper lightsabers?
Suggested reading? The Thrawn Trilogy and the X-Wing series. ;)
Can't help with the lightsabers though, all my lightsabers came from Wal-Mart and cost 9 dollars. lol
But anyway, yes, Boba and Jango would make a good team together.
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TY Miba.And what about a tag battle?Let's say Boba and Jango VS Darth Maul and Darth Vader?(Wow,that's tough!)
Great Match up!!! Good idea DMC! That would be such an awesome fight!!! :D
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If we ever see this in a comic.....................Good Lord,I'l get mad!Of course the era's don't match,but maybe as clones...Boba decided to fight Vader so Boba cloned Jango for help and Vader did the same with Maul!Yeah!
He,he,he..........................thers just one tinsy, winsy problem...............................................................................I dont think Midichlorians can be cloned. :(
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But how could the Dark Acolytes clone Maul to fight Vader?
That book is considered canon. I dont listen to it.
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True Warrior,I think we solved this in another thread!LOL,LOL!
Oh, YES!! We did! lol!! :lol:
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Wow man!Boba and Jango.Together...that would rock for sure!But maybe someday they would fight because they are both good bounty hunters,you know?The whole "I'm the best thing"!
Hmmm.....very interesting Peragitive DMC.......very interesting, I wonder witcch Boba would choose, his father's trust, or his reputation......hmmmm...
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If this happened in the early days of Boba being a bounty hunter,I believe he would choose his father.But if it was after he was famous as the galaxy's best bounty hunter,he would choose his reputation.Because sometimes people get blinded by power and fame...we all know that...
Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking. Who knows, he could turn out to be some guy come to execute them in a Jango costum. :/ Boba can never be too sure.
{MW} TW :cool:
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Yeah....Any other idea about our favourite couple?
Well what about Boba and Jango vs Sing and Bossk?

P.S: In this book it says that Boba took his armor to some moon with Anikin and he PAINTED his armor green. I dont listen to that. I like to still think Jango left Jaster's armor for him.
{MW} W
Well, Boba was supposed to have, at the very least, about three complete sets of armor. I actually like the Star Wars Tales comic, where he's getting his armor upgraded, and this thug steals it. The weaponsmith tells Boba there is still the "old" armor. So, when Boba goes and retrieves his armor back, he's wearing Jango's armor, and it's been restored to it's original color. So, theorectically, he could be wearing Jaster's old armor. However, in Open Seasons, Jaster had gray armor and red shoulder bells.
Jaster Mereel:
Jango's "original" armor, however, is painted almost exactly like Boba's.
Jango Fett's original armor:
Maybe that's why Boba painted it the color it is now? Just something to think about.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Congrats Sadriel Fett!This covers a lot of points.I think these pictures are from the videogame StarWars Bounty Hunter.Or am I wrong?
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