Topic: September 2013 Site Updates

We're making some adjustments throughout this month. If you spot anything you like, or that you dislike, please let us know!

Improvements include:
- Consistency with grid structure and typography for Fettpedia, including tie-in to our image galleries and simplified "wiki" links to just the features we really use
- Consistency with grid structure for Message Boards
- Left sidebar navigation that follows you on long pages (with square section graphics that will be swapped out and improved)
- Faster loading home page, including a "feature" in the top carousel, which was previously static
- Experimenting with speed improvements across the site, which we've toggled on and off a few times this month
- Better affiliate ads and placements, which help balance the server costs (remember, our site is not-for-profit and run 100% by volunteers)

Founder/Editor, BFFC