Couldn't find anything about the actual rarity of the Palitoy version of the Boba Fett figure. Looks like it was released mainly in England, though. I'm sure it's more rare in the states, than overseas. I did find this really neat site that lists pretty much all the Fett figures released from that era.
The list is pretty thorough and they have some very nice pics (something for the bounty page?). There's several different Palitoy variations of the card, mainly on the back. There's also a "non-painted" leg tools variant of the Palitoy Boba Fett figures that sell for pretty steep on eBay and eBay.UK.
While doing a search around for it, I found an article that seemed like it might be helpful, but the link no longer exists or the source webpage. It's the first one on the search list. … ch=palitoy
Oh, I did, however, find this neat little Palitoys advert...
Hope this helps out somewhat.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."