Ive had braces since earlier this year.
Has anybody here have or have had braces before?
Topic: Do you have or have you ever had braces?
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
16 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI've known people who have had braces even in their thirties, some don't even get them until they are in college. They may look and feel silly, but boy do they look great afterward.
I had them a very long time ago, but unfortunitly, after their removal my teeth became crooked again. =/ Not as bad as they were before, but its noticable. Ah, well, I suppose they're part of what make me unique.
I've never had them. Maybe I should have, the entire right side of my lower jaw sometimes gets in the way of my tongue. But, eh.
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Yes, I've had braces. I got them 3 years ago before all(except my wisdom teeth) were crowned over. At least my mouth looks great now!

Many, many moons ago. Not that they did any good.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
The worst part is the excruciating (spelling) pain.
And they dont let you eat gum or popcorn.
But that dosent stop me from eating popcorn when I go to the movies.
I'm going to get braces in a few months... can't say i'm quite exited about it :P
and braces will never stop me from eating popcorn... ever.
Weird, I was never told I couldn't eat popcorn. I knew though that you couldn't have gum though, or eat certain "sticky" things in general. But this was sheerly because they could get stuck in the wires, it was only ever a minor inconvenice (ie, I continued to chew gum)! Hair though, caught in the wires way easily and would get ripped out and left in there. A lot. This was the result of a lot of teasing that left me especially embaressed (the nature of what was said is not family friendly, so no, I won't explain it). Man though, you guys have it lucky these days. I'd have killed for those new invisible braces you can get nowadays!
i didn't get the option for the invisible braces. i still chewed gum and ate popcorn, despite it getting stuck a few times.
I still chew gum.
But Im more careful when I chew it.
I currently have braces