I hope the Museum Replicas (Windlass Studios) versions will be of higher quality, whenever they come out. They usually make their other weapons and armor with re-enactors in mind, so they make them as accurate as possible. I still have yet to see any of their Star Wars armor to come out yet, but I'll bet the first things they have out will be Stormtrooper armor (geared towards the 501st, obviously). If the trooper armor passes the 501st criteria, then the Mando armor should be of the same quality, I'd think. A lot of their "fantasy" armor is done fairly well, like their Assassin's Creed stuff, based on the game. But it's still really pricey. Probably cheaper just to make your own.
But, again, short of the announcement, I haven't seen anything actually out, yet.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."