How come no one makes any artworks of Basilisk War Droids?
Topic: Basilisk War Droid
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
14 posts
Sorted by oldest to newesthow come they haven't made a figure yet is what i want to know, best damn vehicle ever.
There is SOME artwork, though not nearly enough. Will try to find some links when time allows
There's a few on the Wiki as well, though not the best one I've seen, which sucks...
It's really not well known enough to warrant a toy vehicle. Maybe as a n exclusive or something someday, if they feature in a comic or something.
You fight one in the PS2 version of "The Force Unleashed". It's definitely my favorite part of the game.
yeah, they're cool. I played KOTOR II and flew in one
others will have if they played Kotor II :)
Also, I like the Tank Droid in the Telos' surface hangar! It's pretty easy to defeat!
whoa whoa whoa, you fly a basilisk war droid in kotor 2?
yeah, Mandalore takes you to Onderon in one, and if you choose Talia's side, Tobin's men fire at you, and gunned me down about 10 times straight. It has hard....

The Basilisk War Droid in the KOTOR 2 game is actually like Prince Xizors Virago spaceship. Don't know why they did that. It says it was intentional, on the Wookieepedia Behind the Scenes article for the Basilisk War Droids. I was kind of disappointed with that.
If you want a figure of one, though, the Star Wars Miniatures game has one that is about as tall as a regular sized action figure.
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"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
The Basilisk War Droid in the KOTOR 2 game is actually like Prince Xizors Virago spaceship. Don't know why they did that. It says it was intentional, on the Wookieepedia Behind the Scenes article for the Basilisk War Droids. I was kind of disappointed with that.
Yeah, I saw the similarity pretty quick. The story is that it's just an enclosed, stealthier version of the standard Basilisks. Not sure I buy that - doesn't look anything like any of the other Basilikan products we've seen, but whatever.
It actually facinated me; made me think MandalMotors *who made Xizor's Virago* had access to ancient Mando tech and used it for his order. Now that MandalMotors has the rights back to the StarViper class, can anybody say resurgence of Mando weaponry from the ancient times? :D
Huh? I thought Prince Xizor was around in the GCW ( Galactic Civil War era )
PX wasn't born then..... was he?
that's confusing.... shadows of the empire's american novel clearly says... but never mind. :P
Xizor was current to the Original Trilogy era, but for some reason the creators of the KotOR II game decided to make that specific Basilisk look just like Xizor's starfighter.
So to clarify what I posted before, I think this makes for an interesting loophole for somebody to write that MandalMotors has access to ancient Mandalorian tech and designs and used them for Pricne Xizor's starfighter, and now that MandalMotors is making craft for Boba and the new Mandalorian power that is in the rise, maybe we'll see more ancient Mando/Basilikan tech fielded by the Mando'ade