Topic: Stupid Traveling Titanic Museum
So yesterday my mom dragged me across town to the biggest mall in the city to a traveling Titanic museum. It was the WROST ever! We had to wait two and a half hours just to even get in. No shade, no places to sit. Just standing in a hot parking lot for more then two hours. And it wasn't even close to worth it! There were about a dozen artifacts and thats it. 90% of the place was posters with pictures and facts on them. A decent reader could get through the place in 5 minutes, no joke. But even going through inside was a pain because they were loads of people gathered around to look at things like...a couple of cufflinks, and a pair of socks. Sure its amazing they survived underwater for 90 years intact. But not two and a half hours waiting worth of amazing. Or stare at them for ten minutes worth of amazing.
Bottom line, if you hear of a traveling Titanic museum coming to your town, DON'T GO. Just read a book about the ship. You'll learn all you need to know about the ship without having to wait for hours for the same information.