Topic: Secret Project...shhhh....
every couple of days i will post a clue as to what my new project is.
If you solve it, don't tell what it is, just say that you know.
The first clue is-Pepekura
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Creative → Secret Project...shhhh....
every couple of days i will post a clue as to what my new project is.
If you solve it, don't tell what it is, just say that you know.
The first clue is-Pepekura
OOOH now you really have me curious?? Is this also Fett or Mandalorian related ner'vod?
No idea....
but then me not having a clue isn't exactly something new...
I think perhaps you misspelled that. Do you mean paprika? The seasoning? That's the only thing I can think of.
Pepakura is a 3-D designer... hmm... what could the secret project be?
Pepakura is a 3-D designer... hmm... what could the secret project be?
if you figure out any of my clues DO NOT tell what they are.
i want people to figure it out for themselves
my 2nd clue is- 405
Oooo, I know the answer already...Heh...heh...hehhhhhh.
Oooo, I know the answer already...Heh...heh...hehhhhhh.
and dont worry about it mcgee, you were right anyways
I know! I know!... but I saw it;)
still have no idea.
I know! I know!... but I saw it;)
don't say a word jaerog.
( im almost finished with it)
OOOH now you really have me curious?? Is this also Fett or Mandalorian related ner'vod?
its not mando related but it is extremely geeky
(and hard to build )
Great idea ner vod.
I MIGHT have figured it out. I'll see if I'm right.....
still don'y know exactly what it is, but I have an idea.
at first i thought making you guys guess was a dumb idea, but im having fun with this
the next clue will come Monday i think.
mcgee has a general idea, appo is close, and werda probably figured it out. jaerog has seen it in person, and i told revan a while ago.
if you think you know what it is, PM me
I think this is a good game. I haven't figured it out, but I can't wait for the next clue.
i was hoping that you guys may enjoy this
and the next clue is-Leonidas
some people have it figured out already, but i will wait until a few more do before i confirm anything
I think I'm getting an idea of what it could be.
OK I'm pretty sure about what it is now........................
when do you guys want me to unveil it?
NOW!!1!!111 >:(
sorry, couldn't resist.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Creative → Secret Project...shhhh....
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