Topic: Order 66
I wasn't sure if there was a topic specifically on this or not, and my search wasnt yeilding anything, but I am posting this on borrowed time here... I was just so excited!
Ok Karen Traviss' Order 66 comes out today! I got it at Borders on my lunch break and was so happy to find that it was on sale ( same with the force unleashed... both hardcovers )
I figured this can be where those who are interested can talk about it, although I am not sure if this in in the correct forum. (move it if you think it fits better elsewhere....)
I didn't even get into the real part of the book, and Im already buzzed! But there is one mistake that I thought was funny! For those that have read the books might be familiar with how KT starts the books off with a list of the main characters. Well they have Etain listed as male. A small thing , yes, but funny to me! I can't wait to read more! Enjoy.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."