Re: Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
Don't beat a dead horse Karson. But really Jango had a much more honorable death. I think that was Lucas trying to make up for Boba.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Bounty Hunters → Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
Don't beat a dead horse Karson. But really Jango had a much more honorable death. I think that was Lucas trying to make up for Boba.
I'm not. I want to drop it. Ya know what I am done with this topic.
Don't beat a dead horse Karson. But really Jango had a much more honorable death. I think that was Lucas trying to make up for Boba.
Man, I just had a crazy idea....What if Jango had pulled out a knife or something and blocked Windu's strike?
I just got this awesome action scene of Jango still fighting Mace, still losing eventually, but still.
Yeah...... I have reconsidered and Jango IS worthy to be a Fett.
....that was fast. Especially considering how vehemently you argued against it...your reasons?
I. even though the did do a crappy job as Mandolor, BUT at least he WAS Mandolor.
2. He died in battle, even though he WAS stupid to take on a great jedi master
3. His armor was full
Jango is worthy I think because he was a Mandalorian Supercommando, and trained the ARCs, some of the most hardcore soldiers in the galaxy, and he killed a lot of Jedi. Not to mention if you only look at the movies, Jango is way cooler than Boba. Jango goes head to head with Obi-Wan (one of the best jedi imho) and Mace, and slays some other random jedi. Boba just stands there mysteriously and gets knocked into a pit by a blind guy after nearly losing to the first Jedi he comes across (who according to Yoda isn't even a Jedi yet: "You must defeat Vader, then you will be a Jedi" [paraphrase]). But don't get me wrong, Boba is still my favorite and he is way cool, because of the books, mainly.
Jango is worthy I think because he was a Mandalorian Supercommando, and trained the ARCs, some of the most hardcore soldiers in the galaxy, and he killed a lot of Jedi. Not to mention if you only look at the movies, Jango is way cooler than Boba. Jango goes head to head with Obi-Wan (one of the best jedi imho) and Mace, and slays some other random jedi. Boba just stands there mysteriously and gets knocked into a pit by a blind guy after nearly losing to the first Jedi he comes across (who according to Yoda isn't even a Jedi yet: "You must defeat Vader, then you will be a Jedi" [paraphrase]). But don't get me wrong, Boba is still my favorite and he is way cool, because of the books, mainly.
Totally agree
Based on only the movies, Jango does way more then Boba does. He could have done even better, and should have been portrayed as a little smarter at times, but he still earns the name in my book
Come on...worthy to be a fett?He IS a Fett,and keep in mind that if he wasn't good then Boba wouldn't be good either.Not to mention Jango trained the best clone commandos and was the template for the Clone Army.Every clone respected him.Even the Jedi respected him.Kit Fisto said that Jango was a worthy and brilliant fighter...
Come on...worthy to be a fett?He IS a Fett,and keep in mind that if he wasn't good then Boba wouldn't be good either.Not to mention Jango trained the best clone commandos and was the template for the Clone Army.Every clone respected him.Even the Jedi respected him.Kit Fisto said that Jango was a worthy and brilliant fighter...
You can't clone skill. Someone people respect Hitler. Does that mean Hitler is good?
Jangotat A-98 wrote:Come on...worthy to be a fett?He IS a Fett,and keep in mind that if he wasn't good then Boba wouldn't be good either.Not to mention Jango trained the best clone commandos and was the template for the Clone Army.Every clone respected him.Even the Jedi respected him.Kit Fisto said that Jango was a worthy and brilliant fighter...
You can't clone skill. Someone people respect Hitler. Does that mean Hitler is good?
Dispite Hitler being such a horrid thing, as i do not believe he deserves to be called a person, he made his country strong again, however he did it in the wrong way.
You can clone skill. Its part of the mind, however you have to train the body to use it.
Draco, I must say that you fail. Your points seem irrelevant to me
Draco, I must say that you fail. Your points seem irrelevant to me
I agree also
Jangotat A-98 wrote:Come on...worthy to be a fett?He IS a Fett,and keep in mind that if he wasn't good then Boba wouldn't be good either.Not to mention Jango trained the best clone commandos and was the template for the Clone Army.Every clone respected him.Even the Jedi respected him.Kit Fisto said that Jango was a worthy and brilliant fighter...
You can't clone skill. Someone people respect Hitler. Does that mean Hitler is good?
No he's right.You can't clone skill.Yet they chose Jango because he was going to train them.The clones would have to learn from scratch,but they needed to learn from the BEST.;)
If you could clone skill, why don't you see millions of Draco clones?
Clones begin as infants. Infants have to learn skill.
If you could clone skill, why don't you see millions of Draco clones?
Clones begin as infants. Infants have to learn skill.
Because cloning humans is currently unable to be done.
Jango fett is worthy to be a fett, have you seen what the man has done?
hes killed so amny diffrent types of ppl. he fought hand to hand with obi-wan.
he became mandalore. and hes done so much more.
Karson fett, boba fett is currently the mandalore.
I don't understand why there is so much...hate towards Jango from some people.What has he done that is so bad?He is a worthy and skilled bounty hunter,and he is the father of Boba.And he had a very glorious death.So why some say he isn't worthy?
I've never said he isn't worthy to be a Fett, I just stated why I don't like him.
You seem to like to argue against him being a Fett a lot.
I've never said he wasn't a Fett. I've just stated I don't like him, and defend my reasoning.
I've never said he wasn't a Fett. I've just stated I don't like him, and defend my reasoning.
Can you remind me why you don't like him?
The list:
draco fett wrote:Gustavo_Perez wrote:Could you do me a favor and list those actions? So far we have:
-Used 2 wrist rockets to kill 2 guards who were next to each other when he could've used 1. ( You know it depends what kind of rocket it was right?)
Anyways the only thing I wonder is exactly why he killed Zam? For some reason I still don't get it. I would've tried to poison Obi Wan and/or Anakin. ( although things might have been worse if that had happened)
The rockets caused a huge explosion; one would have been enough.
-He hired other mercenaries to do the jobs that he was hired to do.
-He used his ten year old (roughly) as bait against ruthless anachists.
-Under his leadership, the Mandalorians fell.
-He keeps his armor much to shiny for a warrior. He would be spotted easily.
-He is too trusting, for his trade.
-He is too cockey.
-Instead of following Windu, he could have waited in the balconey, and sniped him out while the Jedi was fighting.
-He does not wear his helmet enough. Theis leaves a killing shot by a sniper very possible.
Oh.Never mind I still like him.
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