Topic: Marvel vs. DC
A friend and I got into a discussion about this. (Friend if you are lurking get on here as your opinion is valued *cough*MA*cough*). As you can tell we were going on about who was better Batman or Superman, then eventual it degenerated into a Marvel/DC discussion. I can't remember his exact stand. So what do the rest of the people think? Marvel and it's down to earth Superheroes? Or DC and it's true classics. Post your opinions here and please let us know your thoughtful opinions, instead of just "Marvel" or "DC". If say neither than tell us why or what other one you prefer?
Myself, I have to go with Marvel. DC does have some cool ones like Batman (who is perhaps the most hardcore person ever to walk the face of the Earth), and Superman and the rest of the JL. Bt my favourite Marvel characters run deep through the entire Marvel Universe. From the major hitters like Wolverine, Spider-man, Hulk, Thor, and Cap, to the less known but equally brilliant people such as Deadpool, Luke Cage, Cable and the list goes on.
Oh and as a sidenote if mods feel this should be in Role-Playing then don't even bother letting me know your moving it. (After you give your opinion of course.)