Viking1 wrote:That little bit of showmanship is actually really poor weapons handling, something professionals just don't do.
Twirling pistols around, no doubt they have a hair trigger, is dangerous for the spinner and anyone around. Think what would happen if a blaster went off.
Totally agree
Viking1 wrote:What I like about Boba's armor is that is functional while JAngo seems more for show. Sure both are lethal, but one got the perm a shave at the hand of a Jedi, while the other stacked Jedi up like cord wood outside.
wait......what part of Jango's armor isn't functional? I agree that the spit-n-polish look Jango has isn't as good as Boba's, but you compared two totally different things: their suit's functionallity with the person's skill in battle.
One, Jango had just abouty everything Boba had in the armor; maybe more, and it was all functional and Jango was fully versed in their uses
Two, if you're using the EU *which I'm sure you are since Boba sure as hell didn't stack up any dead Jedi 'like cord wood' in RotJ* then you need to add that Jando killed as many or more Jedi during his reign as Mandalore, and then in the movie fought Obi-Wan to a stand still, killed another Jedi, and stood up to Mace; Boba doesn't come close in the film history
But anyway, back on topic of looks/armor
Viking1 wrote:I think Jango's garb was part of his gig for the Kaminos, they did like things crisp and clean afterall.
I see the connection to and have to think Lucas gleened some inspiration from the Kamino set and added that 'look' to Jango when he created the character. However, I don't think there's a connection between the character and the place as far as the story goes. I'm not familiar with the EU, but from what I've heard Jango had been using his chosen style for some time before Dooku hired him, so there' isn't a storyline connection between his look and the place. Might be wrong though
"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."