I was curious to know if anyone around here has a favorite clone trooper or Squad. For me it would have to be Delta Squad and my favorite clone from the squad is Sev hands down.
Topic: Who's Your Favorite Clone Trooper and/or Squad
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
68 posts
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I would have to say Delta as well, favorite would probably be Scorch, cause hes funny.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I'm going Delta as well. I like Sev. 'Cause he's nuts.
I'm going Delta as well. I like Sev. 'Cause he's nuts.
YAY!!! SEV!!!! ;)
Sev likes sev??? Who would have guessed? :P
Sev would be my second favorite, then Boss, and i just dont think i like fixer...Hes cool, but he doesn't really bring much personality to it.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Fixer too by the book for me. But my order goes Sev, Scorch, Fi, Boss, Climber, Darman, Fixer etc.
I put in the etc. because I couldn't remember the rest.
Sev would be my second favorite, then Boss, and i just dont think i like fixer...Hes cool, but he doesn't really bring much personality to it.
lol i agree he is cool and all but no real personality and too by the book
my favorite clone
commander cody
favorite squad/ legion
501st legion
my favorite clone
commander cody
favorite squad/ legion
501st legion
the 501st is cool too
"Commander Cody... the time has come."
Love Omega squad. Probably Fi...the funniest RC, by far. Dar's pretty awesome, and for Delta, Sevs cool, cus he's such a amazing sniper.
--Captain Dynamic--
Omega is my second favorite squad and Fi is my second fav trooper he really is so funny and, if u read what happened to him in "True Colors", i was pretty much devastated
Omega is my second favorite squad and Fi is my second fav trooper he really is so funny and, if u read what happened to him in "True Colors", i was pretty much devastated
Pretty much. Ugh it was terrible. The loss of a good man. But maybe there is hope for him. We notice Venku was wearing some of his armor so...
Delta Squad
CC-2224(Clone Commander Cody)
CC-5052(Clone Commander Bly)
CC-1119(Clone Commander Appo)
CC-1004(Clone Commander Gree)
Clone Commander Neyo
Clone Commander Deviss
There's mine. ;)
Pretty much. Ugh it was terrible. The loss of a good man. But maybe there is hope for him. We notice Venku was wearing some of his armor so...
i really hope he is able to regain the skills he lost, this is gonna sound rediculous but i was really disturbed by what happened to him. And they were ready to pull the plug too! after that book i pretty much turned my back on the republic and most of the jedi order and all my alligence was transferred to the Mandos and the GAR.
And its good to hear ur favs too -F3TT-!
Ive never really cared for the jedi order in the first place...intill i read the legacy of the force series, then I started to care what happened to em.
But as for Fi...I feel sorry for him I really do...just...uhg.
And for my favorite sqaud it has to be Delta sqaud, their hard core. As for my favourite clone: I really have no idea, and then again I like them as a whole. As an army.
((But (one of) my fav ARC trooper would be Jangotat who appeared in the novel: The Cestus Deception. But thats as much as I can narrow it down))
((But (one of) my fav ARC trooper would be Jangotat who appeared in the novel: The Cestus Deception. But thats as much as I can narrow it down))
Oh yea i remember him! He was cool too ;)
Sev Fett wrote:Pretty much. Ugh it was terrible. The loss of a good man. But maybe there is hope for him. We notice Venku was wearing some of his armor so...
i really hope he is able to regain the skills he lost, this is gonna sound rediculous but i was really disturbed by what happened to him. And they were ready to pull the plug too! after that book i pretty much turned my back on the republic and most of the jedi order and all my alligence was transferred to the Mandos and the GAR.
And its good to hear ur favs too -F3TT-!
Yeah, I've probably read about 90% of all SW novels, but RC's my favorite. Mandos and Commandos are simply awesome though--I love how Traviss has portrayed them. The Republic and Jedi, I have little problem with, but I don't love them. And yeah, the Newer Jedi are cooler--you actually know some of the characters. And I was pissed about Fi. I think he'll be fine--maybe not able to fight, but he'll live and recover some. If he didn't, KT'd have people hunting her, I bet.
Jangotat's not bad, but I freaking love the Nulls.
--Captain Dynamic--
Jangotat's not bad, but I freaking love the Nulls.
i COMPLELTEY agree, the Nulls are beyond awesome and i share your love for them. if i had to pick a favorite Null, it would be a tie between Ordo and Mereel.
Man I think Ordo is crazy. I love Fi's quote about him. "He'll rip your arm off and hit you with the soggy end."
Or something like that. Had me rolling around. Because it's true. I like the game he got into at the end with the ARC that he had taken out at the beginning. And then there was the one where Fi or someone was making fun of his kama.
Man I think Ordo is crazy. I love Fi's quote about him. "He'll rip your arm off and hit you with the soggy end."
Or something like that. Had me rolling around. Because it's true. I like the game he got into at the end with the ARC that he had taken out at the beginning. And then there was the one where Fi or someone was making fun of his kama.
LOL yea that quote about Ordo sounds about right. And it was Fi making fun of his kama, he called it a skirt lol

I kind of liked ARC Trooper Alpha from the comics. Pretty much told the Jedi how it was going to go down and used them for their abilities, for a change, during the First Battle of Kamino.
I'm disappointed we never know what happens to him, though, after Asaaj Ventress steals the medical transport he's on and takes off.
As for my favorite group? Probably the "Muunilinst 10," especially during thier mission to Hypori to rescue the Jedi there from General Grievous.
That's the best fight scene from the Clone Wars cartoons for me. Especially their Republic Gunship all painted up with the Rancor teeth and eyes on the front. Very WWII looking nose art. Reminds me of the Flying Tigers and their shark teeth painted P-40 Warhawks.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I kind of liked ARC Trooper Alpha from the comics. Pretty much told the Jedi how it was going to go down and used them for their abilities, for a change, during the First Battle of Kamino.
I'm disappointed we never know what happens to him, though, after Asaaj Ventress steals the medical transport he's on and takes off.
As for my favorite group? Probably the "Muunilinst 10," especially during thier mission to Hypori to rescue the Jedi there from General Grievous.
That's the best fight scene from the Clone Wars cartoons for me. Especially their Republic Gunship all painted up with the Rancor teeth and eyes on the front. Very WWII looking nose art. Reminds me of the Flying Tigers and their shark teeth painted P-40 Warhawks.
wow i have never heard of Alpha, but he sounds awesome. And the "Muuilinst 10" from the Clone Wars were seriously awesome. I LOVE those Gunships from their mission to Hypori. I loved that because it reminded me of the P-40 Warhawks too. I actually own two of those types of Gunships for my Clone figures.
Hmmm... tough, cause I'm a big RC fan... Probably Delta, because I read the books after I played the game, and I instantly liked them. And they are pod brothers. Omega's cool, Since some couldn't remember it's (Niner, Darman, Fi, and Atin.) , but Delta takes the cake. Probably Sev, with Scorch in close second, and Boss and Fixer tied. I like Fixer because he is so serious and he likes the vibroblade. For some reason, it strikes me as funny, like in True Colors, when Boss says, "I hope you brought the swim suits" to Fixer, and Fixer just looks at him. Anyway, After that, the 501st is cool. Oh yeah, I really like Ordo and the nulls. Ordo is cool, and he's named after my favorite KOTOR party member. I don't know what squad Bacara 1138 is from, but he's cool.
Its good to know that Delta and Omega have other fans out there! And WHOOOO another Sev and Null fan! Good to hear your favs Merciless Mandalore!
Commander Appo, Sev, Fi, and Mereel are my favorites. Fixer actually does speak sometimes, like when he said Kal would eat a Kaminoan only if he had hot sauce. He just doesn't speak enough for me to like him.
Commander Appo, Sev, Fi, and Mereel are my favorites. Fixer actually does speak sometimes, like when he said Kal would eat a Kaminoan only if he had hot sauce. He just doesn't speak enough for me to like him.
LOL i rememeber when he said that! And Commander Appo is in the book "Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader" right? I love that book!
Same. That book was great!
Speaking of that book Climber is also cool. Wait to not go with Order 66.
Speaking of that book Climber is also cool. Wait to not go with Order 66.
I agree, I was so happy to read that part! But then he was snuffed out :(
I can't wait for Karen Traviss' next book! I want to find out what will happen to Fi! I hope he doesn't remain near-braindead.
Well all we know is that Venku gets some of his armor.
I can't wait for Karen Traviss' next book! I want to find out what will happen to Fi! I hope he doesn't remain near-braindead.
Oh man me neither! I am counting down the days until it's out! I was so upset when that happened to Fi!
Its funny, because I read Hard Contact before I played the game, so I am kinda partical to Darman. But I also love Sev for being nuts in that way of his and Scorch because he's funny( and slightly because his voice in the game is the same as Carth from Kotor :P)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
You know I never noticed that about Scorch. I'm going to have to play the game and listen. I played KOTOR a fair while after the Commandos.
I like both Delta and Omega squads. I hope Darman and Etain end up together but I have a feeling that Etain will meet a messy end :(
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I dont know the squads well enough, so i dont think I really have a favorite. As for favorite single clone trooper...Commander Vill.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Speaking of that book Climber is also cool. Wait to not go with Order 66.
Yeah, way to resist peer pressure, Climber!! Don't they teach the clones ANYTHING on Kamino? I mean, c'mon!
--Captain Dynamic--
Fordo. I love Able, too.
Yeah i thought they sounded the same so I checked the credits, and yup, same actor Debarge something or other.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
my favorite clone is scorch or commander neyo.
i love scorches attitude and neyos armor.
favorite squad or group.....the 501st legion
Yeah, way to resist peer pressure, Climber!! Don't they teach the clones ANYTHING on Kamino? I mean, c'mon!
lol I agree Werda Verd!
It's great to hear of everyone's favorite clones and squads!
I also thought Vill was pretty interesting in Dark Times.
Its funny, because I read Hard Contact before I played the game, so I am kinda partical to Darman. But I also love Sev for being nuts in that way of his and Scorch because he's funny( and slightly because his voice in the game is the same as Carth from Kotor :P)
You know, I beat Republic Commando, then played KOTOR a year later, then my 360 did the red ring of death so I fished out my old xbox and rebeat Rep Com again (best SW shooter ever!) and I didn't notice until Kashyyyk, but I did notice that.
Yea...it took until like the 10th time I beat the game for me to notice that Scorch's voice was Carth's. I actually looked it up on the computer to be sure...and there it was lol
So good to see so many Clone fans out there :D Especially RepCom fans ;)
I didn't know until Si told me, Carth groupie that she is...... :P
I am a huge Carth goupie as well...and if I wasn't I probably wouldn't have noticed the voice :P
My favourite clone troopers are:
Delta-38 (the Boss)
My favorite clone would have to be captain Rex. He just kicks butt.
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