Topic: Computer Help
I am not super knowlageable about computers and lately its just be one thing after another. I figure I'd ask you guys.
I NEED to get myself my own laptop, but I wont untill i can get the internet working on my sisters laptop, so i know it will be working for my new fancy machine.
I am having problems setting up a wireless network on the computer, because now i just am able to steal an open wireless signal. This is where i get the problem of having the computer saying i am connected to the internet, being able to run messinger and yet not load any web pages.When i try to set up wireless network with the high speed dsl modem (IT HAS AN ANTENNA THINGY! and is on the verizon website for the this purpose) the laptop says this error 871122. When I go online and try the steps they say.. the results are different than what mircosoft says it should be.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm not even sure which tech support to start fighting with first.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."